Category: Photo Post

Images and videos that I’ve taken on-the-go

  • Sunrise

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    Well, there we are… (minus Miss Fee, of course, who is taking the picture). As soon as we arrived this morning they told us that they weren’t going to be able to chat with us after all, due to time constraints. Getting bumped is now the story of my media career! (I suppose it’s to be expected given that my appearances usually fall under the category of “human interest” stories, aka “filler.”) So they stuck us in the same little room where we knitted with Nuala and cut back to us several times throughout the show. Apparently Mel and Kochie were arguing with the producers the whole time about coming up to see us, and eventually the “talent” won out. I got to sit next to Kochie! He really is a giant. (And no, he didn’t tell me about his Wednesday night adventures, Robert.) And that’s basically it. Oh, but that bit where they were marveling at the person knitting the “tube”? That was me, working on the Snook’s next sweater. So it ended up being pretty boring in the end, but we’ll see if we can’t get some video up for those of you who missed it…

    Update: The Snook just sent me an awesome screengrab. I actually look really good! It’s so weird; that’s not what I thought I looked like at all. I’d only glanced at the monitor and I think my brain filled in the details with my old self-image. That’s AWESOME. And man, I should get a commission for advertising those Crocs!

  • I really shouldn’t have to say this.

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    I’ve had all I can stand, and I can’t stands no more!

    Later: Oh, good grief. My browser history is riddled with this stuff. I’m about *thisclose* to naming and shaming, people!

  • Bring on the 10K!

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    I may not have new pants, but I’ve got new shoes! And they’re all silvery and *tomorrow*.

  • I can open wide!

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    Just had my final wisdom tooth check-up with Dr. Wong, and he gave me a sticker! Upon further reflection though, it could be read as sorta rude.

  • Doped to the gills!

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    On the train home from the dentist. The last two wisdom teeth came out pretty easily. No chipmunk cheeks yet! Full recap to be posted when I get home…

  • Mad-Eye Snookums

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    There just really are no words…

  • Happy Christmas!

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    Stopped for lunch in Mudgee, the traditional Christmas crackers included. Not a cloud in the sky and merriment abounds. We hope you and yours have a great one too!

  • Dawn at the Zoo

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    They opened the zoo today so the weekend isn’t a total loss. No sign of the murderer. We’re off to see the meerkat feeding! And isn’t my hubbie rockin’ that Hawaiian shirt?

  • Christmas Manhunt

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    Six hours into the trip and we just got a message that they’ve closed the zoo… because there’s a MURDERER on the loose. Seriously. This will be quite the adventure.

  • New sunnies!

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    Damn, it has been hot and sunny these last few days. I’m frantically trying to get the shop website ready for the start of our Christmas sale on Saturday – Shhh! – but I took a few minutes at lunch to buy these from a dodgy geezer outside Coles. They’re supposedly “genuine Ray-Bans” and they set me back $20. (Ray-Ban is at least spelled correctly; no SORNY for me!) And can I just say, I am loving myself sick in this black tank top! I am mesmerized by the sight of my own collarbones. (Related note: I just realized I can tighten my belt to the last hole!)