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I actually brought knitting tonight to go to M&S! Anybody gonna be there? Ping @knitterjp, @knitdra, @Yarna_, @knitness, etc…

@drkknits The schedule has fallen apart on Day One already? 🙁

@Soma377 That’s about right, but the Babykiller Dingoes are in the wrong place. Should be up in the middle. I’ve been there.

RT @Sitback: Sydney based experienced PHP resources needed. Apply via // You’d get to work with me!

@drkknits Oh god you suuuuuuuuuuuck.

Only just escaped work. Too shattered and hungry for knitting. Headed home to collapse. Sorry @knitterjp and @Yarna_!

@mrs_sockvictim Congrats – it was a good day for it. (I got an offer too!)

I’ve had a headache for 24 hours now. Paracetamol’s not making a dent. This sucks.

@toastman Exactly normal. Not that. 🙁

@mrs_sockvictim My same (newish) one. Got offered permanent!

@brown_note @jchyip Interesting. I’m taking a month off alcohol for health, and within 5 days I’ve had to turn down team drinking events.

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No bad day can withstand Boney M. #russiasgreatestlovemachine

RT @Sitback: Looking for a front end developer. Hit up if this is you or you know someone! // Or let me know!

@drkknits Eek! I was virtuous. Work gave me an Easter Egg, and I gifted it to the girl at the Chinese grocery near my house.

@drkknits Totally agree. Primal dispensation granted! Work that 80-20 rule. 🙂

@imdominating Ugh. I am getting PEEP-ROLLED all over the place this Easter.

RT @TelegraphFood: James Bond: 10 facts about 007 and drink // cc @the_snook

@bezthomas Nice, thanks. @the_snook Is the big Bond fan – has read all the books.

RT @bonappetit: We chatted w @KarenLeBillon about her book & 10 rules for raising healthy, happy, un-picky eaters # …

All the Millers Point buses this morning were full, no doubt with people only going as far as Town Hall. GAHHH. I miss my bike.

Feeling superhero-ish, like a grown-up Hit Girl.

@ambrosiamonkey Oh, it’s fine! But I promised my physio I wouldn’t ride til the tendonitis in my right quad is better. 🙁

@drkknits OH! There’s a scarf around the dummy that Zena’s cardigan is on. In thumbnail, it looked like the mannequin’s boob was hanging out

@drkknits I wouldn’t think you did it deliberately! It could’ve slipped. Or crazy spinner lady could have done it to DISCREDIT US!

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All the nerds are hating on the Star Wars Kinect dance thingy. But I think it’s AWESOME. That robot dude from Cloud City as a DJ? GENIUS.

Listening to @amandapalmer makes me want to learn to play the piano. I wonder if @knitness would give me lessons? Could I learn as an adult?

@witty_knitter We already have one! That big thing in the dining room. You can probably see it on CouchCam right now 🙂

@drkknits But I want to pound on something in a dramatic fashion, like HBC in “A Room with a View”. You can’t play Beethoven on a uke.

@witty_knitter I chalk it all up to Thesis Brain! Happens to lots of people I know. 🙂

Asked @the_snook if he could teach me to play piano. “No. It would be like Obi Wan – you’d end up on the dark side.” HA!

What a week to give up drinking…

What time does the Arts Preview start? I need photos! Bunting! Ribbons!

@stufromoz Had previously committed to a dry April. But having a stressful week at work. Very tempted.

RT @KnitGuildNSW: The Guild stand. Well done all!

@mrs_sockvictim Woohoo! Congrats to the cardy queen!

@drkknits @mrs_sockvictim Worst. Liar. Ever.

RT @knitterjp: // I got 2nd place! Eww, that display is a bit weird though. Lumpy corpse feet. (Thanjs JP!)

@drkknits @knitterjp The lumpy corpse feet? No, no you did not. *stern look*

@stufromoz Yep! Thats cheering. I worked on those FOREVER.

Seriously, I blocked those socks painstakingly. And now they’re stuffed with, like, newspaper. *shrug* Oh well.

@drkknits @knitterjp Who would be so anal as to care about that? Fishing line has been good enough for 25 years!

But how did Bokaclava do? Just head for the sound of crying children!

@mrs_sockvictim Red is nice! The sock display is a little weird though.

@witty_knitter Ha! If by “cracked it” you mean “gave up and switched to a less obtuse category,” then yes. 🙂

RT @Salon: “My 14 year old has brain cancer. Without #Obamacare, he would’ve already exceeded his lifetime insurance limit” …

RT @knitterjp: Best I could do @web_goddess

RT @knitterjp: Best I could do @web_goddess // BOKACLAVA! Damn. It looks best on an actual head.

