- Let Them Eat Art – It’s Prince Pondicherry’s lounge!
Category: Random Links
Links that I’m reading/watching/listening to/thinking about
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- For your confidential information
- Which is more hilarious?
- Woman Finds She Now Has $180 iWood Instead Of iPad – Hahaha… I am reminded of a flatmate I had in London who bought “pot” from a dodgy dude on the street and got a piece of wood wrapped in aluminium foil instead.
- The 10 Most Ridiculously Difficult Encyclopedia Brown Mysteries
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- Juxtapoz Magazine – Arrested Development Made of Legos
- Contra Sweater – WOW. I just may need to knit an NES game into a sweater myself…
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- Postmodernism is dead | Prospect Magazine – Ooh, an Age of Authenticity? Does this mean I get to start charging premium rates for my knitting to the Vickies?
- Researchers produce non-dairy ice cream using lupin protein – Does it turn you into a werewolf?
- Amazon’s publishing arm signs up Timothy Ferriss | Books | The Guardian – This is interesting. One of the main tenets of The 4-Hour Body is eating the same meals all the time… so how in the world do you spin that out into a cookbook?
- How-To: Build a Cardboard Cat Rocket
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- Dangerous Minds | CAPTCHAs to keep idiots out of comment threads – If my existing CAPTCHA didn’t work so well, I’d seriously think about implementing this.
- More Paint-by-Number Murals
- An Introduction to Arbitrage: Using Craigslist to Make a Living
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- Cookie Monster Cupcake Fail
- Ask a Korean! Wiki: Mixed Koreans? – Wow. This is fascinating. I had no idea about the discrimination in the 50’s. I’ll have to ask my grandma if she (and my Mom, who was a baby) faced any of that.
- How-To: Paint-by-Number Mural
- Last place aversion
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- 21st Century Optometry & Eyeglasses? – I always wonder the same damn thing.
- Eating Rotten Fishheads
- Post-Conflict Potter | Foreign Policy
- Custom Knit R2D2 Sweater
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- “How to Count” – I’m definitely buying this on Kindle.
- Knitting the Weather: a Conceptual Knitting Project
- The Knitted Engine
- Kitten in spaghetti. – Dear Dr. Amy: If you continue to wake us up early every morning, I will put you in spaghetti.
- Find and Download PDF Manuals of Electronic Products using Amazon