Greetings everybody! I’m about halfway through my trip and I thought I’d check in and say hello. Singapore was great, very hot with lots of shopping malls and things to do. Snookums and I visited the Zoo and got our picture taken with a chimpanzee! It was so cute. We got into Sydney on Wednesday and unfortunately it’s been raining ever since. We did make it out to see a koala though, and I got my first glimpse of the Pacific. On a scarier note, I had a leech in my shoe today that took a tiny bite out of my foot! I used my new digital camera to take pictures for you all when I get back… 🙂 See you soon!
Category: Travel
Hooray! I’m headin’ Down Under!
It’s Friday night, and in less than 12 hours I’ll be boarding a plane to take me to over halfway around the world… three days in Singapore, followed by a week and a half in Sydney, Australia with Snookums and his family. You can bet there’ll be lots of pictures to put up on web-goddess upon my return. I’ll try and post something during the trip so you know I haven’t been eaten by a dingo (yet). Be good, and think of me on the 15th, celebrating my birthday far away from everything I know. I’ll see you all back here in two weeks! Bye!
People are getting very paranoid about the spread of the foot-and-mouth disease outbreak. Apparently UK visitors to Portugal now have to dip their shoes in disinfectant. Some woman in New Zealand is facing criminal charges because she neglected to disclose that she’d been to a farm in Scotland in the past 30 days. I’m starting to wonder if we’ll be detained when we get to Australia next week…
My EuroDisney pictures are finally up! Re-live all the adventure through my witty commentary and photos. Come on, you know you’re curious about those French-types… 🙂