Category: Random Links
Links that I’m reading/watching/listening to/thinking about
The Social Psychology of the Selfie
The Social Psychology of the Selfie – “A recent study showed more online photo sharing from people whose self-esteem is based on “public contingencies,” defined in this instance as others’ approval, physical appearance and outdoing competition.”
Note to self: Do not peer into the dark recesses of your soul before you’ve had your coffee.
These Dogs Are Probably Better Than You (or Me) at Most Things – The Triangle Blog – Grantland
These Dogs Are Probably Better Than You (or Me) at Most Things – The Triangle Blog – Grantland – LOVE IT. These dogs just made me giggle like a maniac. And then I tried to get Dr. Amy to watch, but she was too busy licking herself.
The Jeopardy! Teen Tournament Just. Got. Real. – The Triangle Blog – Grantland
The Jeopardy! Teen Tournament Just. Got. Real. – The Triangle Blog – Grantland – Ha! Leonard is awesome. I wish they still showed Jeopardy here.
Women in Tech and Empathy Work
Women in Tech and Empathy Work – Brilliant. This part rang especially true for me:
…part of me wishes I’d kept my coding skills up if only so that I could keep up my side of a tech-centric conversation, and so that I could stop having dark nights of the soul thinking that I’m playing into cliches and conventions about women in tech.
Interestingly, it was the fact that I was taking on extra “caretaker” work as a developer that led me to my career as a BA. I was the one giving presentations, writing documentation, and training users, and eventually I decided to move over to that side entirely. If my male teammates hadn’t been so slack at that side of it, I might still be writing code!
Inside the Battle of Hoth: The Empire Strikes Out | Danger Room |
Inside the Battle of Hoth: The Empire Strikes Out | Danger Room | – A military analysis of the Battle of Hoth. Yep, Vader totally screwed it up.