Category: Random Links
Links that I’m reading/watching/listening to/thinking about
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- Now I Know: Flying Signs – I did not know that.
- Don’t Occupy Sydney – This person has a point.
- Play the Fooly-wed Game!
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- Cheese or font? – Wow. I suck at this game.
- The book-cooking index – The Snook introduced me to Bedford’s Law, and it blew my mind!
- Bokeh Gift Tags: Free Printable Stickers
- Now I Know: The Principality of Hutt River
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- 8 Tips to Stop Procrastinating.
- Driving a car can be pretty bad for your financial health | MetaFilter – Huh. I expected MeFi’s lefty hippies to be all over this, but instead they just think the guy is being all smug and Euro. I LOVE not having a car, and it would take a lot to ever get me to consider moving someplace where I had to drive one on a daily basis.
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- I’m your huckleberry
- Ivanhoe Reservoir Picture – Los Angeles Photo – National Geographic Photo of the Day – 3 million black plastic balls in a reservoir.
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- Arkansas Town VS. Classic Sitcom – Who’s Correct? | MetaFilter – In another universe, I am this woman.
- Chuck & Beans
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- Four-year-old learns Darth Vadar is Luke's father – Okay, so there’s one reason I can think of to have kids.