Category: Random Links

Links that I’m reading/watching/listening to/thinking about

  • Kimchi

    Ask Yahoo answers the question, “What is kimchi and how is it made?” I’ve watched my mom, grandma, and aunts eat this stuff for as long as I can remember. It’s one of the things that I wish I liked more, just to feel a little closer to that part of my identity. If you’re thinking of trying it, though, you should know that it’s really hot. Really hot.

  • Moo.

    So London is doing the cow thing. Sheesh. I’m glad I left. (Link courtesy of anon.)

  • Punk Fui

    Brigita found a great article called “Punk Fui” that explains the basic principles of feng shui. According to that, our “money” corner is filled with dustbunnies and an overloaded power outlet. That doesn’t sound good. Our “marriage” corner, on the other hand, is where our two computers sit in networked harmony. That’s pretty appropriate, I think.

  • Gross

    Titanic Super SlideI’ve been meaning to blog this for ages. Have you guys seen the Titanic Super Slide? I first learned about it last year when my Dad reported that they had one at the County Fair back home. It’s an actual giant inflated Titanic ship, half sunk in the “water”, that you climb up in order to slide down the “deck”. Just like when those wacky Irish steerage passengers did it in the movie! Isn’t that fun, kids? I couldn’t believe it. In the end I chalked it up to Indiana bad taste. (Not that we Hoosiers have nothing but bad taste, but hey, we elected Dan Quayle.) But guess what I saw here in Sydney at Fair Day a few weeks ago? The damn Titanic Super Slide! Am I the only one that finds the concept of turning a historical tragedy into a children’s fairground attraction appalling? What’s next, the “Leap from the Hindenburg Bungee Jump”? The “Escape the Black Plague Haunted House”? *shudder*

  • The Little OS

    The Little OS. A charming picture story for children and Mac zealots. (Link courtesy of John.)

  • Phil

    Prince Philip did it again. This guy is hilarious. He’s, like, the English version of Dubya… except he was making embarrassing verbal faux pas years before the Bushes took office.

  • Graph paper

    It’s not a particularly fun link or anything, but here’s a site with lots of graph paper that you can print out at home. It came to my rescue today when I was trying to lay out the quilt I’m making. (Yeah, you heard that right.) Anyway, it’s a useful site to have bookmarked.

  • iPods

    iPods can be used to steal software. Well, duh. So can a friggin’ floppy disk. The real point of this article is that Apple machines were being sold in an environment where none of the sales staff had any clue how to secure them. And that’s the whole argument for the Apple retail stores, and why Apple has such a small market share anyway. CompUSA sucks.

  • RIP Spike Milligan

    R.I.P. Spike Milligan. Did you know that he was Roald Dahl‘s first choice to play Willy Wonka?

  • Wine

    Wine tasting: art or hooey?The Snook is a bit of wine connoisseur, as is his brother-in-law Smithy. (Smithy actually has a purpose-built wine cellar with all kinds of crazy high-tech gadgets measuring the humidity and temperature and stuff.) Next to those two, I feel like a complete Philistine. I can’t tell the expensive stuff from the plonk. Anyway, that’s why I found this article so amusing. It’s about a scientist who did a study on taste, especially in regards to wine. He basically concludes that all “professional tasting” is hooey, and that the experts are just making it all up. One of his particularly cheeky tricks was to serve them all a white wine, and then serve them the same wine dyed red. Everyone fell for it. See? Maybe I’m not the uncultured rube I thought. (Link via PCJM.)