Very interesting discussion going on at Tara D’s site. Are you a wabi-sabi person or a weltschmerz person?
Category: Random Links
Links that I’m reading/watching/listening to/thinking about
Good vs evil
Hee hee! Max was right. I was amused by this article about the Hollywood phenomenon of good guys using Mac and bad guys using PCs. Actually, the Snook and I find it more amusing when a program shows a “PC” running Windows that is clearly a Mac running a Flash movie in reality. Even Office Space – which is otherwise so true to the IT industry – falls prey to a similar mistake. Remember when Peter is frantically trying to close down his machine and leave the office before Lumbergh stops him? Check out the widgets and progress bars on his screen. It’s clearly a Mac. But for some reason when he finally manages to shut down, he gets a C: prompt. I giggle every time I see it.
Say Anything
Ebert has added Say Anything to his list of “The Great Movies.” I tend to agree.
An orgy?!
Who else is anticipating a huge increase in applications to UC Berkeley this year?
Make your own license plate
Make your own license plate. Yeah, mine’s stretched a bit. Remember when you used to get little bicycle license plates in boxes of Honeycomb cereal? I’d always pray for a cool one, and instead it’d be Texas every single time. Not that Texas sucks or anything, but I swear that’s the only one they ever gave out.
Today at the Fair Day, some guy excitedly told us: “Did you hear that Australia just won its first ever gold medal? He was a speed skater. He won because he was last and all the other guys fell down.” We all laughed. It was the classic joke. Except later I found out, it really happened! The guys on the Ice Dream are having a field day with this.
Experimental fail
Hmm. It turns out my experiment this morning might not have been entirely scientifically accurate.
Crappy Valentine’s Day
Cruel irony. Tara D, who’s been defending Valentine’s Day to me all week, just had the shittiest one EVER. Some jerk stole her wallet at the grocery store and then went on a spending spree. I’d explain more, but you really should read her version of it. I mean, she’s a professional comedian, so despite the suckiness of what happened, her re-telling of it is still the funniest thing I’ve read in a while.
Slashdot’s Commander Taco proposed to his girlfriend yesterday via the website! That’s the cutest thing ever.
On a related note, Channel 7 here has a new show called “Marry Me” where they film outrageous public marriage proposals. Snook astutely predicted that I’d love it. It’s not that I have a thing for weddings or anything. It’s just that these poor guys do the most embarrassing things, and they’re so nervous, and you just have to laugh.
Oscar insight
In case you didn’t see it, my friend Stefanie came up with a great link about why Jennifer Connelly’s up for Best Supporting Actress instead of Best Actress. I still think she was scared of the competition, though.