RT @RadhikaR: Interesting book > Weight gain: Big fat lies – and the sweet truth – // cc @drkknits

@knitterjp No way! Did they manage to get my penguin to stay upright?

@lemon_lime I think he’s differentiating between calorie restriction diets. That was my take.


RT @busterbenson: Announcing 2 spankin’ new @budge programs: Stretch Animal and Plank Animal: (plank is my favorite …

RT @nprnews: Photo: // Hey! Every other state has a statistic, but Indiana’s is just as Appleseed’s burial site? Lame!

Today is not off to a good start.

@drkknits Didn’t get much sleep. (Power went out & silence woke me up. SILENCE.) Then forgot to leave gate open for handyman. Yawn. Suckage.

@jenbishopsydney Home + top button.

Ooh, getting followed by some new Android Instagrammers already. If you want to experience my rampant narcissism, I’m “krishoward” there.

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Yeah. Feeling pretty good about my decision to delete “Draw Something” from my iPhone:

@DomesticJules It’s not a virus. The company sold out to assholes and the CEO publicly insulted the one dev who turned them down.

@gilmae On Reddit a few folks said “Depict” was a good Pictionary app. Going to check it out…

Just bought Connectrode to support the dev that didn’t go to Zynga. Fun game, and the dedication to his wife is sweet.

@drkknits Is she an anti-buntite?

RT @shauninman: My final Draw Something:

@drkknits Watch it! Somebody will print your tweets out and stick them her letterbox. (Or maybe @witty_knitter’s. They get confused.) 🙂

@witty_knitter @drkknits Remember? Somebody printed out some Rav comments of yours? And there was a letterbox and me involved?

@witty_knitter You’ve forgotten! UOTO. July 2009. Somebody put your Rav comments in CM’s letterbox attributed to me.

@witty_knitter I forwarded the old email to you. It’s a hoot.

@witty_knitter You were definitely on the email thread and even replied. You’ve just forgotten. Email will jog your memory.

@witty_knitter I’m afraid it did rather ruin my joke though. 😛

RT @solarce: Entirety of Game of Thrones Season 2 Leaked #fb

@drkknits Did you click it? That’s the joke. 🙂

It’s Monday night, it’s dark, and I’d KILL for a glass of wine. Or three.

@merrinmez I am! But I’m off the sauce this month. Health kick. 🙂

RT @JennaPrice: How to make sure your will will be done. By me.

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@drkknits Ha, go for it. 🙂

I sewed myself a new shirt today! #crafty

@rachievaichie It’s the Colette Sorbetto. Free PDF online! Just google it. I added sleeves and left out pleat.

@rachievaichie Eh, it’s a bit smock-y. I have broad shoulders. But I’ve never made tops, so it was good practice!

@codepo8 You mock, but sadly even I would’ve hyperventilated over that as a kid.

Saving some lives. (@ Red Cross Blood Donor Centre Town Hall)

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@drkknits I just imagine that icky silver lurex touching my skin and EW.

RT @LaughingSquid: Pump-Hub, An Automatic Bicycle Tire Inflation System // attn @the_snook

Big night… again. I wish I knew how to use makeup…

Anniversary dinner with Snookums. 12 years tomorrow! (@ Quarter Twenty One)

Primal dinner at Quarter 21! Impending meat coma… @ Westfield Sydney

They turned the lights down at Quarter 21 for Earth Hour. That was nice. Atmospheric.

Happy anniversary to my best friend! 12 years down. Bring on the bakery’s dozen!

RT @codepo8: Girls and coding: female peer pressure scares them off

@codepo8 Well, it’s April Fools Day here!

Sunday breakfast: Skillet-Baked Eggs w/ Spinach, Yogurt, & Spices Butter. YUM.

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Another SMH article pointing out dangers of sugars (as opposed to fat): (cc @drkknits)

@redambition @drkknits Most folks don’t eat a few pieces of fruit a day though. They have a jumbo Boost juice that might as well be Coke!

@drkknits I was actually admiring this the other day: IT’S GORGEOUS.

Very proud that @the_snook complimented me on dealing with trolls today. Not sure if I’m growing up or just getting lazy though.

You should follow @shanea – he just ran his first half-marathon! #followfriday

You should also follow @JennaPrice – or as I will always think of her, Minerva McGonagall. #followfriday

@drkknits Ah, I don’t think you were witness to my truly epic forbearance in the face of a partyline spouting Liberal.

