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First time I’ve ventured outdoors in 50+ hours. So THAT’s what the sun looks like! *yawn*

RT @_brigita_: Jetlag, you are SUCH an asshole.

A little bit blonder, a little bit shorter. Introducing the Honey Bob. Bazinga.

@chrisgander It’s Big Bang Theory, not Scott Pilgrim! 😛

@TimBags You just completely blew my mind.

In the U.S., I discovered you can get generic Zyrtec for 30c a pill. I bought two giant bottles. That was pretty sweet.

@_brigita_ Happy birthday! We went there too last week and it was awesome. I recommend the Turtle Sundae. 🙂

@_brigita_ We really wanted to visit the Mustard Museum in Middleton but ran out of time. They advertise “Poupon U” on their signs. 🙂

Back to work. Forgot my security pass. Dreading the email deluge. Looking forward to seeing my friends though!

3rd attempt for my bus to cross Elizabeth St. Rain is turning Sydney drivers into horrendous jerks.

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Sydney – what’s the sitch on iPhone 4? Anybody know if the Apple Store has stock (for buying the handset outright)?

@redambition I’m just getting a second opinion! I was hoping Twitter would disagree. Sadly, seems not. 🙁

@ozgamer You got one?! Nice!

Yawn… Just had a lovely jetlag-induced nap. Now I really have to get us up or we’ll never sleep tonight..,

The nap strategy didn’t work well. It’s 6.30pm and I’m falling asleep. I want to give in and go to bed!!

2am. I’m awake. I feel kinda pukey and crappy too. Screw you, jet lag. 🙁

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GREAT last night with Liz (aka Pants!) in LA. Now just waiting for the flight back to Sydney!

Sydney! Huge queue at Customs; huge queue at taxis. And it’s cold. And I already saw a Feathers scarf. NOT HAPPY, JAN.

@stufromoz We usually cab it to avoid having to drag 4 suitcases all the way down Broadway from Central…

HOME! Dr Amy seems to have missed us. And @redambition thankfully provided croissants and coffee, so all is well. 🙂

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@imdominating Ha! We are honored to be so designated. 🙂 Thanks for coming out!

Spent our last night in the Midwest with the best girls in Chicago. Love you guys!

Waiting in security queue at O’Hare. Goodbye, Midwest!

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@_brigita_ Tonight was Brewery Creek in Mineral Point. Pretty damn good steak! 🙂

Less than 48hrs left in the US. Tomorrow back to Chicago, then flying on Thurs. Get home on Sat. DIDYA MISS US, SYDNEY?!

@venks79 Not to you! You don’t get me til Tuesday. 😀

@VenessaHunt Office too quiet and boring? 🙂

@imdominating Woot! Brauhaus looks good. Send your cell #. 🙂

Prop 8 overturned in California. Yay! Snook and I shall spend some $ in LA tomorrow celebrating. 🙂

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Safely made 6hr drive to Wisconsin today! Snook and I are now enjoying beer and cheese curds in Madison. House on the Rock tomorrow!!

The House on the Rock is everything we hoped…

@drkknits @kunaal84 Sent postcards to both of you. Mr Wednesday says hello. 🙂

Heading out to another brew pub for dinner. Wisconsin definitely has its charms.!

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We’re on a boat!

Snookums caught me a delicious bass!

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Grandma and Isaiah pretend to ride the 4-wheeler.

Rodd, Ant, and Isaiah go fishin’.

Snookums and Isaiah blow out his candles.

Is there a Flickr group for people reenacting their own Threadless shirts? Because Snookums needs to be in it.

@knitdra Yep, the whole cake board was iced like a picnic tablecloth! Total sugar explosion. 🙂

Perfect end to a boy’s birthday: FIREWORKS!

Industrial design grooviness. This is from the “NuTone” intercom system in my Dad’s kitchen:

I’m at Huntington Street Bar & Grill (704 N. Huntington St, Syracuse).

I’m at The Down Under Bar & Grill (801 N Huntington St, at Main St., Syracuse).

On a pub crawl with @campcommander1, Snook, and Cindy.

I’m at The Frog.