Day One: The renovation has begun! The builders made quick work of the old flooring, and they started removing doors and closet fittings too. (Don’t expect photos every day. We’re going to try to bother them as little as possible!) 🏠 🚧
Category: Photo Post
Images and videos that I’ve taken on-the-go
She’s everything. He’s just a monkey.
You didn’t think I forgot about the Oscars, did you? With one week to go, I’m happy to announce the fifteenth (semi-)annual Web-Goddess Oscar Contest has officially launched! 🎉
Time to put on Dua Lipa so you can dance the night away with Barbie and Ken…
This year you get two monkeys, each of which have two outfits. Barbie has her iconic pink gingham outfit from the start of the movie, as well as her Venice Beach rollerblading kit. Ken has his rollerblading kit too, as well as his Mojo Dojo outfit complete with custom fanny pack and fringed vest. And if you’re going to do a patriarchy, of course you need a fur.
Contest results: Congrats to Shilpa Anand, who got 12/13 predictions correct and tied with 3 other people for the top spot. It then went to the In Memoriam tiebreaker, where Shilpa managed to guess the EXACT number – 51. CONGRATULATIONS SHILPA!
More monkey construction info: The monkeys each have blue button eyes and (lots of) yarn hair. For the rollerblading outfits, why yes, that is the exact psychedelic neon print from their movie outfits, thank you for noticing! I found it on Spoonflower and had a fat quarter printed, which was more than enough. For the neon pink and yellow fabric, I bought some cheap high-vis shirts at Kmart and cut them up. Ken’s vest is made of fake leather from an old handbag, and his mohair coat is a Kmart cushion that I disassembled.
Web-Goddess Oscar Contest Sock Monkey History
Twenty-one years ago (😱), I thought it would be fun to run a contest and give away a sock monkey. I then kept that up for 10 years running, and you can see the history of my creations below. These days I only do it when the inspiration strikes…
2022 – Spider-Monkeys
2021 – Schitt’s Creek Sock Monkeys
2019 – Freddie Monkcury
2013 – The Avenger Monkeys
2012 – The Monkey with the Dragon Tattoo
2011 – Black Swan and White Swan ballerina monkeys
2010 – Sparkly Emo Vampire Sockmonkey playset
2009 – Batman and Joker monkeys
2008 – Striking Writer Monkey
2007 – Trio of Dream Monkeys
2006 – Gay Sock Monkey Cowboys
2005 – Soctopus
2004 – Plain sock monkey
2003 – Oscar the Sock Monkey -
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Sydney Park on a beautiful day with the Snook. 🌳☀️❤️
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Did you know the fashion industry is the second biggest polluter on the planet? As someone who cares about the environment – but also loves to buy and make clothes – this bothers me. So today I joined with many of my @amazonaustralia and @awscloudanz colleagues to volunteer at @thread_together, who take donations of new, unsold clothing from retailers that would otherwise go to landfill, and instead give it to people who need it. We assembled boxes; we unpacked pallets of stock; and we filled orders for delivery. I helped pick clothes for women and kids at a shelter, a single mom with babies, and an older couple. We also got to hear how Thread Together partner with other organisations, like the amazing Rachael Natoli at the @lokahifoundation (who support victims of domestic violence in Sydney). I felt really inspired by what these folks are doing, and I will definitely be donating and volunteering again in the future. Thanks to Amazon and my colleagues who pitched in today! ❤️
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SHONEN KNIFE!!! Basking in absolute joy as a couple 60yo Japanese women (and their younger but still kickass drummer) tore the roof off the Crow Bar. 🎸 I was so happy when they played “Twist Barbie,” but then towards the end they launched into “Buttercup (I’m a Super Girl)” and I lost my damn mind. I first listened to this band in high school, and to finally see them in person was beyond what my 16yo self would have imagined.
And we ate some excellent BBQ too. 😂❤️
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Unexpected pleasures of the new apartment: getting a glimpse of the Harbour Bridge and Opera House from the train on my commute, and the Snook charring tomato skins on the gas stovetop…
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This is a story about two silly people who bought a ridiculously large, very thin OLED TV and then *threw the box away*, not realising they’d be moving house a year later. The movers took one look at it and went, “Yeah, nah.” So today we rented a van and spent a good hour figuring it out. We had to move it upright, lifting from the very heavy base and trying not to touch or bend the screen at all, down 7 steps and out to the van. Rodd flatly (and wisely) refused my (illegal) suggestion that he ride back there and hold the base himself. We got it inside and stood it against the cage, padding the front with cushions and using tape to keep it from flexing backwards. Then we strapped down the base, and I drove us across town as smoothly as I could. The dodgiest bit was getting it out of the van, but thankfully a new neighbour lent a hand. Then up the lift and into the apartment, where I’m happy to report it still works! 😅📺
Moral of the story: ALWAYS SAVE THE BOX. (Start tuned for the sequel when we have to do this again in 6 months…)
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We’re wiped out, but it went about as well as it could. A few more bits and pieces to pick up tomorrow, but we’re in. 😅
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I think we’re ready? #famouslastwords 🚚
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Great news! We picked up the keys today for our rental apartment overlooking Sydney Park. We’ve got just over 2 weeks to clear out the house. (Anybody got an old extra fridge? Ours won’t fit…) #renovation