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RT @GGDSydney: New #ggdsydney video! Watch it here: @Illdrinn @sundress @AlienCroons @kesabeth @alphageekgirl @we …

In case that tweet was cryptic, there is a Geek Girl Sydney video and I am in it: (Thanks @GGDSydney!)

@kunaal84 @drkknits Riiiiiiiight. Tell the fine people why you haven’t tweeted in the past 4 days. HMMMM? A BIT BUSY, WERE YOU? 🙂

@laimelde Whoa! I was tempted too… but that’s way more than I thought I’d pay for a ticket! Too much. I’ll stick to QI on telly. 🙂

Well, THAT’s a nicer domain name!

@Kat13v Email addresses aren’t working yet; hopefully tomorrow…

Knitting Leyburn heels for the THIRD time. Curse my perfectionism!

RT @MXYZ_: Major lulz! RT @madebyfifty: Here you go Apple-haters… RT @Digeratii This pretty much sums it all up.

Professor Death – such a handsome kitty.

Stupid cats kept me up from 2:30-3:30am. I feel like a rage-filled zombie. This is another reason why we don’t have children.

Decided to dress all grown-up today so @venks79 has some professional-looking backup during his big presentation!

@jasony I don’t think you’re allowed to drag kids out from under the dining room table and then throw them in the bathroom though, right? 🙁

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@drkknits Book 3, and I am LOVING Grandma Tyrrell. I hope she’s not screwing Sansa over…

@drkknits Whoops. Meant to DM that. Luckily @kunaal84 is still on his booty call and hopefully not reading spoilerish tweets…

@AusVintageGrrl Sorry! Meant to DM but slipped. Will be good, I promise. 🙂

@snarkyboojum Hey, there you are! Welcome again to Chippo. Did you end up running yesterday? (What happened to your DM page?)

Jamie’s 30Min Meal #24: Sea Bass & Pancetta w/ Sweet Potato Mash, Asian Greens, Lemon Ginger Drink, & Berry Ice Cream.

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Great urge to take a texta and write on my umbrella: “YOUR GOLF UMBRELLA IS TOO DAMN BIG. WE’RE TRYING TO HAVE A SOCIETY HERE.”

@knitabulous When iOS5 comes out soon, you’ll be able to use the volume button to take pictures. 🙂

@thisismywww As you are a giant, you are one of the few people qualified to carry a big umbrella. So I give you a Free Pass. 🙂

It’s not that people hit me with their umbrellas. I just object to “me first” attitude embodied in giant brolly taking up 3/4 of footpath.

I used to roll my eyes at people with overly large umbrellas. Had to give up this winter because I was doing it every 5 seconds.

@Opheli8 Yes! When did that happen? It’s ridiculousl.

@redambition Would it fit two people comfortably? If not, you will not receive a Kris Death Stare.

@Cecilias880 Piss off spammer.

AWESOME. I am not the only person enjoying the current “80’s sax solo” resurgence in pop music, it seems.

HARDCORE. Going for a run in the rain with @rajsingh2505!

Who’s a badass running in the rain? Me and @rajsingh2505 are badasses running in the rain.

@grannyg_in_nz More like drowned rats. 🙂

@drkknits “Their embarrassing failure when attempting simple tasks is a microcosm of our entire lives.” HA! Totally agree.

The best part of the R18+ video game news is my nerd glee at seeing the proper pluralisation of “attorneys-general.”

@sixandahalfst @witty_knitter @grannyg_in_nz I felt pretty feral walking back into the office dripping wet, I tell you!


@redambition Dammit, no! I would’ve chucked a sickie and gone to meet him! Totes dreamy… 🙂

@witty_knitter Heh. I’m sure he’s used to middle-aged women fans/stalkers coming up to him all the time! 🙂

Last call! Knitters: looking for Shadow Tweed so my Purple Afghan can get bigger. Got at Camp last year. Anyone?

@GeorgieKnits Thank you for checking anyway!

Fancy international conference call finally finished! Being a grown-up does seem to eat into beer-drinking time. #latefordinner

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@bellsknits @that_alison There are many int’l foodies that actually prefer American cheese for burgers. It melts beautifully.

While yes, there’s lots of gross American food, I would just like to say two words to the Aussies: MUSK STICKS. I rest my case.

@drkknits @gilmae Peeps are just sugar. Musk Sticks, as far as I can tell, are meant to mimick the taste of SECRETIONS FROM ANIMALS.

@that_alison @bellsknits I heard similar about chocolate in Aus. That a lot of it is sold as “choc” because it’s not legally chocolate.

I had no idea so many of you like musk sticks. This is disturbing.

Musk Sticks are the Australian equivalent of Circus Peanuts, in that I associate them with old people, styrofoam, and disgusting tastes.

