- Why are these cell plans sold this way? – I also found this confusing and stupid.
- Sneak Preview of the Cover of The Stranger This Week – Powerful.
- A Meal Fit For the Greatest Hobbits of Them All [Video]
- Phonograph Ring – OH SWEET. Snook – here’s an idea for an anniversary down the track.
Category: Random Links
Links that I’m reading/watching/listening to/thinking about
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- Blue Shield of California seeks rates hikes of as much as 59% for individuals. – I will never, ever complain about the cost of my Australian private health insurance.
- Did we evolve to jog? [Science] – I was telling the guys about this on our run Wednesday.
- There’s No Reward
- Michael Caine’s impersonation of Michael Caine
- Why Not Feeling Rich is Not Being Poor, and Other Things Financial
- RIP Bill Zeller – Jesus. This is so sad.
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- Angry people in local newspapers – Heh.
- Scientific Proof Of How To Beat Someone’s Ass At Monopoly – This somewhat disputes the Snook’s longstanding belief that the Red properties are the key to the game.
- Self-Portrait Ski Mask – CREEPY!
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- Amigurumi Natto
- Slice of Jupiter Scarf
- Let There Be Truffles – Pathetically, I would indeed order an $85 Black Truffle Chocolate Tart IN A HEARTBEAT.
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- Holidays on Ice-or-Oh, Deer | MetaFilter – I am a horrible person, but the comments on this post made me laugh and laugh.
- Drinking wine with cheese fondue causes late-night "cheese baby syndrome" [Medical Breakthrough] – Best. Headline. Ever.
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- Diner Pancakes at home, SVP? | Ask MetaFilter
- Who Should I Tip During The Holidays And How Much? – Huh. We actually overtipped the cleaners!
- Dear Straight Guys: