Category: Photo Post

Images and videos that I’ve taken on-the-go

  • Allez cuisine!

    This week was our highly-anticipated dinner with Iron Chefs Sakai and Chen at the Observatory Hotel here in Sydney. I was kicking myself the whole time that I’d forgotten to print out the photo of me and Snook dressed as Sakai and Kaga. (And of course, I couldn’t print it out at work because the site was down. *grumble*) But that niggling annoyance aside, I was excited and rarin’ to go. We met up with Toast and Shan and headed in. We had a small table for four in the back corner of the Globe Bar with a big TV screen right beside us (for watching all the kitchen action). Shan and I took photos of every course, but I’m not going to bother posting them because Not Quite Nigella has written it all up way better than I ever could. Seriously, if you want to see and read about what we ate, go over there. I will say that my favorites were definitely Chen’s mud crab soup and his signature mapo tofu, but that my least favorite was the soup that went with the mapo tofu. Afterwards, we all rushed out into the lobby for a chance to get autographs and photos.

    Me, Snook, and the Iron Chefs

    Neither of them spoke English very well, so I chose my words carefully. “Chef Sakai, do you know ‘Halloween’?” I asked as I approached. “Halloween, yes!” he said cheerfully. “I WAS YOU!” I blurted out. “And him,” pointing at the Snook, “he was CHAIRMAN KAGA!” They laughed and laughed.

    Final tally of weird/unfamiliar stuff that I ate that I never would’ve eaten five years ago: salmon mousse, braised carp, caviar, jellyfish, calamari, sea urchin roe, foie gras, kinugasa mushrooms, mud crab (with roe), lobster tail, and shark fin (we guessed there was some in the soup I didn’t care for). And while all that sounds really exotic, the dishes weren’t really “out there.” It’s not like I had a pile of any of those things; they were mostly used in tiny amounts as interesting flavours or textures. I had the definite impression that the Chefs were toning down the weirdness factor for Western palates. (Case in point: Sadly, no fish ice cream.)


    Here’s an extremely blurry shot of the Snook and I enjoying our champagne cocktails at the start of the evening.

    Snook guesses

    Halfway through the night, we played a game where everyone tried to guess where a mystery wine was from. The Snook made it the furthest out of the four of us. Here he is contemplating his next answer. (He didn’t win.)


    The desserts really were something out of this world. Here’s the Snook checking out the pannacotta on top of the upturned martini glass. We were all a little unsure how to approach this. It was nummy though.

    Me and Snook

    Everyone wants to know whether we got enough food for the money, and whether we were stuffed at the end of the night. Well, there was plenty of food. The portions were a good size (given that we had seven courses) and I’m not sure I could’ve eaten any more at the end of it. It just took so long! We were there a good five hours. Five hours of eating and drinking wine is actually pretty tiring. Here’s me and the Snook at the end of the night, just wanting to get our photo and go home to bed.

    Toast, Shan, and the Chefs

    Here are our other two tablemates, Toast and Shan. Thumbs up all around!

  • Our New Gaudy Laneway

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    See? I told you it looks like Vegas. What a waste of money and electricity! None of the shops around it are even open at night.

  • Catching a train…

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    Just waiting for the 2:05 back to Sydney. Geez, it’s hot. It was a great weekend but I think I’m all knitted out.

  • Steeking Workshop

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    I am the Hermione of fairisle knitting today! It’s a little embarrassing. Also: other than one lady’s 10-year-old daughter, I’m the youngest person here. Rock and roll…

  • On the train heading north…

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    We’re all packed up and on our way to Knitters’ Guild Camp! Wish me and Miss Fee luck as we battle the blue-hairs and practice our mad skillz…

  • Relaxing at the Botanic Gardens

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    It’s a beautiful Spring day, too lovely to be inside.

    Later: I had the day off but I was getting antsy just sitting in front of the computer (especially since I was obsessively checking my e-mail for any message regarding the job). So I headed out to have a picnic lunch with the Snook in Hyde Park. Then I walked down to visit the Art Gallery of NSW for the first time. (I know; that’s pathetic. I’ve been here nearly six years!) I explored the Australian and European collection on the ground floor, and there were a few pieces I especially liked: Snowdrop and the Seven Little Men, Bailed Up, The Camp, and Ned Kelly. That last one is actually a giant tapestry based on Sidney Nolan’s painting Kelly and the Horse. The colours and the scale of it are just amazing to see up close. (I had visions of reinterpreting it as a quilt or a knitted piece.) I was a little disappointed not to see more of the famous Australian works I was expecting (having seen the tapestry canvases so many times) but a sign informed me that they were away on loan for a few months. I headed back out into the sunshine and down to the Botanic Gardens. I’m always amazed every time I go there. Flowers were blooming, tourists were picnicking, ibises were screeching, and fruit bats were chattering. I spread out my blanket and spent the next hour reading Kavalier and Clay under the blue, blue sky. There are worse ways to spend an afternoon…

  • 702 ABC Knit-In

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    It’s me and Bex, proudly representing the non-blue-hairs! Miss Fee and Lara are with us too. Shame on all you slackasses still in bed!

  • Pinkification commences!

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    Stage two. We’re talking serious, day-glo, cartoon character PINK here.

  • First, we bleach.

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    The Great Pinkification begins! Stay tuned for the Tonks transformation…