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Lonely nerds in fedoras. Ahem.

Handyman is meant to fix our front gate. He just rang to say that he’s TAKING OUR GATE AWAY to fix and will bring it back tomorrow. WTF.

What the–? There’s a giant net suspended over the street at Town Hall. Anybody know what that’s for?

Oh, it’s Art! Connected to Art & About and Powerhouse Lace exhibit. Neat. (Hat tip @sixandahalfst)

Trying to decide whether I prefer waiting at salon or blood bank. Salon gives me wine, but blood bank gives me COOKIES.

@knitterjp I did schedule! Just always seem to be last in the queue…

Dear Everyone in the World: Yes. It’s Art. I figured that out and tweeted it like 15 minutes ago. But thank you. 🙂

@sharre That’s definitely weird. It was 34 minutes ago. I did CC someone whose acct is protected. Maybe that’s why?

Apologies. My tweet about Art was inadvertently a reply to a protected user, so you may not have seen it. Carry on as you were.

Finally made it into the chair for my 2nd attempt at plasma donation… #crossfingers

Fail. Stuck again in both arms, and neither good enough for plasma. My second visit with nothing donated. Oddly feel like crying.

At least I got to see the net all lit up. It’s very pretty.

@drkknits Something wants me to waste hours of my time and pain and get stuck and bruised all for nothing. I just wanted to help people. 🙁

@drkknits Nah, haven’t been able to because of failed plasma attempts. Going back to plain blood tho. Better than nothing.

Okay, who has Community on DVD? Because the entire Internet is telling me that it should be our favourite show.

@gilmae Oh, I like Mad Men too. But I can only take so much nihilism and girdles. I need funny nerds being funny.

@kunaal84 SWEEEEEET.

@imdominating Leaving town things?

I ate 2 cookies while waiting at the blood bank, and now I’m RAVENOUS. Even after eating a perfectly good dinner. God I hate you carbs.

@imdominating Awesome! Are you hauling him back to the good ol’ Midwest?

Stuck in traffic on an awful gray day when all I want is to go back to bed…

@eileenDCoE Oh, RT, I’m sorry! Been having a rough couple of days and totally forgot the questions. Still need me to review??

@chrisgander @kcarruthers Har har. (I am famously anti-knit graffiti. However, that’s much better than most of it. Thumbs up to whoever!)

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Just performed successful iPhone tech support for CEO. *fistpump*

Fluorescent light in the office is flickering. Right at 2 o’clock in my field of vision. GOING INSA.E

The little Brody in my head: “You’re gonna need a bigger whiteboard.”

First girl to get 3 consecutive 100+ meters in 20 seconds on the rower at Spudds. I’m very happy, but man, my lungs hurt.

Just got an email asking about advertising on my blog… from a plastic surgery website. SPOILER: I SAID NO. (Also, I’m kind of insulted.)

Jamie’s 30Min Meal #31: Sticky Pan-Fried Scallops, Sweet Chilli Rice, Dressed Greens, and Quick Brownies. BRILLIANT.

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@witty_knitter Work stuff. On a Sunday. Shoot me now.

@witty_knitter I think it’s okay now. Just spent 2 hours tearing my hair and taking out my frustrations on the Snook. Poor guy. 🙁

@blakkat If you watched six, you watched too many. Star Wars stopped in 1983. Trust me.

@goldfishgeorge As a fan, I would have been happier NOT seeing them. Ewan McGregor is the only redeeming factor.

RT @crisdeal: Brilliant piece by @KKeneally on homosexuality and faith. It’ll make you want to go hug a Catholic.

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@witty_knitter AWESOME. You will all be kimchee-assimilated into a better, garlic-infused future. 🙂

SEO for Non-dicks: I could not approve of this post more.

Fake it til you make it, right?

@witty_knitter New responsibilities at work. Being optimistic to avoid getting stressed. 🙂

Amy Farrah Fowler is my HOMEGIRL. Love her! (cc @drkknits)

@drkknits In the same subject, neuroscience! She’s awesome. I saw her at DisneyWorld in Jr High and was starstruck. 🙂

@drkknits Yep. She got to jump the queue on Big Thunder Mountain. That was my idea of the Dizzy Heights of Super Stardom.

@jannism Yep. I wanted to be her when I was 13, and now I want to be her again 20 years later. 🙂

@jannism And there’s the fact that I actually married Sheldon…. 🙂

@mrs_sockvictim *sigh* If I have to, I can help out, Miss Fee. But you should know I don’t get out of bed for less than $10,000 a day.