And by Circus Peanuts, I mean these:

@brodrigu Just somebody acting all horrified by American cheese. As if Australian cuisine didn’t have equivalent grossnesses.

@drkknits @gilmae Wait, what? Teeth? YOU ATE TEETH?

@drkknits Oh, THOSE. I’ve seen those before. Again, I think of that type of thing as “old people candy.”

What’s worse? Being a sociopath, or tolerating that behaviour OVER and OVER and OVER? #soverytired

Discovery: Paul Kelly’s “Before the Old Man Died” has a wicked saxophone solo. I’m, like, collecting 80’s sax solos now. In my head.

@knitdra Ooh, no. Must investigate!

RT @imdominating: OH in line at #SDCC: I wish a safety pin worked on leather

RT @imdominating: Just took the elevator down w/ a 50 year old Asian woman dressed as Pikachu #SDCC

@imdominating For 2 sec, Rodd and I considered going as Khal Drogo and Danaerys for Halloween. But neither really wanted to be topless! 🙂

RT @imdominating: OTP MTB GoT // Whoa. Khal Drogo and Danaerys look WEIRD in real life! (cc @drkknits @kunaal84)

RT @steph_gardiner: NSW Police have charged a man for pooping in train ticket machines. He is 27. From the Central Coast. …

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Feeling decidedly weird, clammy, and pukey. Really hope I’m not getting what @lemon_lime has had!

“There’s no future in hard-coding business rules in procedural code.” Amen. #iiba

@bellsknits I can’t see the point of locking, unless the person needs total anonymity (like Witness Protection, but they shouldn’t tweet!)

@toastman Heh. Not going to ask that. Presenter is a Texan, and I think he’d glare at me.

This seminar has quite a few Hermiones. I am trying not to yell out “10 points from Gryffindor for being a favour-currying swot!”

@kunaal84 THIS Hermione would never interrupt a speaker who had 35+ slides to get through in 60min, just to show off with a lame anecdote!

@steven_noble Or did you inadvertently lock it in portrait?

Bookmarking the Ars Technical review of OS X Lion for later…

@steven_noble Double-click home, then swipe left in the tray. There’s an “orientation lock.”

@steven_noble If it’s on, you should see a little arrow-circle thing in the upper right corner of your screen, btw.

@steven_noble Damn. That was my best guess! Now you’ve made me wary of updating mine…

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@carbolicious @imdominating NOW WHO’S READY TO BE DISTURBED?

In every way that yesterday sucked, today has rocked. Finally got my bearings, and I am kicking some serious ass. #patsselfonback

RT @kunaal84: Latest in rain fashion by @web_goddess // I had no umbrella! I *did* have an Amazon box. INGENUITY.

@Justacogitating @imdominating @carbolicious What has been clicked can never be UNCLICKED:

Sitting in front of heater, feet propped up, crocheting away on afghan on my lap. When did I become my mother, and why do I LIKE it so much?

RT @andrewsayer: Google Plus iPhone app is now available in the iTunes Store. // Just got it myself!

Rain. Buses all full. Took 10+ minutes to finally get one! Going to be late…

@lemon_lime Seems good for 1st release. My stream has lots of folks trying it out. Photos and Huddle are great.

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@carbolicious @imdominating “Hot Neville” is now officially A Thing.

Just trying to keep my head above water, and feeling like I’m failing…

I wouldn’t have thought that a pot roast could cure a bad day, but this one sure did: Best sauce EVER.

@drkknits You are inadvertently spoiling me! Because now I learn the fucker stays alive a lot longer. 🙁

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Jamie’s 30Min Meals #23: Smoked Salmon, Potato Salad, Beets & Cottage Cheese, Rye Bread & Homemade Butter. Rated 9/10!

RT @imdominating: Oh, my heart RT @donttrythis: Incredible sweetness. Marriage proposal via blog post:

New Docs! They are gloriously ugly and comfortable. Exactly what I wanted.

@fictillius Huh. I also feel like I say that a LOT.

@witty_knitter My taste in shoes indicates that I was a Scandinavian lesbian in a former life, I think. 🙂

Knitters: looking for Shadow Tweed so my Purple People Eater Afghan can get bigger. Got at Camp last year. Anyone?

Blood donation FAIL! Was going to give plasma for 1st time, but couldn’t get decent vein in either arm. Will try again in a couple weeks. 🙁

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Karen the Garden Consultant is here, and she is KICKING ASS. Plan is forming! We are going to have a lovely garden! Thanks @sixandahalfst!!

@mrs_sockvictim @witty_knitter @knitterjp It’s not on! Only last Saturday now, remember?

Jamie’s Smoked Salmon w/ Beets, Potato Salad, & Homemade Butter in 20:05!! GO ME!

Durrr. That Jamie meal was in 26:05. Still fast, but not THAT fast. 🙂