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I am having the allergy day from hell. I think it’s time to suck it up and go for the Zyrtec.

@stufromoz Was it my favorite driver, the one who floors it between lights and then jams on the brakes? Oh wait – that’s all of them.

RT @Warlach: I assume it’s not just me and @BarrySaunders who are getting the old Twitter Tips added randomly to DMs? // Nope, me too.

@witty_knitter I’m on there. I’ve got it open if you want to try it out. It’s crap! (kris.howard)

@alyshajane I’m total opposite. Grew up in country but city invigorates me. Stuff HAPPENS here! Places to go, things to do!

@alyshajane People get trapped in my hometown like bugs in sap. Guess I’m still just grateful to have escaped.

Just completed a 2.74 km walk with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

@blakepup I paid $10 for @runkeeper after using the Free version for a while. Excellent app, good community, great devs to support.

Hatching secret plans to become a covert community agitator. How excitement.

Just completed a 5.25 km walk with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

No, kid, I will not do your frickin’ Roald Dahl homework for you. Especially when the info is all on my site anyway.

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RT @AusVintageGrrl: I’m making the move from Frumpy to Fabulous! // RSS feed bookmarked!

Okay, Wave invites. Anybody want? I kind of hate it, to tell you the truth.

@redambition Sure, DM me their email address.

@miftik Sure, if you want!

Wave invites all gone…

Ebert gives A Christmas Carol 4 stars: That’ll make @carbolicious happy since her hubby worked on it. 🙂

Just completed a 2.45 km walk with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

Mingling and networking at #SMCSYD. Met up with @DDsD and @acatinatree so far…

@eskimo_sparky Hey, where are you? I’m the red head near the guy in the white fedora…

Holla from the back row at #SMCSYD!

#SMCSYD is like an entire crowd of people who murmur snark at the movies. (I’m not judging; I do it too.)

STOP, Hammer time!

Crowd at #SMCSYD is ENTHRALLED by MC Hammer. The guy knows what he’s talking about. Very good speaker too. #fb

MC Hammer is a self-described “super geek.” Love it. #SMCSYD

MC Hammer was total surprise: super smart, geeky, engaging, inspiring. The mocking Tweets behind him made me cringe tho. #tallpoppy #SMCSYD

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Just completed a 3.61 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

My official race report with photos from yesterday’s Rebel Sport Run4Fun 10K is up:

Second mango of the season. DAMN THAT WAS GOOD. Really ripe mangoes are positively obscene.

@sharre Have a marshmallow for me. *drool*

Finally finished every “book” in iPhone Bookworm. It was anticlimactic. I was hoping for some sort of recognition, you know?

@runkeeper Yep, just left you a comment about them on Facebook. Newtons – and forefoot strike – got me a PB on 10K on Saturday!

@tinkabel $2.45 is pretty good for Sydney! Mine last night was $2, but I’ve seen a lot higher.

RT @mashable: BREAKING: Google Acquires Mobile Ad Network AdMob for $750 Million –

Snook: “I can’t believe you actually want to hear MC Hammer talk about Twitter.” Me: “It somehow seems of vital importance.” #SMCSYD

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@scrubbles Yep, posted yesterday with an extra treat for you guys! 😉

The tenth kilometer was my fastest of the race. That’s pretty cool.

Showered, fed, warm and cosy. Now for a knit and, most likely, a nap. (What a great day.)

Office race time has been posted: 69:06. Nearly 5min faster than first 10K of the City2Surf!

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I’m as surprised as anybody, but: Channel 10 for the WIN! I missed an ep of Glee and discovered you can watch whole shows on their site.

@kms12 Coincidentally, I have dye on my head right now too. Try toner or makeup remover. Seems to work okay.

Matt (aka @scrubbles) has a very special package in the post! His custom scarf is done: (The Snook is quite a model.)

RT @crumpet: OMG! Rodd’s all clean-shaven! // Yeah, he’s doin’ Movember: I’m voting for the Magnum P.I. ‘tache.

On the train heading to Olympic Park for the 10K Run4Fun. Feeling pretty good!

20min til the gun at Rebel Sport 10K. Will use Runkeeper to track. Wish me luck!

Official goal: run whole 10K without walking. Back-up goal: finish in 75 minutes.

And it’s raining. Bugger.

Just completed a 10.21 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

WOOHOO! Ran the whole thing in 69 minutes!! I feel fantastic. So proud and happy! Forefoot running FTW.

@venks79 Way to go!

Got my medal. Heading home on the train… And the rain has started again. I don’t mind.

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@runkeeper Spotted a blog mention for you:

WTF Facebook? Facebook thinks I need an extra husband, evidently.

I know @imdominating will be disappointed, but when I see this all I covet is the sweater. (IT’S GORGEOUS.)

Police w/ horses on our street. Neo-Nazi protest is starting. Maybe 25 folks there so far, and the inevitable video cameras are out.

@crumpet Against them. Details here:

Protest crowd has tripled. Banging drums; big banner in front of HH saying “HATE SPEECH IS NOT FREE SPEECH.” 5 cop cars on our street alone.

