Dinner tonight: Caveman Pops (Roast Turkey Legs), Pumpkin, Zucchini. #paleo
Category: Photo Post
Images and videos that I’ve taken on-the-go
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Finally nearing the end of these socks! Which is good, because I’m sick of them.
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Dinner tonight: Rainbow Trout with Almonds, Pumpkin, and Beans. #paleo
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Dinner tonight: Slow Roasted Lamb Shoulder, Silverbeet, Capsicum, and Beans. #paleo
Edited to add: The lamb is Mark Vetri’s Slow Roasted Lamb Shoulder, and it was excellent. I saw the recipe last week, and fortunately our butcher had a great deal on lamb shoulders. (2 for $30!) You actually brine it in the fridge for 3 days. I modified the recipe a bit. I just did one shoulder, which was about half the size he specified. I used dried rosemary instead of fresh, and I cut down on the sugar a bit. It all went into a big Ziplock and then sat in the fridge getting tasty. Today I cooked it in the slow cooker rather than the oven. I rested it on a bed of onions, carrots, and celery. It smelled AMAZING when we got home. I pulled out the shoulder and set it on a tray to cool. The bones slid out easily. In the recipe, he has you slice it and then fry the chunks for extra crispness. Instead I sorta pulled it apart into shreds on the tray, then whacked it under the grill for a few minutes. Yummy, salty, lamby goodness! The only drawback to the slow cooker is you don’t get nice roast veggies to have with it. (Mine were cooked into mush, which I attempted to turn into a gravy.) Still, a great way to use a cheap, flavourful cut. Will definitely do this one again.
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Photoshoot in the office! Very cool. -
Last year I decided to try something different so I signed up for a quilting club with some of the fine folks from MeFi. It’s called MetaQuilter, and I’m in the “adventurous” group. Each month a different member (the “designer”) sends out fabric and instructions for making blocks. The rest of us all sew the blocks and then send them back to the designer. I’ve just finished February’s blocks so I thought I’d show off what I’ve done so far:
The first four were for January. The block pattern is called Nonesuch. They were trickier than they look. One of the group members figured out a paper piecing technique that made things a lot simpler. Apparently the finished quilt is going to look something like this. So it’ll be a traditional pattern in some distinctly modern colours!
The other two blocks are called New York Beauty, and they were definitely a challenge. The pointy bits in the arcs were done with proper paper piecing, and at first it broke my brain. I watched YouTube videos; I read tutorials; and I still did everything wrong. My seam ripper definitely saw some use. But then after setting it aside for a few days – it totally clicked! I figured it out. I even made the second one a bit more complicated just for fun. Sewing the curved bits together was stressful but I didn’t do too badly. I can’t wait to see what this finished quilt looks like…
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Achievement unlocked! Paper piecing AND curved seams. I am victorious!
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New basket and bike pump!
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The Dudette abides. (It’s too hot to wear my bathrobe.) -
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Baking PB cookies in a shameless attempt to make my new co-workers like me…