“Pickiness: The Secret Eating Disorder Nobody’s Talking About” – Seriously? They’re actually suggesting the picky eating should be put into the DSM-V as a mental disorder?! I’ll admit I have very little patience with these people. It’s because I used to be one. And through a little effort and experimentation, I got over it. I can’t help but think, “What crybabies.” Ever notice how these disorders only show up in places like the US and UK, where indulgent parents and an abundance of food make it possible for someone to spend their whole childhood eating nothing but – ugh – chicken nuggets?
Category: Random Links
Links that I’m reading/watching/listening to/thinking about
Can We Feed the World on the Primal Blueprint Diet? – Part 1
Can We Feed the World on the Primal Blueprint Diet? – Part 1 – Good question, and worth thinking about. Sustainability isn’t cheap…
living doing
Miss our Jamie Oliver posts? Victoria over at the living doing blog is working her way through the recipes as well. (She’s using the TV series rather than the book though.) She’s got some lovely photographs too. I have a feeling it’ll be a while before the Snook and I get around to finishing off the book!
CATatelier by CatAtelier on Etsy
CATatelier by CatAtelier on Etsy – BRILLIANT. Everything about this is brilliant. Why won’t my stubborn-ass cats let me dress them up? Personal favourites: the top hat, the strawberry tie, and the James Bond open collar.
Impostor Syndrome
“I was crippled by Impostor Syndrome”: One woman’s story – If you want to understand me, you should read this. I’m not as bad as this lady, but I identify strongly with what she’s saying – especially as regards my career in IT. I always undervalue the things I’m good at and tend to disbelieve compliments when I get them. And sometimes it doesn’t help living with someone who is very clever himself. My saving grace is that there’s still a small part of my brain – maybe 15% – that is completely egotistical and thinks I’m awesome at everything. If I just listened to that part more often, I’d be unstoppable.
How Your Cat Is Making You Crazy – Magazine – The Atlantic
How Your Cat Is Making You Crazy – Magazine – The Atlantic – HOLY CRAP. I was convinced reading this that both Snook and I were infected with Toxoplasmosis and it was affecting our behaviour. I mean, men wear rumpled clothes, avoid risk, and get suspicious? Women dress nicer, court risk, and get extroverted? That’s us over the past few years to a T.
Then I got to the end where they mention that indoor cats don’t get the parasite, only outdoor cats. So we don’t have it after all. Our weirdness is fully our own.
Letters of Note: I shall always be near you
Letters of Note: I shall always be near you – Whoa. This one is even sadder. WHY AM I READING THESE?