@wooboard I JUST GOT ANOTHER EMAIL FROM YOU. What’s going on? Why can I not get off this list?
My Secret Santa gift! Leanne knows me SO WELL. π http://t.co/8Sj5yU6s
All gussied up for the Christmas party in my prom dress! http://t.co/L6NklFMH
Christmas Party! (Where is @kunaal84?) (@ Small Bar) [pic]: http://t.co/EWhSZ7ny
Just won Christmas award for Biggest @Sitback Supporter and/or Google Whore. Woooooo!
Ha! And @kunaal84 got Most Succinct Speaker at Stand-up Meetings!
The women of Sitback! http://t.co/iOKldcRp
On my way now to Google’s Christmas party. Such a social butterfly!
@catehstn I’m here!!!
Anybody else at Google Xmas party? Find me!
Me and the lovely @catehstn at the Goog party! http://t.co/hysB3uHO
The Google Christmas party theme is “Mexican.” Seriously. http://t.co/PpGqwtaJ
@brown_note I didn’t find him! I tried. There were a lot of people dressed as dodgy Mexicans.
@AusVintageGrrl I was prepared to judge it totally lame… but truth be told, it was the best Christmas party ever.
On the bus home. It occurred to me that I’ve been drinking for 8 hours. Also, I seem to have acquired a sombrero.
@jezfletcher How did I miss you there? Were you wearing a fedora?
@catehstn Somehow I totally missed the shoes!
RT @Colvinius: For the umpteenth time I’m disgusted by how much abuse women get on the web, including here on Twitter: http://t.co/K4RC …
@venks79 It was more of an Opposite Award, I think. π
Just woke up with The Hangover of the Gods. Then read the news. Universe, how about a cosmic do-over?
Apparently I’m a “PANK.” If I lived closer to my nieces and nephews, I would definitely spoil them! http://t.co/uVPxnyTb
Hobbes is finished! He’s very huggable. http://t.co/vMlmACWZ
Just remembered the pretzels I got from Secret Santa yesterday. YES. Hangover win.
RT @adamhillscomedy: RT @welsh_gas_doc: The Onion at its most incisive – when it’s being deadly serious. http://t.co/ljT6CV7i Says it all