*sniff* Here’s a letter from a nurse who’s worked with Scott Delgadillo, the young Irish fan fighting leukemia. She thanks everybody at the University for supporting him.
Category: Notre Dame
Blog posts related to the University of Notre Dame, including posts from the early 2000s “PW Blog” (Pasquerilla West, my dorm)
Nicely done
The Observer is making up for a crap news day yesterday. AND they endorse Al Gore!
Remember that?!
More on the Finnegan’s raid. There’s even a reference to that guy who got shot back in ’97 walking home from a bar. Remember THAT?
Uh, okay.
Since Sophomore Sibs got cancelled last year, the Sophomore Class has come up with something new: a Class Ball. It’s literally supposed to be, like, Prom for college students.
That sucks.
The Observer is reporting that the Jerusalem program has been cancelled due to Middle East violence. That sucks.
Damn, the Observer sucks today.
Slow news day
This is the weakest excuse for news reporting I’ve ever seen. “Chelsea Clinton may attend Oxford.” Apparently Chelsea and her mom were in a jewelry store when the owner asked what she’s going to do after Stanford. She said she wasn’t sure, but she had a few ideas, including possibly studying economics at Oxford. Okay, two things: 1) Big whoop. Who cares. 2) This doesn’t mean she’s seriously going to attend Oxford. When I was a senior I said random shit like that all the time. *sigh*
ND Football
This analyst from ESPN says ND’s in a good position to qualify for a BCS game. Sweet.
ND Football
Nice. We’re higher on the Bowl Championship Series rankings than we are on the AP and Coaches’ Polls!