@Glebe2037 Moorgate Street in Chippendale. Protest is at Humanist House, right by the Broadway Cafe.

@Glebe2037 Heh. I have no idea how that happened! Must have done it on the iPhone somehow when I was down there.

RT @Mobile_Active: MobileActive in the news! // GAH, I HATE THE SMH WEBSITE AND THEIR AUTO-PLAY VIDEOS!

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Just completed a 5.00 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

@knitness CONGRATULATIONS! Way to go!

We at @Mobile_Active have finished 9kg of @BenAndJerryOz ice cream and have started on the second box! Best. Week. Ever.

@Opheli8 Vanilla and Chocolate Macadamia Orgasm. (At least, that’s what I’m calling it in my head.)

Just finished the big draft spec I’ve been working on. Debating going to meet the knitters. Not sure I’m up for it.

@Ozquilter Ah, but the Snook reminded me that we have many beers at home. And it’s raining. So I’m heading homeward. 🙂

This year’s Halloween party photos are finally online: As usual, too many of food and not enough of guests!

@Opheli8 He’s a filthy, filthy boy.

Just completed a 5.01 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

5K run with no stopping at better than race pace. I feel great! Bring on the 10K on Sunday…

Starting up a summer fitness challenge (aka Fat Bet). Anybody want to join in? Motivation and stubbornness are a must.

@Ezzles The Kitty Litter Cake is pretty good. And by “good,” I mean both “disgusting to look at” and “very tasty to eat.”

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Yay! We just had a visit from @BenAndJerryOz delivering free ice cream for the office. THANKS GUYS!

@misswired I think it was this tweet that did it:

Great session at the gym; managed 100 on the rower again! Then happily negated all progress with big scoop of @BenAndJerryOz afterwards. 🙂

I am becoming seriously obsessed with Martha Stewart’s blog. Whoever writes it – part of me wants to believe it’s MS herself – is awesome.

@carbolicious Ha! I didn’t but I’ve just follower her. Yeah, a little crazy. I love when she posts 25 pics of her farm on the blog.

@knitabulous BTW – I’m handing over Viking shield and bloody knife to @gilmae tomorrow. Yours, right?

@knitabulous Did you get any pics of the Viking? I’ve had a request from @mrs_sockvictim but sadly, I didn’t get one!

Ice cream + boxing session seems to have shaken me out of my funk. Turned out to be a very productive afternoon!

@Fiestywenchyone Because that’s the stuff we all want too. 🙂

Chippo residents are invited to protest “Neo-Nazis” Friday night. Hope it doesn’t get ugly. (attn: @steven_noble)

I have HAD IT @smh_news! I can’t even click any homepage links because of giant animated ad on top of everything. GOOGLE NEWS FROM NOW ON.

@venks79 The Australian, eh? No Flash. No auto-playing vids. This could work! Will give it a go.

@knitness We went there earlier this year: Very yummy!

@steven_noble I left a comment against the protest. The more I think about it, the more I think it’s really the wrong tactic.

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Who came last, anyway? The Melbourne Cup website has fallen over.

@twelveeyes Oh no. I think I had a mailout from them yesterday that’s still sitting unopened on the table. Denim horrors lurk within? EEP!

Awful day all around. Strangely out of sorts. Unable to focus on the task at hand. Irritable. Maybe it’s the heat?

@carbolicious I saw it! Hopefully will be able to reply tomorrow.

@runkeeper I’m an RK user – and a bit of an evangelist for it Down Under. 🙂

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RT @mumbrella: MC Hammer to speak at Social Media Club Sydney (yes, really)

Just printed my tickets to see MS LIZA MINELLI tonight!

Just got tickets to MC Hammer at Social Media Club Sydney event as an official work outing. 🙂

@thisismywww For Wii? Just make sure you get the Guitar Hero instruments: They work for Rock Band too.

@thisismywww Whatchoo talkin’ about, Willis? EB Games doesn’t have it listed anywhere…

RT @chrisgander: @BenAndJerryOz > The Battle for Ben & Jerrys > @mobileembrace. Let the ice cream carnage begin!

Waiting for Liza to come onstage!

Liza just finished the first set with “Cabaret” and the audience went EFFING BALLISTIC. She is amazing.

Fought our way to the merch table to buy overpriced YET AWESOME Liza-by-Warhol t-shirts.

Listening to “Maybe This Time” on repeat. I’ve got Liza on the brain. (And my chest.)

@randomknits I’m pretty sure I was the only person in the Ent Center who went, “THEY SANG THIS ON GLEE!” when it started up.

RT @josh909 Dear Fairfax I hereby swear to never buy any product or service from any advertiser that uses autoplay on SMH homepage // AGREED

In a few hours @eileenDCoE is flying back to Boston. Her visit has been like a monthlong holiday! Difficult to get back into my routine.

I drew “Newport” in the sweep. Doesn’t appear to be a favorite. I sense a wooden spoon in my future.

The Snook: “Hmm. At 48:1 you would have been better off putting your $5 on at the TAB.” Office sweep FAIL.