Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    It’s just not the same without a democracy sausage! #auspol 🇦🇺 @ Munich, Germany

    RT @adamse: At @awscloud we are building some new and delightful products, Honeycode and more. Would love to find engineers, product manage…

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    Worth noting that I moved both my personal blog and @RoaldDahlFans to WordPress on Lightsail two years ago, and they’re still running just fine. (And with price drops in Cloudfront, my bill is now half what it used to be!)

    Re: loom mystery – consensus is that A) it’s definitely a needle from a knitting machine, and B) no one knows why it was included. Someone suggested it can be used as a “pick up stick” for complicated weaving patterns, but I can find no actual documentation of that anywhere. 🤷‍♀️

    Spargelzeit is here again! We aren’t going quite as hard as we did last year. Tonight the Snook made Asparagus Risotto from @epicurious. 🍷 @ Munich, Germany

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    I bought my first loom! This is used for mending holes in woven and knitted garments. Very useful… but what is that extra piece on the right, with the sort of latch hook on it? I cannot find any explanation how that is used. Anybody know? 🧶🧦

    @LiaSae @Xavier_Ho That was my guess too. What’s weird is that they give you a long darning needle in the package (It’s stuck into the foam) so I have no idea why this extra bit.

    @TheRealBnut Those are the instructions I have, and I’ve watched several videos. None of them actually explain what the “loom pick tool” is actually for though!

    @gilmae Watch it.

    RT @jeffbarr: Wow — this is a must-read if you use containers (ECS, EKS, Fargate, or AppRunner) or Lambda functions. Vlad launched 300K co…

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    As an Australian-American (and someone who works in tech), paper voting all the way.

    For our final weekend in Berlin, we booked a hotel that promised views over the zoo… including from the sauna. Incredible way to end the week. ❤️🐒

    RT @DDDPerth: DDDPerth CFP is closing soon! Tickets on sale tomorrow! –

    Ich bin ein… jelly doughnut! 😂🍩 #berliner @ ICE München Berlin

    @rotnroll666 That’s the one!

    RT @dino_comics: to-do list

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    @HeartOfPluto_ Ooh! I will be in Melbourne for NDC next month. Will I be able to see it (and the artist, of course)?! ❤️

    Berlin does good brekkie. ☕️ (And happily, the Snook is back! ❤️) @ Berlin, Germany

    RT @mohammedradwan: Nice to meet you at Berlin Zoo

    Monkeying around at the Berlin Zoo and Aquarium! 🦍🐼🐠🦈

    Look at these ridiculous hipsters. #bbq @ Chicago Williams BBQ

    @gilmae @darkhorse166 Told ya.

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    RT @sliedigaws: It was a pleasure & privilege to speak with @cheryljoseph & @shaiss on latest episode of @awscloud #awstechchat on Amazon #…

    The famous AWS dress 👗 is making its AWS Berlin Summit debut today! Come say hello in the Community Lounge from 10am and grab some stickers. I’ve even got a few pins for folks who follow me on social. 😉 #awssummitberlin #awssummit

    Lots of excitement happening in the Community Lounge today! Nearly half of my stickers are gone… #awssummit #awssummitberlin @ STATION-Berlin

    @xelfer @jeffbarr Ha! I confess I changed my mind and put that one into the “Save” pile. So I didn’t give it away. 😂 Will have to see if I can get more before I move back to Oz next year!

    @AyushSharma345 They’re all gone now, sorry!!

    Big crowd as the post-lunch talks kick off at the Community Lounge at the AWS Berlin Summit! The first one is about infrastructure as code and CDK. #AWSSummit #AWSSummitBerlin

    RT @eumel_8: Yesterday it was crowded, today it’s definitly full #AWSSummit #AWSSummitBerlin

    @StormReply Thank you!

    Red lippie and microphone? ☑️ Time for @linda_mhmd to wow the crowd in the #AWSSummitBerlin Community Lounge! 🙌 #AWSSummit

    “Aren’t you a little short for a stormtrooper?” 😉 #awssummitberlin #awssummit @ STATION-Berlin

    RT @aaronwalker: Another packed session at the AWS community lounge on day 2 of the Berlin #AWSSummit☁️

    @pgarbe @ghohpe Wait, did he present?? Voice came back?!

    Swag alert! The AWS GameDay area has unicorn hats!! 🦄🧢 #awssummit #awssummitberlin @ STATION-Berlin

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    Here’s @dennis.traub doing the staff and community briefing ahead of today’s #buildonaws livestream direct from the AWS Berlin Summit! Join us from 11:00-13:00 on @ STATION-Berlin

    We are LIVE in two minutes people!! 😍

    Hey, there’s another Australian on the AWS Berlin Summit #buildonaws live stream! @aaronwalker is one of the organisers of the excellent @BerlinAWSUG. 👋

    I was excited to finally get to meet @linda_mhmd in person today! She helps run the AWS Vienna user group, and she’s on the #buildonaws live stream RIGHT NOW!

    “This is pretty much the sweet spot for a tech conference,” came the voice in the next cubicle. “Not so many women that we have to queue for the toilet, but enough to hand you TP if your stall is empty!” 😂🧻 And that’s how I met @TaliSoroker! #AWSSummit #AWSSummit2022

    RT @KathyReid: This is a beautiful exploration of archives – the @nlagovau has used @TroveAustralia to identify vintage #knitting patterns,…

    @simonwaight Ooh, thanks for the tip!

    @wolkencode @dtraub @linda_mhmd @smazanek I’m around! Tomorrow I will be in the Community Lounge wearing an AWS dress. 😂 You won’t be able to miss me.

    Next up on #buildonaws are my buddies @hoegertn and @pgarbe from the @AWSCommunityDE! And wow, @dtraub is still going strong. You can watch the stream on…

    The red lippie and the microphone are on, and it’s almost time for my session on Amazon’s Culture of Innovation in Hall 2 at the AWS Berlin Summit! #awssummit @ STATION-Berlin

    @cs_tiger Hi yourself!! 👋👋👋

    RT @nj0erd: Great Talk at the AWS Summit, especially liked the prfaq-part of your presentation! #AWSSummitBerlin @web_goddess

    RT @linda_mhmd: It was so great to finally meet you in person after 2 long years behind the screen. 🤩🤗 And many thanks for having me on the…

    @Shisukichan Danke!!

    RT @FrankPrechtel: Full house at @wolkencode’s talk about “#AWS #Fargate in action” in the community lounge at #AWSSummitBerlin. https://t.…

    I ran into my colleague @ghohpe today at the #AWSSummitBerlin! Sending hugs to all our friends at @yow_conf. ❤️👋 @daveathomas

    In the 24hrs since Rodd left me on my own, I lost my hotel room key, gave a talk in front of 500 people, ate stroopwaffels in bed, and wandered the streets of Berlin listening to Taylor Swift. 😂

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    Final tech check is done, and I’m all ready for the Berlin Summit! My session on “Amazon‘s Culture of Innovation” will be happening in Hall 2 at 14:00. See you there… 🍕 #awssummitberlin #awssummit @ STATION-Berlin

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    @abertrotzdem Yep, have a big work event here this week!

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    @taylorjacobsen @_DiningCar Bitburger Pilsner!

    We checked out modern art at the Neue Nationalgalerie (my fave part was the Mies van der Rohe architecture), visited the longest surviving section of the Wall, and did a craft beer tour of East Berlin. #berlinhipsters