@jannism Only in real life. Huh. That would make a pretty easy Halloween costume. Filing that away mentally for future use…

@jannism I tend to go with no nose for the plain smiley or frown, but somehow I think the tongue face needs one. 😛 vs 😛

I am not normally a bus panicker, but I suspect I’m trapped in the back of a packed Newtown bus. Halp!

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@drkknits Terrible movie! Jeremy Irons is great, but the plot changes are SO STUPID.

Very sorry, @misswired, but it looks like I’m going to miss #webblastsyd. Still at work! 🙁

@wheelyweb I’m just leaving work now, and I’m in a rotten mood. Going to go home and hibernate instead…

@wheelyweb I’m afraid box wine will have to serve. Have fun…

@mrs_sockvictim Very cool!!

@nolim1t @kunaal84 It’s #MobileEmbrace now, Barry! 🙂

Another argument for the Oxford comma: HA!

@nolim1t @kunaal84 @venks79 If he didn’t kill himself on his new motorbike tonight! 🙂

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Me and Kurt at school!

Gave a talk on Roald Dahl at my nephew’s school. Nothing deflates the ego faster than being corrected by 100 3rd graders in unison.

@drkknits Family resemblance. Kurt’s his nephew. 🙂

@laimelde I am glad my humiliation cheered you up. 😛

On the bus. The children gave me flowers.

@goldfishgeorge How old he was when he died. I KNEW they were going to catch me out on something…

My sacrifice to the marathon gods is now complete: right big toenail is 95% gone. I AM A MONSTER.

@jenwburn Oh crap! He emailed that was going to be on and I forgot to record it. Wonder if I can watch online…

@jenwburn Haha, don’t try to hide it! You’re a closet Renovators fan, AREN’T YOU? 🙂

I made cornbread for @kunaal84. It appears to be smiling at me.

@kunaal84 Least I could do considering how I am forever spilling secrets. 😛

@codepo8 What shutdown? Snook pleads ignorance.

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@drkknits @kunaal84 Don’t give him ideas! (He doesn’t have a window, so he uses mine.)

@crumpet Went to Rose St Markets in Melbs & looked at iPad cover. Dude says w/ sincerity: “And there’s a custom pocket for your Moleskine!”

@ozgamer The Snook and I totally love that show. And then we argue over which one of us is more Sheldon.

@janiematts Welcome back!

@drkknits I was cooking, so Rodd procured. Him: “I think I mixed bundy & bacardi white, on account of not having any golden rum on hand.”

@drkknits @kunaal84 If I have told you once, I have told you a thousand times. I’m very Important on the Internets. 😛

Today’s tights: Electric Blue. I feel very Jem & the Holograms.

@witty_knitter Awesome!

@toastman I can’t believe I went to your office and you weren’t even there!

@toastman Meet-n-greet with “Claire”?! Just the usual yada yada, we are awesome, hire us please spiel. 🙂

Jamie’s 30 Min Meals #30: Steak Sarnie, Crispy New Potatoes, Cheesy Mushrooms, Beetroot Salad. Finished in 29:44!

Prepping to go talk to 3rd graders about Roald Dahl tomorrow. I get more nervous about talking to them than I do with important clients!

RT @nolim1t: Instagram 2.0 is here! Better image processing, filters, etc! Grab it from the App Store! #sydney #sydneycommunit http://t. …

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Ugh. If I’ve unfollowed someone, why does Twitter continue to show me tweets from other people @ that person?

@richbuggy Nah, not you. I unfollowed A, and I don’t see A’s tweets anymore. However, I do see tweets from B that are @A, which is annoying.

2.5 hour meetings really make the afternoon fly by.

Tonight’s Spudds workout went a long way towards erasing yesterday’s feelings of weakness & loserdom. I am fit & strong. Was just a bad day.

RT @rohetherington: Do you own a Dog or Cat in Australia? If so, please complete the Pet Census: Takes 3 mins, will …

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Here’s me and the Snook, sweaty but proud post-Race.

For those not in Sydney, it’s currently 28C (82F) at 10:20am. Hot and hazy. I do not envy the marathoners their task today…

My race medal has a pretty bitchin’ ‘tache.

@kdelarue Thanks for the info! No, I haven’t made @hellomista’s acquaintance yet. Nice job on the run! 🙂

Quick Half-Marathon Race Report over at dailymile…

On the bus back to the city to meet @knitabulous for lunch! (Ailsa – feel free to grab a table if you beat us there.)

Refuelling after the race! (@ Heritage Belgian Beer Cafe)

Snook & I were walking wounded at lunch, but @knitabulous looked like a rockstar. Hair done, slinky dress, platform espadrilles, the works!

Me: “Ugh. I think today is that stupid Talk Like a Pirate Day.” Snook: “THAT IT BE.” Double ugh.