Inspiring Colour Combinations. Wow. A lovely post by my friend Ailsa about how she took inspiration from something she saw online.
Category: Random Links
Links that I’m reading/watching/listening to/thinking about
Boston University
Wait, what? I got Notre Dame around the corner, and Boston University a few blocks away? I had no idea.
Felafel Land
Last week there was a bit of a brouhaha when Eddie McGuire referred to western Sydney as “the land of the felafel” on his radio show. (My personal feeling is that it was probably only 25% racism and 75% Eddie-being-a-dickhead, but whatev.) Anyway, the Snook is going to the apps4nsw “Hack Day” event tomorrow, where developers from around Sydney will spent 10 hours mashing up government data in new and interesting ways. As practice, he decided yesterday to test Eddie’s hypothesis. He pulled restaurant data from TrueLocal to create a heat map of the kebab shops in Sydney.
Some interesting results there. Plenty of felafel available in the CBD, but once you go over the Harbour Bridge, you’re in a veritable felafel desert.
Incidentally, if you have any inspiration for an app idea for the Snook, leave a comment or drop me an email. He’s even dabbling in iPhone development too…
Shared today on Google Reader
- YouTube – An Open Letter to Stephen Fry (Original Song) – Decided – I NEED TO LEARN TO PLAY THE UKELELE.
- Your Newest Holiday: June 5th Is Ferris Bueller’s Day Off | The Atlantic Wire
- Nathan Myhrvold’s Kitchen Revolution in Modernist Cuisine – Some interesting non-intuitive cooking tips here…
- Mochimochi Land – Giant Ball of Yarn!
Indiana lawmakers: I’m ashamed of you. And Ralph Foley of Martinsville is being deliberately obtuse. This Amendment means that people with skills and talents to offer Indiana will leave to live elsewhere where bigotry isn’t enshrined in the State Constitution. OH, LIKE ME.
Chocolate, 2010
Chocolate, 2010 by Martynka Wawrzyniak. That may well be one of the weirdest things I’ve ever seen on the Internet. Ten minutes of a woman getting chocolate poured on her face. Yes, seriously. At one point she has to blow chocolate out her nose to breathe.
Shared today on Google Reader
- How do you transport pavlova? And do you pre-assemble it or not?
- Inventor Makes Fuel Out Of Brewery Waste
- Giant Knitted Squid – Amusing. I tend to prefer knit graffiti that involves actual skill and creativity, like this.
On an Unknown Beach
Amanda Palmer has released a video for “On an Unknown Beach,” a lovely lonely song she covered by a New Zealand artist called Peter Jefferies. You should go watch it, then go buy her album Amanda Palmer Down Under if you haven’t already.