Frocktober #9. I defy this crappy, grey, wintry weather. DEFY IT!
Category: Photo Post
Images and videos that I’ve taken on-the-go
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Frocktober #8. It’s the gumboots that really pull the outfit together. -
Washi Dress
Frocktober #7. This is the Washi Dress I made this past weekend!
For those who are interested, this is the Washi Dress. I made mine out of cotton voile. When I went to cut, it occurred to me that the voile was rather sheer. So I made a spur-of-the-moment decision to “underline” it (i.e. use a double-thickness of fabric). I’ve never done that before, so I had to figure it out as I went. It doesn’t help that I’m completely shite at cutting so two pieces never match up perfectly. And of course, I didn’t have quite enough fabric to cut two of every piece so I had to go back to Lincraft for more. It still turned out pretty well! I also got to have my first attempt at shirring, which is like magic. Overall it’s a bit “baby doll” on me, but I think it’s a nice summer dress. Oh, and POCKETS!
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Frocktober #6. Mod superhero. -
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Frocktober #5. I wore my Docs because I felt like kicking Monday’s ass. -
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New dress nearly finished! Just need to hem and finish armholes. -
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Greetings. I come in peace from Planet Alfoil. -
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Frocktober #4. Day of the Dead. -
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Frocktober #3. Kinda preppy. I made my skirt! -
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Frocktober #2.