Lolita cover redesigned | MetaFilter – I know it’s not meant to be sexy, but I knew a guy at Notre Dame who had memorised the first paragraph of Lolita… and it was breathtaking. He later joined the priesthood. I’m not kidding.
Category: Random Links
Links that I’m reading/watching/listening to/thinking about
TweetAngel Will Call Your Small Business About Negative Tweets
TweetAngel Will Call Your Small Business About Negative Tweets – I can see where you might think this was an awkward stupid idea… but I know people who are afraid of the Internet. People who talk about Twitter the way you imagine some 1950’s authority figure to talk about rock and roll. I’ve no doubt they’d pay to get a phone call when somebody was trashing them online. I only hope that TweetAngel accepts cheques.
How Tortoiseshell Cats Show the Limits of Cloning
How Tortoiseshell Cats Show the Limits of Cloning – Aww, I knew Dr Amy Jones was one in a million already.
Baby Goats Hopping (VIDEO)
Baby Goats Hopping (VIDEO) – Dear Snook: Are you SURE we shouldn’t get a goat? Because these are ADORABLE. (Link via @imdominating.)
Five Leadership Mistakes Of The Galactic Empire – Forbes
Five Leadership Mistakes Of The Galactic Empire – Forbes – Turns out force-choking your underlings is not a recommended management strategy. Heh.
Food journal for the Paleo Diet – PaleoTrack
Food journal for the Paleo Diet – PaleoTrack – Ooh, very nicely done web app! I was able to quickly enter my breakfast for the day and see the overall breakdown of calories from fat, protein, and carbs. I’m sure the numbers would shock some of you. 70% from fat! (Delicious, satisfying fat.) That’s the only way I can make it to lunch without my tummy grumbling. And yet my weight keeps steadily trending downwards…
Psychologists confirm: Women REALLY don’t like beards | Mail Online
Psychologists confirm: Women REALLY don’t like beards | Mail Online – I am clearly a weirdo. I think Will and Keanu look way hotter with beards. I think the key is having them well-groomed. Brad Pitt looks like a mental patient with that billy goat beard.
Dub Box Camper | Uncrate
Dub Box Camper | Uncrate – Hipster SWOON. We could pretend to be Lucy and Desi in “The Long Long Trailer”!
The Good Wife
Anybody watch The Good Wife? This New Yorker article makes it sound really good. I thought it was just a soap opera. Wonder if DVDs are available…
“Morale of the story: a little woo goes a long way.” Hey, that’s my company featured in today’s Sydney Morning Herald! I am actually secretly in that photography twice. Over Paul’s head, you can see some text saying “…precious about the Retailer…”. That’s part of a “Woo” I gave a co-worker. And on Karen’s shoulder, you can see my name projected on the scoreboard.