Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    @IanMmmm Congrats! I know that @OlenaKutsenko went there last year, and she’s fantastic so I can confirm you’ve got some good folks on your team. 🙂

    @NickyWill100 @CosmicRami @Astronomisty Oh very cool! My friend @HeartOfPluto_ created a giant knitted universe that’s currently on display at the State Library of Victoria in Melbourne:

    RT @AwsugNepal: AWS User Group Nepal is proud to announce AWS’s flagship event, AWS Community Day 2022🎉 for the first time in Nepal.

    📅 So…

    @Typhon666_death I recognise these lovely people! Hello to you all. ❤️

    @bhandari_barsha @RKridhima @anjaniphuyal Very happy to support! Ridhima – let’s plan out when we go to Nepal next year. 😍

    RT @Typhon666_death: Let’s rock!!

    #jawsug #AWSCommunityAPAC

    @IanMmmm @OlenaKutsenko Sadly not this year. Will be packing up the house to move back to Oz!

    @CosmicRami @NickyWill100 @HeartOfPluto_ Oh that’s super cool! I actually saw it back in June when I was in Melbs. Such a small world. ❤️

    @CosmicRami @NickyWill100 @HeartOfPluto_ Incidentally, I’ve had this in my Ravelry queue forever. One of these days…

    @Vel12171 @guimathed Agree – that dress is stunning and so are you!

    @Vel12171 @guimathed Facebook and Instagram keep showing me ads for dresses from African designers. This must be a sign that I need to do some shopping!!

    @chrisgander I just want to see Daemon chopping them all to bits.

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    RT @bhandari_barsha: AWS User Group Nepal is excited to announce AWS’s flagship event, AWS Community Day 2022, happening for the first time…

    I suspect this is the last warm day of the year, and Westpark is busy. I’m really going to miss this. These days make me want to smile and weep at the same time. 🍻🍁🍂 (2022 Biergarten count: 15)

    RT @BicycleLobby: Are you riding a bicycle today? Any type and for any reason? Then you are doing it right.

    @rotnroll666 That looks glorious.

    @steve_evil @jennydoesthings I am! Two more months until we head back to Sydney. Today is glorious.

    🧶🫖🍁🍂 @ Munich, Germany

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    Sticky slow roast pork belly (made by the Snook), with charred Brussels sprouts and mash (made by me). 😍 @ Munich, Germany

    “Thank goodness I’ve outgrown that,” I say, alt-tabbing back to my permanently open Ao3 tab of Sherlock fanfic… 😂

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    RT @sanchitdilip: Join my session at AWS #reInvent2022 to learn how different AWS Data Analytics services, like Amazon Redshift, Amazon EMR…

    RT @themaninblue: This thread is just completely amazing creativity at every level of quality:

    @rohini_gaonkar It’s a beautiful church, but I’m so sorry about the circumstances.

    @Amys_Kapers @MishManners I was staying in a hotel in Bangalore with a really big tub and @rohini_gaonkar gave me a life-changing tip: call Reception and ask for bath salts. They brought them to me! It was amazing!

    RT @JamesOstime: What’s the sexiest a man has ever been in a movie? The dude version of Phoebe Cates in Fast Times, or Sharon Stone in Basi…

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    RT @anndeejam: it is a reflex from childhood for people my age to say “Marge! The rains are ’ere!” when it starts raining we can’t help it…

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    RT @deekob: Me looking smug before giving my first ever talk at #NDCSydney – thanks to everyone who sat through the ‘jokes’ and @NDC_Confer…

    RT @lizthegrey: Some personal news: I am now the Field CTO at @honeycombio!

    I’ll be working with Honeycomb’s most strategic clients, and a…

    Halal Street Cart Chicken, made by me!

    Ch-ch-ch-changes! ❤️ @ Munich, Germany

    @emd3737 Important research!! 😂

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    RT @JessicaValenti:

    I’m really honored to be asked to keynote at this event next week! Please join us – it’s going to be a great event, and I’m going to miss the local AWS community a lot next year. 😢❤️

    @iAnuragKale You won’t be able to miss me. @hoegertn has insisted that I wear the AWS dress. 😂

    @MelissaKaulfuss @lindaliukas @pat I managed to find Lakritze gelato at just a random gelateria in Munich, so I think that might be more common than you think!

    Wow! We used to have the Schwan truck visit our house back in Indiana when I was growing up. How cool that the business continues to evolve and transform!

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    RT @stfn42: Well, it took 29 years, but I finally watched the original Jurassic Park, a cautionary tale about understaffing your engineerin…

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    RT @sanchitdilip: Hi Folks!

    We are going live with our session “Let’s Code AWS CDK.” We will cover the flavors of CDK Construct and step-b…

    RT @BriannaWu: Real talk for younger voters. Biden delivered on two major policies I never thought I’d see: Student loan forgiveness and ma…

    RT @awswhatsnew: AWS IQ now supports partners and independent consultants in Australia, Europe, Japan, and other regions

    You can now conne…

    RT @Social_Mime: Some couples exercise together.

    My wife and I send each other articles when we’re sitting in the same room.

    He’s still sick, but we’re still eating well. Chicken Saag curry helps clear out the sinuses… 😍 @ Munich, Germany

    Blog post: Dubai, Australia, and Singapore! In which I explored the desert and the Grand Mosque of Abu Dhabi before our first visit home to see family and friends in 2 years.

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    RT @kameoncloud: 大阪リージョンでGravitonベースのLambdaがご利用可能に!

    RT @__apf__: after ordering a sandwich to go, the guy asked me if I wanted some “walking bacon.” this was three strips of bacon separate fr…

    RT @AWSCommunityDE: Ready for more AWS content from the community?

    Join the in-person AWS Community Day DACH in Dresden!…

    Today is the first day in a week that I’ve actually felt like myself. Still not 100%, but finally starting to feed like this virus is nearly gone.

    Autumn in Munich. I am really, really going to miss this. 🍂🍁 @ Munich, Germany


    @094459 Way over on the left with you, buddy!! 🍍🍕❤️

    @nao_spon GAHHHH SO FUN!

    RT @AWSCommunityDE: We’re looking forward to see you at the in-person AWS Community Day DACH in Dresden!

    Not registered? No problem. You…

    @nao_spon I wish I was there! Next year, I promise!!

    Him: “Harfoots are the Jar-Jar of this show.”
    Me: “I think it’s Theo.”

    If he cooks like this when he’s sick, can you imagine what it’s like when he’s at full health? 😍🍕