- kronda: Free idea: A bot that asks every company trying to get more girls in STEM what they´re doing to support women already in STEM
- IE: Introducing a new @SettlersofCatan experience from #IE. Play #CatanAnytime, on any device. http://t.co/ZZs2Ds31Tl http://t.co/XHRjboMTrR
Category: Shared on Twitter
Things I’ve shared on Twitter
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- raju: This is big: Seedless mango? Scientists in India do it http://t.co/YawDx4Epgj http://t.co/aSPIqPFAdi via @IndiaToday h/t @TheStalwart
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- vincentdignan: This baby is a whole 7 mins old & already fed up with life http://t.co/5ESI8LQbSH
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- uncrate: Miir Tall Boy Pint Cup http://t.co/3qeKn2HZQn http://t.co/NatOaYKbms
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- kcarruthers: Make geeks cry RT @alexkidman: Netflix Australia will suck. Here´s why.
http://t.co/wE9F6FQqaX - TwitterAU: http://t.co/Zw23rRp8XE launches today. Powerful use of Twitter to tell news stories from around the world. @9newsAUS
- Jezebel: Why would I ever want to bring a child into this fucked-up world? http://t.co/omPcdY8ToS
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- brockleyboyo: “@iamdevloper: AS A: developer,
I WANT: to die,
SO THAT: I don´t have to work with WordPress again.” - html5test: The Android Browser – if somebody tells you they tested their site on Android, laugh evilly and show them this link http://t.co/fZaMWpNfFz
- designsponge: I’m excited about @thehairpin ‘s RomCom Club. The first one even passes the #bechdel test: http://t.co/aBEi1G089V http://t.co/lj2nQqUGQA
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- TheOpalUser: And you thought your Momday morning was bad.
There’s a dancing Opal Man at St Leonards Station.
- adnh103: Cinema chain Dendy is set to roll out its own movie streaming service in the next few weeks
http://t.co/9ioshPuFby http://t.co/1FShY5vjAu - FastCoDesign: Can #Marimekko go from cult design brand to fashion empire? http://t.co/LlrosHGPQJ http://t.co/ajRzfu9eYa
- chrisalbon: RT @jasonschreier: Wait until Germany finds out the World Cup is a portkey to voldemort’s lair
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- MissXQ: The most popular photo on Weibo in the past 24 hours. http://t.co/iaTE3yVcM5
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- mindykaling: The problem w being an adult is you meet all these cool new people & you’re like "why can’t we go back in time and go to college together?!"
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- Mark_Sisson: Boy, Walter Willett really, really doesn´t like science that conflicts with his recommendations. http://t.co/KhFUUDUXjJ
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