Grumpy Cat Brooch – Love it.
Category: Random Links
Links that I’m reading/watching/listening to/thinking about
Dazed and Confused
Dazed and Confused Was the Definitive Movie About the ’90s, Not the ’70s – Wow. Dazed and Confused is 20 years old. I’ve seen it a zillion times. One of the highlights of my time working at the knitting shop was meeting Parker Posey when she was in Sydney. AIR RAID FRESHMAN BITCHES!
Does Anne Hathaway News Drive Berkshire Hathaway’s Stock? – Interesting theory! I wonder if their stock has gone up since she won the Oscar?
The decline of mid-range clothing
The decline of mid-range clothing – I really need to get back to sewing, pronto.
Ron Swanson Quilt
I haven’t seen a lot of Parks and Recreation, but we watched it with the Carbos in LA and they seem to really love it. That’s how I know that they’ll freak out over this Ron Swanson Quilt – complete with actual Ron Swanson!
We Found Our Son in the Subway –
We Found Our Son in the Subway – – This made me tear up a little on the bus this morning.
You are boring.
You are boring. – Yes, universe, I get it. I talk too much.
Destiny Calling
Man and woman, preferably married, wanted for expedition to Mars – ZOMG. THIS IS OUR DESTINY.
Banana Republic Mad Men Collection
Banana Republic Mad Men Collection – Yes, please. All of it.