- Sausage Dogs save the world… Dachshund U.N. – This may well be the best thing ever. (Link courtesy of @squozen on Twitter.)
- Vodafone iPad plans declare war on Optus and Telstra | Dynamic Business
- A New Type of Phishing Attack « Aza on Design – That is evil genius stuff.
- Crochet-Covered Bicycle in NYC – Knit vomit. Does anyone think this actually is nice to look at?
- Demented Product of the Day: The Kilt Beach Towel
Category: Random Links
Links that I’m reading/watching/listening to/thinking about
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- 5 Reasons It's Still Not Cool to Admit You're a Gamer | Cracked.com – This article basically sums up why I’m not a “gamer.”
- Inside AdSense: The AdSense revenue share
- Video: Cat Tries To Lick Dog To Death – Cutest thing ever. Makes me sad that Dr. Amy hates Petey so much.
- Q and Answer: Matching Shoe Colors with Pants Colors
Adam… - Nightmare scenario
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- XKCD explained: Today’s comic is attempting to make a political statement… – Vicious yet hilarious.
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- Pimm’s O’Clock | MetaFilter – The real surprise is how many MeFites – who I generally consider to be more sophisticated than most Internet rabble – have never tried Pimm’s or think it’s super exotic.
- Chefs Using Marijuana Create a New Kitchen Culture – NYTimes.com – Dude. Soft-serve that tastes like the milk left in your cereal bowl? I have GOT to get to Momofuku.
- Moon Over My Ewok Shirt // via StarWarsShop.com
- Easy Upgrade: Super Toilet | Young House Love – We need to upgrade our toilets to dual flush.
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- TMB a Derby Girl… | Ask MetaFilter – I think “Ana Ngry” might be the best Roller Derby girl name of all time.
- StarWars.com | Admiral Sackbar Puppet Craft – This is awesome beyond words.
- George Lucas' letter to Lost producers – So wait. Is he officially admitting that all those years of “I planned out a nine-volume set of trilogies” were complete B.S.?
- China Matters: The Sweet, Sweet Side of Nuclear Weapons – Wow. Just wow.
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- YouTube – How Star Wars Episode IV Should Have Ended
- Madshobbithole's Blog – Cue the Snook, telling us all how he built something similar in the 4th grade… 🙂