Category: Notre Dame

Blog posts related to the University of Notre Dame, including posts from the early 2000s “PW Blog” (Pasquerilla West, my dorm)

  • BetterWorldBooks

    I randomly followed a Twitter link today to a blog by a fellow Sydney I.T. person and started reading a post about “humanising a product.” I was amused to see this bit in an email from a book he’d ordered:

    “I can’t believe I’m leaving Mishawaka, Indiana already – the friendly people, the Hummer plant, the Linebacker Lounge – so many memories.”

    HA! I had to know more. You don’t see Mishawaka references every day over here! The email was from BetterWorldBooks, a company that sells new and used books to fund literacy projects around the world. It turns out it was founded by three Notre Dame grads in 2002! What a great idea. I don’t remember any of their names… I wonder if I knew them.

    Edited 21/03/2025: original blog link is dead and not archived.

  • Go girls!

    Wow. Thirty-five years after admitting women, Notre Dame finally elected an all-female ticket to the office of Student Body President and Vice President. Well done, ladies!

  • Rudy wept.

    Snookums went to university at sixteen. His college, Wesley College, would set up its own in-house bar during special events. St. Paul’s College, next door, had its own permanent licensed pub. Students would go on pub crawls through Sydney that would visit thirty and forty establishments. Upperclassmen would host cocktail hour in their rooms. And guess what? Everyone survives. People still form meaningful relationships. People do other things besides drink.

    What’s the point of this? Notre Dame has banned dorm dances. Doesn’t sound like such a big thing, but it’s yet another tradition that’s been stripped away in recent years under the guise of “moving focus away from drinking”. Ten years ago, Domers would’ve never dreamed that camping out for football tickets would be banned, or that Sophomore Sibs weekend would be cancelled, or that dances would have to move off-campus. My dorm’s signature event, Queen Week, will probably be cancelled, since it exists in support of our annual fall informal. No more Lewis Crush, no more Alumni Wake, no more Pop Farley.

    This is a sad day for Notre Dame. I think Brigita put it best: Rudy wept. I only hope the students manage to mount some resistance to this policy. If there’s any cause they’d rally around, this is it.

  • Go ND

    Notre Dame blew out their first round opponent… but now we face top-ranked Duke. Hopefully St. Paddy’s day will give us some Irish luck!

  • Go ND!

    Holy crap! How did I miss this? Notre Dame’s in the NCAA Tournament! Go Irish!

  • Parietals

    Wow. There’s an article at the Observer about a girl from Howard Hall who was banned from the dorm after breaking parietals. I can’t believe that the punishment is so harsh. I always had the impression that a lot of coed sleep-overs happened on campus, but this makes it sound like they’re really cracking down.

  • EuroDisney

    Did I mention that this weblog is now All About Me? Good. Here, look at my pictures from EuroDisney. Perhaps you’ll be more inclined to leave comments about them than my witty and incisive Notre Dame commentary.

  • Ugh.

    Yeah, so we lost to I.U. Big whoop. I’d like to point out that Troy Murphy, our best player and the #2 high scorer in the country, sprained his ankle two days earlier. Not that I’m making excuses or anything.

  • Bob

    Bob Davie signs 5-year contract extension! Check out the news from Yahoo! and ESPN.

  • ND vs IU

    I’m a Hoosier, and I’d like nothing more than to see ND beat the pants off I.U. this week. At the same time, though, I almost don’t want I.U. to get their ass kicked all season, because I feel that will vindicate a lot of the people who think getting rid of Knight was a mistake. And I do think the man had some, uh, issues.