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Worried. The Snook is taking Petey to the vet. We thought he was faking; now it seems like he’s not. Poor little guy. 🙁

Said @knitterjp this morning: “Look what you made me do!” #liberty #everwhere

@suzyhausfrau Oh no! Do you need to stay home? Yikes! cc @ClareLouise1308

@Nat_Sutton @knitterjp If there’s three of us, then it’s pretty much a club. The Mi9 Liberty Vans Club.

@SerriLaw I used to think I was iObsessed. But you’re an even bigger Apple tragic!! 🙂

RT @jchyip: To my daughter’s high school programming teacher

@drkknits @Yarna_ @knitterjp Hm. The only way to compete would be to get the damn Liberty fedora. But then I wouldn’t respect myself.

@jannism Rodd and I hadn’t seen it until very recently. And now I am completely addicted.

@drkknits @witty_knitter @Yarna_ @knitterjp Hm. No, it was Sportscraft. Not showing on their site now though. Maybe it sold out? *shudder*

@witty_knitter @drkknits @Yarna_ @knitterjp I am sensing some potential for WARDROBE THEMING at Guild Camp here…

@witty_knitter @drkknits @Yarna_ @knitterjp Alas, she’s not coming. And neither is JP. SO WE’LL BE THE LIBERTY QUEENS OF CAMP.

86 people coming to Camp, only 5 of which didn’t have email addresses. Impressed! (There were also 5 Anne’s & 5 Kate’s. That’s just weird.)

@witty_knitter Not counting retailers and the masseuse. We’ll be close to 100 people on Saturday!

@witty_knitter Your teacher information email is coming very shortly, by the way. @SandraHW already got her Guest version today…

@RoseRed_Shoes Heh. “Roaming” masseuse giving 5 minute massages all day Saturday. That’s a surprise though. Shhhh.

@RoseRed_Shoes I don’t actually know if it’s a “strapping young man.” That’s what I asked for, anyway.

@RoseRed_Shoes Teacher email coming through to you right…. now.

Happy to report Petey is back from vet and on the mend. What a funny.

@catehstn Looking forward to tomorrow!

@randomknits I think the US cost is with contract. Nobody there buys phones outright, or very seldom.

@trudib73 @witty_knitter Heh. I’m the worst secret keeper in the world. I’ve told everybody!

Hm. Assuming I can find one in stock, if I buy an iPhone 5c in the US next month, I’ll save ~$170.

RT @webblastsyd: WebBlast is on again on the 19th of September. Get your ticket here: // Even though I can’t go. 🙁

@witty_knitter @trudib73 Not really. But it would have been a fun surprise. 🙂

@webblastsyd Definitely!

Appreciative email from @KnitGuildNSW Camp attendee. *sniff* That was nice.

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@witty_knitter @redambition My grandad has a crappy Linux tablet he Skypes me on. It’s great, except he can’t work out time difference. 🙂

@suzyhausfrau How you feelin’? I’m sorry to hassle, but I need your rego details ASAP so I can give final meal numbers to The Tops.

Anybody know where I could find 100 cellophane bags for party favours in the CBD?

@twalve Great tip, thanks! AND HEY, welcome aboard! I didn’t realise when I saw you Friday you weren’t just stopping by… 🙂

@knitterjp Wow. All those ENDS! I am in awe.

Putting together final Camp information packet. *yawn* Only 11 more days….

Thinking all good thoughts in the world for my sister @carbolicious and BIL @carbocommander as their 3rd child arrives in a few hours!!

Congrats to @carbolicious and @carbolicious on the birth of Cali Sue! Tell her Aunt Kris can’t wait to meet her in 4 weeks. 🙂

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As an American-Australian, it feels a little weird to vote at a church. (@ St Barnabas Church Broadway) [pic]:

Massive queue to vote at Barney’s, by the way. Never had that problem when the polling was at Notre Dame across the street.

Should have taken a How to Vote card to use as a hat.

A lady in the voting queue asked me where I got my awesome shirt. “I MADE IT!”

RT @miss_raej: Ladies: Don’t forget to set your clock back 60 years tonight when Abbott wins. #auspoll #ausvotes

Inclination to vote below the line disappeared after 15min wait in hot sun.

Snook and I agreed we would’ve been more inclined to vote for the Bullet Train for Australia Party if it had been called “Fuck Yeah Trains!”

