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@KTunravels Oh man. That might be my least favorite Knitty issue EVER. I will never unsee these saggy knitted shorts:

@chrisgander First an iPod, now an iPhone? You’ll have an iPad before I do, I bet. 😛

RT @bokane: Now our long national nightmare of affordable healthcare begins. A dark day. #hcr


Oddly, the weird “Summit” shawl (with the wavy lines and holes) was the only thing I liked in this Knitty. And those shorts frighten me.

@Kat13v Uh oh. Hope that doesn’t have anything to do with the email I sent you… 🙂

Petey is damn lucky he’s cute. This used to be a ball of Zara.

@redambition Dr Amy has mostly learned not to touch the wool, so I think it was the little one. Beware loose balls when you’re here! 🙂

@redambition YES.

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@Justacogitating What do you consider ‘the end’? We’re comin up on 10 years here… 🙂

@Roceal Totally new; hadn’t gotten one in previous 3 years. Maybe some crafter got runover delivering their project?

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Easter Show deliveries complete! Me and Reecie didn’t like the ridiculous fluoro vests very much though.

Prepping for my long run like I’m going into battle.

@bellsknits What??? Did you guys have tickets ahead of time? This is starting to worry me.

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@AusVintageGrrl I know, and I get it. But I’m trying to play International Negotiator over there, so be nice! 😛

St. Brigid collar is knitted. That’s it for the Easter Show knitting. Now it’s just the final bits of assembly…

Collar sewing attempt #1: too big.

Collar attempt #2: Still too big. ARRRRRGH.

Collar attempt #3: GOT IT!

@witty_knitter It’s okay. I was just disregarding the pattern and trying to ease in a collar 4 inches too long. 🙂

Ladies and gents… Is that a collar I see before me? St. Brigid is complete! Now for beer.

@venks79 WHOA, way to set a goal! You can do it!

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HOLY CRAP. Just saw sneak preview of Kick-Ass. So effing awesome! (My inner 11yo needs a purple wig and some KNIVES.) Go see it in 2 weeks!!

Demographic at Kick-Ass was about 90% comic geek dude. Which is cool, as I am, in fact, their Queen.

@AlienCroons I will admit to gleefully swearing a LOT on the way home. 🙂

Strong desire to dye my hair purple and take up martial arts. Hit Girl is my new idol.

@Kat13v First preview I’ve been to where we had to surrender mobiles. Tight security. Satellite chat w/ director afterwards was fun.

Heading to the doctor to become a cyborg. This is going to be interesting.

Poor little emo cyborg girl! (It didn’t actually hurt that bad.)

@mrs_sockvictim Oh yeah, it’s fine. The bandage is just to prevent bruising. Doesn’t hurt at all.

@Bevfam I’m just being overly dramatic. It’s Implanon. Keeps me from having babies. 🙂 Doesn’t really hurt at all!

@Bevfam You totally can! That would be awesome. But I’m not wearing the skintight uniform. 🙂

@sharre I like Sydney! Granted, I’ve only known/lived in the CBD and Inner West. But I much it prefer to Indiana/London/Chicago, etc.

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My, there are an awful lot of dickheads wearing silly hats in the city tonight…

…And I just watched the Lady Gaga/Beyonce “Telephone” video. I have to say, I was totally wrong about Gaga last year.

@twelveeyes I thought she was a no-pants-wearin’ talentless famewhore. She’s obviously brilliant about image manipulation though!

Me: “It’s like Andy Warhol and Madonna had a baby and she lives and walks among us.” Snook: “All the best people don’t wear pants.”

One seam and one collar to go… And the best part is: it’s a PERFECT FIT! #stbrigid #cabledmonstrosity

@knitterjp @mrs_sockvictim Petey is currently yowling his “Good morning world!” song all over the house.

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@Opheli8 You just jinxed it.

Enjoying fine beer at Merivale Chuck Hahn dinner. Yum!

Just waiting for the dessert… Getting a little tipsy!

@Opheli8 It was great! The place wasn’t even full though; should’ve told you earlier so you could come. Good food and good beer.

@miss_reecie GAH. St. Brigid still has 3 seams and a collar to go. On the plus side, I know for sure the arms are long enough!

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@DDsD Don’t even go there. If I caught this “bandit,” I’d tie them to the tree with their own stanky acrylic!

@bellsknits Thinking of coming to Canberra for Easter. Any hotel recommendations?

Where’s a good place to stay in Canberra? Assuming we’ve never been there before, and that we’ll have a car…

@bellsknits @drkknits Waldorf is booked out Easter weekend, sadly! Novotel looks to be about $250/night. Yikes.

Thanks for Canberra suggestions! Further info: thinking of a last minute trip on Easter weekend. And no, Sydney does NOT count. 🙂

@bellsknits Empty now? Or empty over Easter? If it saves me $700, I’ll drive 20 minutes happily! 🙂

@bellsknits Hm. Are you serious? I’ll email. Don’t want to impose, but that would be awesome. Me, Snook, & @eileenDCoE want to see the Art!

@bellsknits You might find your stash enhanced at the end of the visit! A secret visit from the stash enhancement fairies would be required.

@bellsknits I Gmailed you!

@witty_knitter Pre-sale tickets for the extended period went on today, so if we confirm we’re going, we’ll buy immediately.

Iron Chefs are cooking in Sydney again on June 6-7: (Snook and I have been before. It’s once-in-a-lifetime!)

@witty_knitter Good tip. Thank you! Let us know of any other Canberra recommendations, please. 🙂

Thank you for all the birthday wishes!

@gilmae More like 29 and forty-eight months….

@missamanda I think so! Looks like Fiona from the first season:

Flashblock has changed my life. Seriously.

@gadgetgirl70 Not unless the second time is free!

@Opheli8 @Whingeing_Pom The Saw Doctors are playing the Metro. We seriously debated on going…

@miss_reecie YOU. ARE. ON! And my first word was hilarious. 🙂

Birthday present from the in-laws arrived. Easy Tiger! Cuddliest dressing gown ever.

@Ezzles I’m so sorry, Erin. That sucks. I hope you’re okay.

The amazing @mrs_sockvictim delivered the amazing Barbie cake… and now I have an amazing sugar rush.

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Two birthday cakes – one with a Barbie on top! – is the very definition of “an embarrassment of riches.”

Cake #1: Spice Cake with Espresso Icing, baked by the Snook and currently on its way to work for sharing.

Cake #2: Belle with cupcakes! A wonderful surprise from @mrs_sockvictim. THANK YOU MISS FEE! 😀

@sharre @redambition @AusVintageGrrl Thank you! You’re all welcome to come eat Belle cake tonight if you’re free. 🙂

Welcome aboard to @kunaal84, joining the @Mobile_Active team today!

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Awesome: today’s Guild meeting. Not Awesome: waiting 15 minutes for a Newtown bus NEXT TO AN ACCORDION-PLAYING BUSKER. (Headache.)

I think a fruit bat just pooped on me. And now I’m drinking merlot spritzer out of a plastic cup. Banner Saturday night!