Friday night in The Rocks. Yowza. @ Bar 100

I am awake. Gahhhhhh….. My head.

@PortugueseChook I am about to test your hypothesis.

RT @AdamBandt: Really? What PM wears & what Tony Abbott thinks about it = news? Wldn’t happen if the PM was a bloke. Let’s get out of t …

@shanea Coincidentally, yes. But it was the champagne and martini that put me over the top, I think.

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RT @knitabulous: Just came from the RAS arts pavilion…. @web_goddess, WTF is that thing? You’re gonna scare the kiddies!

@knitabulous AWESOME. So they’re definitely displaying it then? 🙂


@randomknits They remind me of a wizard – in a good way!

RT @rabbieburns: I’m absolutely horrified by the comments on the SMH Centennial Park piece. Unreal anger and vitriol against cyclists ht …

@shanea Goddamn! Well done!

RT @runnersworld: Born to Run’s Caballo Blanco reported missing:

RT @Y7News: Cyclist denies headbutting police union boss // This will not end well.

Such a hipster today. I even put a bird on it. @ The Broadway Lounge

@richbuggy I’m tempted to reply by crossing out cyclist and substituting “Liberal.” 🙂

RT @marcooda: Ich bin ein polynomial! A^2 卐 B^2 = C^2 (via @damien_quintal ) hahahaha

RT @sthcrft: I never felt compelled to stop and take photos of pretty things when I drove or took the bus to work #bikeftw.

It seems my doc has asked Sydney bus drivers to ramp up incompetence to motivate me to do physiotherapy and thus get back on my bike faster.

It’s Friday, and I’m in too good a mood to respond to trolls.

@Fiestywenchyone Numbers (from iWork). Very pretty. But I also just use Google Docs spreadsheet a fair bit.

@crumpet Only one I’ve read of his was Perdido Street Station, which was very cool.

This morning’s office playlist has included the Karate Kid soundtrack and now Justin Bieber. I suspect Karen is punking us.

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@shanea I think those are both signs you’re having a stroke.

@mudsurfer Damn. Wish you were in Sydney – my company is looking for Drupal devs!

Final outcome of My Battle with Australia Post: I’m getting a free book of stamps. More than I expected! Thanks to @auspost for helping.

@jannism I didn’t know your missus was a tweeter! *waves hello and follows @duds68 *

@blakkat The Magnar of Thenn. Don’t think he turns up in series 2 tho. Next is the Onion Knight! Love Davos. 🙂

@blakkat And Margaery Tyrrell’s grandma. She rocks. I hope she’s in this one. (Damn books have a cast of 1000s!)

RT @bonappetit: Seriously though, put an egg on it. #eggweek // HA! cc @drkknits

RT @tvendange: Looks like the ATO is finally considering non-Microsoft options for eTax filings. // cc @the_snook

@imdominating I’ll make an exception since your paint job rocks so much!

RT @Y7News: Pensioner avoids fail for fatally running over wife // I wouldn’t say he avoided “fail”, would you?

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@witty_knitter @twelveeyes @Alacaeriel @redambition There’s only so much room in immediate hand distance, & there’s already gears/brakes.

@witty_knitter @twelveeyes @Alacaeriel @redambition Now I’m envisioning some sort of head-controlled air horn. I like this.

Phone call from @auspost. No one at Strawberry Hills office will admit to posting the license to me. IT JUST APPEARED, OUT OF THIN AIR.

And since no one at @auspost will own up to returning it, they aren’t going to pay for replacing it. Pretty much as I expected.

I did have fun filling out @auspost’s Customer Service Survey yesterday though. Too bad they didn’t have negative numbers on some questions.

Behold the magical license, not sent by @auspost despite their stamp being only mark!

@witty_knitter Option 3: Get on a bike and do some swooping of your own. 🙂

I’ll stop poking @auspost now. Their Twitter person has been the only helpful customer rep in this whole ordeal. I’m over it, really.

@witty_knitter But the more bikes we have in traffic, the less terrifying it is for everybody! That’s my reasoning. Screw shared paths.

Ugh. They take Reader OUT of the Google nav menu and put in a link to “Play”?! UGH. Why can’t I customise that?

@auspost It’s okay, really. I honestly never expected to get the money back. I just wish there had been an explanation!

Condom or Android? I’ll admit I giggled. (cc @drkknits @venks79)

@drkknits @venks79 @gilmae There’s only iPhone, iPad, iMac. Everything else was just a knockoff of the brilliant branding. 🙂

@crumpet SodaStream? We swap ours at Kmart.

Getting my knee looked at. This could be painful. (@ The Sports Clinic)