Category: Reading (Random Links)
Links that I’m reading
Shared today on Google Reader: Cat food packaging New rules of work posters Good Bye, Son – Holy crap. sob You can follow me on Reader here.
Shared today on Google Reader: Four-year-old learns Darth Vadar is Luke's father – Okay, so there’s one reason I can think of to have kids. You can follow me on Reader here.
Shared today on Google Reader: Fabric And Crochet Blanket You can follow me on Reader here.
Shared today on Google Reader: Chart of the day: Air conditioning, the final frontier Star Wars And Star Trek Quiet Books For Kids You can follow me on Reader here.
Shared today on Google Reader: Plush Hobbes – He’s perfect. Perfect. I might have to go to there. HTML for Babies You can follow me on Reader here.
Shared today on Google Reader: Bistecca alla Fiorentina You can follow me on Reader here.
Shared today on Google Reader: Samsung Doesn´t Copy Apple Why don’t developers dress better? Who's afraid of the seven times table? – I… had no idea that so many functioning adults had trouble with times tables. Huh. You can follow me on Reader here.
Shared today on Google Reader: Mario Tokyo Pizza, Strathfield – Bulgogi PIZZA? Today is the day for Korean Food Bastardization. Bibimbap – a Korean favourite – Jill Dupleix has messed with the WRONG cuisine, people! Ask a Korean! News: Cabbage Kimchi – Interesting! I didn’t realise that cabbage kimchi was originally a seasonal product. Disney…
Shared today on Google Reader: Stack of pancakes floor pillows Beat the Carnies: The Secrets to Winning 5 Popular State Fair Games You can follow me on Reader here.
Shared today on Google Reader: Not a lot of shops in space – Hmm. I think the collars are different. You can follow me on Reader here.