Category: Random Links
Links that I’m reading/watching/listening to/thinking about
A Gorgeous Vintage 1956 Kitchen With Original GE Appliances That Has Gone Untouched for Half a Century – I am kicking myself that we didn’t go with cabinet hardware like that. Those knobs! So cool! Funnily enough, the place my dad and stepmom bought had a very retro kitchen which they’ve slowly been replacing (much to my consternation). It had a toaster and a blender BUILT INTO THE COUNTERTOP, as well as this fabulous “NuTone Transistor Intercom AM-FM Radio” in the wall.
I wish “futuristic” still meant “lots of funky buttons and knobs”. Today’s sleek button-less minimalism is sexy, but it doesn’t really make you feel like you’re living the Buck Rogers in the 25th century dream, does it?
Sleater-Kinney – A New Wave
This just made my week.
Old-school blog… right here.
Pop Culture Junk Mail was one of the first blogs I ever read. My earliest post referencing it was this one from 2001, and I remember being super excited two years later to get a link back from Gael. (The archives of the current PCJM only go back to 2005, so I had to hit the Wayback Machine to see the actual post.) Anyway, Gael recently did a “Where are they now?” post about all the old-school blogs she used to read, and it’s like revisiting my own blog roll from those days. And yay, I’m on it! I’m actually a little surprised at how many of those sites are still going.
Welcome to the Low-Cal Calzone Zone
Unflattering Pictures of Ben Wyatt – It’s a Parks & Rec day, evidently.
So bye, bye Lil Sebastian! Miss you in the saddest of fashion…
Lil Sebastian Interview – Meet Gideon, the Mini-Horse Actor From ‘Parks and Recreation’ – Now I’ve got the song stuck in my head.