Category: Random Links

Links that I’m reading/watching/listening to/thinking about

  • Which Buffy couple are you?

    I was very disappointed at first with my results for the Which ‘Buffy’ Couple Are You and Your Significant Other? quiz. We got “Willow and Xander”, which sounds sorta non-sexual and crappy. But now that I think about it, it’s actually not that bad. We’re big dorks who are best friends and like to hang out and watch TV together. I’ll go with that. And hey, they’re like the only couple that still has a functioning relationship on the show. So that’s good, right?

    Update: Snookums informed me that he took the test and he got Buffy and Angel. “But I don’t know what your answers were, ” he sniffed. So evidently we’re somewhere in the middle. 🙂

  • Final Straw

    This news story claims that REM has a war protest song available for download at their site, but I sure as heck can’t find it.

  • Rap vs Hip-hop

    Ask Yahoo tries to define the difference between rap and hip-hop. Me, I still don’t get it. I’m loving this “Mundian To Bachke (Knight Rider Remix)” by Punjabi MC though. It’s from Bend It Like Beckham and it’s kinda like Indian rap. I heard it on the radio the other day and immediately started bopping like I was in a Bollywood film.

  • Woohoo!

    Australia have won the Cricket World Cup in devastating fashion. The top order finally managed to kick some ass and the bowlers took out India’s top batsman in the first over. I love what this article has to say about Gilchrist: “Nor did the presence of a packed field prevent him cutting through and over point with the sort of flashing blade more commonly associated with wielders of the epee.” I think some purple prose is indeed in order.

  • NO WAR

    Wow! Two guys climbed the Sydney Opera House this morning and painted “NO WAR” on it in giant red letters. While I admire the sentiment, couldn’t they have defaced an unattractive building? Like, say, Kirribilli House?

  • Boycott the Oscars?

    Some idiot thinks the world should boycott watching the Academy Awards to send an anti-war message to President Bush. That might work, you know, if Bush had anything at all to do with the Oscars. What a stupid idea. Like he cares. He probably thinks it’s all heathen and sinful anyway.

  • Ebert’s Predictions

    Check out Ebert’s Oscar predictions. I like it when he gets all worked up over Scorsese. And did you catch the fact that he’s got an iPod? Ebert’s a Mac user! I just knew it.

  • Sick

    I think I work in a sick building.

  • Ebert’s at it again

    Now he takes on Bush for believing God is on his side. I think he brings up some really great points. “Free will must be absolute or it is not free. God is not a coach who allows the quarterback to make most of the decisions, but sometimes sends in a play from the sidelines.” Amen to that.

  • Mackerelly

    Weight Watchers Recipe Cards from 1974. That’s seriously the funniest thing I’ve seen on the Web in a while. I’m going to be saying “Mackerelly” for days. (Link courtesy of Kim.)