Gnawing on a turkey leg at my desk, just like our caveman ancestors used to do.
Category: Photo Post
Images and videos that I’ve taken on-the-go
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Bionic Kris – better, stronger, faster… (hopefully). -
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My name is Kris and I am a Pretzel Addict. And today I think I hit rock bottom. #halp -
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Jonathan Rhys-Davies going on and on (and on and on) at tonight’s Raiders screening. Very cool. -
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Fancy dinner courtesy of @the_snook: Mustardy Salmon in a Packet with Asparagus and carrots. Yum. -
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Election Day! I was tempted to wear my bike helmet so my voting priorities were clearly identifiable. #teamclover #libssuck -
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How to motivate your devs: zucchini bread! -
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Aine and I enjoying the sun at our first official Rocks Social Knitting Group. -
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Got "Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy" on my knee. Happily, I can start running again!! -
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Prepping for the next embroidery. I’m kind of a genius. #magnificent #notclassy