Category: Random Links

Links that I’m reading/watching/listening to/thinking about

  • Cute Baby Animal Alert!

    “Weesa give you una bongo…”

  • Buffy convention

    Sweeeeeeet. There’s going to be a Buffy Convention in Melbourne in May! I’m trying to talk the Snook into going. (Link courtesy of orangecat.)

  • Crichet

    Bichel… Bichel… Biiiiichelllllllllllllll! (Apologies to the non-cricket fans, but Australia – previously unbeaten in the World Cup – just almost got their asses handed to them by the Kiwis. Luckily Andy Bichel, the Champion of the World, was once again available to play the hero…)

  • Zellweger

    In case there was any doubt at all, this picture clearly reestablishes Renee Zellweger as my nemesis. She’s just too friggin’ gawky and weird right now.

  • Battery problems

    This article about iBook battery problems is seriously freaking me out. Apparently some people are reporting that after the 10.2.4 OS X upgrade their batteries get drained flat in no time, and the only recourse is to get them replaced. As mine is mostly a desktop machine I keep it plugged in pretty much 24/7, so I haven’t noticed this yet. I’m almost afraid to unplug it though. Anybody else having problems?

  • Another Ebert rant

    I love it when Ebert goes off on non-movie-related rants. Now he’s got a bug up his nose about public prayer. I like his distinction between “vertical” and “horizontal” praying, but I think he’s a little unfair in saying that all public praying is done for recruitment or exclusion. I’m not religious but I went to a Catholic university, and I know that sometimes a group of people like to express their faith together. It didn’t bother me and I didn’t feel like they were going out of their way to try to convert or alienate me. Of course, I can see where having a group of Bible beaters glaring at your during a sporting event would be kind of annoying…

  • Pirates and cheekbones

    Orlando Bloom and Johnny Depp are starring in The Pirates of the Caribbean, according to this interview. I predict that the sight of such chiseled and beautiful cheekbones on the screen together will be almost too painful to look at. Almost.

  • Narnia

    Eek! I am officially out of the new movie loop. I had no idea that a Narnia film was in the works. We saw a theatrical version in London two years ago that was excellent. For some reason I never liked the BBC miniseries though. I guess the casting of Lucy as a little chubby girl with buck teeth just didn’t jibe with my imagined version. I hope they get this one right. (Thanks to Kevin for the heads-up.)

  • Getaway… to Elkhart?!

    The Snook and I flipped on the TV tonight just as the show Getaway was starting. It’s a travel show where the hosts travel around the world and tell you about great places to go. Imagine my surprise when the second segment of the show was on Elkhart, Indiana! The Aussie host was all excited to travel to the “RV Capital of the World”. He went to a motorhome convention and even visited the Shipshewana flea market and the Essenhaus! I nearly pissed myself laughing when he pronounced Amish as “Aim-ish”. The best part is that I managed to hit record on the VCR so I’ll be able to watch it whenever I’m homesick. I just can’t believe we managed to catch that right when I needed the most. It was great.

  • Cocktails

    I was just researching cocktails for a work project (as one does), when I came across a recipe for a Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster. As you all know, the effect of this drink is like “having your brains smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped round a large gold brick”. We may have to try this.