Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    @minxdragon HA! I think Pink Stuff may have also had mandarin slices, and maybe mini marshmallows as well.

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    RT @TheMartianLife: Everyone tells me these stupid @Google “knowledge panel” things only get you right once they have things like Wikipedia…

    RT @midwestern_ope: “Midwesterners will make 7 different salads for the fourth and none of them will have lettuce”

    Midwesterner: do you wa…

    My amazing Aunt Deb makes a “salad” she calls “Pink Stuff” that involves a packet of Jello and cottage cheese. It’s disgusting, but I can’t hate. ❤️

    Blog post: Frühlingsfest! In which we discovered the mythical Beer Carousel, finally got our lederhosen-and-dirndl on, learned a new drinking song, and partied at Bavarian-American Friendship Day. 🍻❤️

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    RT @ayeayemilok: me in the elvis movie watching a soaking wet austin butle devastated at the annoncement of martin luther king’s assassinat…

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    @apocraphilia New tag bookmarked on Ao3. Might be obsessed.

    Junior APAC folks – if getting to AWS re:Invent is your dream and you’re from an underrepresented group in tech, please check out the All Builders Welcome Grant. We want to make it happen!

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    The post-midnight 12hr flight from Singapore had 3 babies in our section that screamed the *entire* flight. No one got any sleep. Consequently, I’m a zombie. The only positive is I binged all of Our Flag Means Death, and OMG I am 100% onboard this ship now. 🏴‍☠️ ❤️

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    Okay, yes, LEFT, you’re all very clever. But I submit to you that when you’re straight off a long-haul flight and you glance at that sign looking for 819, it’s pretty natural to head right. Neither of us caught it until we doubled back in confusion.

    Singaporean breakfast of champions: kaya toast and Kopi-C! ☕️🍞 @ Toast Box China Town

    @DivZero_ EXACTLY

    @mikestruct Maybe some more whitespace between the two lines? That way your eye would realise they are horizontal subsets, rather than going straight to the vertical columns.

    RT @DiscoverFinland: Originally named The Vale of Mercy in Latin, Naantali is one of the oldest towns in Finland. Known as the Sunshine Tow…

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    @glenngillen It was booked out. 😫

    @stringy I only just learned about ATAG last week from @ImSamLevy’s talk at NDC Melbourne! (If you two don’t know each other, you should. I’ve learned more about a11y from your talks than just about anybody in Oz.)

    In today’s example of really bad design: Our hotel room was 819. At a glance, can you tell which direction that is? (We got it wrong.)

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    @evanderkoogh I used it in my Meetup calendar application, back when it was still working. I didn’t want to hammer the Meetup API too hard, so I used step functions to space out my requests and retry when things failed.

    @mattallen Hahahaha, I’d never thought about it directly, but yeah. 😂

    @Mandy_Kerr @Amys_Kapers Yes, but I lived there for a very long time. (I also understand “chuck a sickie,” “chuck a wobbly,” and “spit the dummy.”)

    RT @AWS_UKI: Time to register for #AWSSummit Online ⏰☁️ Join @sebsto, @web_goddess, @guimathed and @Vel12171 to explore the latest innovati…

    The hotel has a rooftop pool. (I really like Singapore. Might have to live here for a bit someday.)

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    See ya, Australia! We’ll be back before you know it. 😜🇦🇺❤️ @ Sydney Airport

    @BesseIFunction Already gone. 😂 Never did find out what the issue was!!

    @LapTop006 Our house is in Chippendale, so it’s our neighbourhood.

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    RT @lants: Two very different responses.

    Farewelling Australia (for now) with steak, truffles, and red wine. 🍷🇦🇺❤️ @ Eastside Bar & Grill

    Me at 6pm: joking about our hotel room being on the 13th floor.

    Me at 11pm as the fire alarm starts blaring EVACUATE: “Well, shit.”

    (It stopped as we were running for the stairwell. Could see trucks on Broadway. Front desk says all is well now. 🤷‍♀️)