Category: Photo Post

Images and videos that I’ve taken on-the-go

  • Massive Cans

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    Everytime I see this sign, I hear it in Gob Bluth’s voice.

    And on a related note, our Korean high school student has started her week-long “work experience” with us. ANNYONG!

  • Truffle Shuffle

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    I was reminiscing to the Snook about the truffle mash we had the other night at Tabou when he said, “Why don’t we put a truffle stuffing in the turducken?” And then I turned into Homer Simpson and drooled all down my shirt. Thus at lunchtime today we found ourselves at the David Jones Food Hall eyeing these fresh Italian truffles. “Does that really say THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS a kilo?” It did. So we turned and headed to the “gourmet foods” section, where a nice customer service lady pointed us to preserved truffles, truffle oil, and truffle salsa (from Tetsuya’s!). We went with $30 worth of preserved truffle. The things we do for our guests…

  • OCD Cleaning Services

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    I bet they get your house REALLY clean.

  • Kitty in Jail!

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    Okay, she’s not really in jail. This is just Dr. Amy’s favorite sunning spot in our bedroom window (as seen through the security bars on the street).

  • Mobisodes… Puke!

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    Every time I see this ad I grit my teeth. MOBISODES. Cursed be the “hip” advertising exec who came up with that one.

    Later: And yeah, I realize that “moblog” is just as silly, but really, we needed a new word for that one. Like “podcasting.” There was no need to coin a new word here when good old “episode” still works. Stupid marketing asshats…

  • Pogoing like I’m 19

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    She’s Lump, she might be dead! At the PUSA show with Amy. Rockin’ like it’s 1996! Peaches for me…

    Later: Wow, fantastic show. That’s the first time I’ve ever heard Australians chanting “USA! USA!” (and most likely the last). The Presidents evidently have a new album out but they deferred to the crowd and mixed in all of their old hits. (I have never seen a crowd pogo like they did during “Kitty.”) People were actually crowd-surfing! It was like we fell through a hole into the mid-90’s. Tripod nearly stole the show for me though. They were hilarious. I had to cover my face during the “You may be a little autistic” song because I was laughing so hard…

  • Cheers Big Ears!

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    It’s beer o’ clock and we’re down at the Australian Beer Festival! Very warm and crowded, but the beer is good…

  • White-knuckled terror

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    In over five years, this is the first time I’ve ever been in a car the Snook was driving. Love means trust, folks!

  • Easy Rider

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    Driving on the M4 towards Katoomba. No accidents yet!

  • Deep in the suburbs…

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    We’re so STUFFED. That was surreal. Chili’s Oz is exactly the same as the US (but with slightly less crap on the walls). And YAY, we got chips with ranch!