Also, the Stable Population Party should’ve been called “People Are the Worst.” Amirite, @drkknits?

Waiting for the @9NewsAUS election live stream to start on Jump-in! via @jump_in

Have now entered the phase of Camp prep that involves me, @ClareLouise1308, and @SallyPompom running into each other like the 3 Stooges.

Mantra: Nobody’s perfect. We’re doing our best. It’s just a weekend away. It’s not the end of the world.

@suzyhausfrau Aww, don’t favourite that one! It’ll be awesome, I promise. 🙂

@suzyhausfrau Incidentally, I don’t have any rego details for you! Need your contact details and what workshops you want to attend…

@suzyhausfrau Yipes! No worries then. Hope you get better soon. 🙂

@witty_knitter @SallyPompom @ClareLouise1308 I know you’re joking, but you’re also killing me a little bit. 🙂

@mpesce The Snook is worried that since we’re going on holiday, he’ll miss delivery of the free chain to lock me in the kitchen.

@drkknits Is it a SURFACE? #microsoftrules #indoctrinated

I bought some lovely earrings today at Sew Make Create! #peacocks @ Sew Make Create

Inspired by zenasmithwhite: my own sad election night selfie. Very sad, indeed.

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We don’t have a coffee machine, but the massage chairs almost make up for it. #bliss @ Mi9

Ravelry insanity of the day: someone claiming that reviewing a yarn as “splitty” is libel.

Check out “Girl Geek Sydney Dinner @ Bigcommerce – September 2013” via @eventbrite

@BendalongMorgan No, no, not worth it. And the comment wasn’t public anyway. 🙂

Funniest misspelling of the day: “a smorkesboard of options”. HA!

@virtualwolf Somehow that actually looks more Swedish than the real version. 😀

Mystery! @timparsons met a wan who knows me at Mobile Monday. I wonder who it was? @VenessaHunt? @Opheli8?

@VenessaHunt @timparsons @Opheli8 That was my first guess, but no, not @ozgamer! Definitely a woman.

@VenessaHunt @timparsons Hmm, don’t know @bantermm!

@VenessaHunt I did think to ask @timparsons those questions, silly! He had no clue. Hence my public plea. (You were my first guess, FWIW!)

@VenessaHunt @timparsons Exactly!!

@drkknits I reckon you’d be one of those ones filmed kicking parcels and chucking them over fences. Also, brown = not your colour.

RT @DrMiaow: No aerial, no real Internet, everything in boxes. So… it has come to this.

Pre-voting breakfast with soft baked eggs and jamon. (at @ReubenHills Coffee Roastery & Cafe w/ 2 others) [pic]:

Theme of the day: bureaucracy. First task: renew drivers license. (@ Roads & Maritime Services (RMS))

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Anybody at 99 York? @smark31 @Yarna_

Quick beer with the knitters. Thanks to @smark31 for letting me vent! (@ 99 On York)

Dubious Achievement unlocked.

@drkknits I did. In fact, I said to the barkeep: “I could MURDER a Fat Yak.” He looked at me as if to say, “You sad, weird woman.”

RT @amandapalmer: if you haven’t read this blog about the communication between john hughes and one of his supporters…do. huge. http://t.…

Now dinner. (@ Australian Youth Hotel – @aussieyouth w/ 3 others)

RT @scottfarkas: This is Genius! Beautiful parody of Microsoft and Nokia:

@randomknits Gorgeous!

RT @kapravel: probably the saddest graph ever shown in a CS conference. #Linux #tshirtsize

@Justacogitating I asked the CEO of my company today (Australian arm of MSN) if we’d all be getting Nokias. He chuckled. 🙂

Lucky dip! None of the ticket machines on this bus are working. Free ride.

@imdominating Very similar to the paleo version I make for us, but mine has more fat in it. 😀

@imdominating Except I gruesomely injure myself every time I try to use the effing mandolin. BLOOD = EXTRA TASTINESS.

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Best part of my training session today!

@chrisgander Haha, I didn’t peg you as an Extended Universe fan, Gander. 🙂 I thought they weren’t using Thrawn at all?

Decision: Marimekko Chucks or Liberty Vans?? @knitterjp @drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes @the_snook

@randomknits @knitterjp @drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes @the_snook This is last pair that fits me. They’re a little roomy.

@witty_knitter @knitterjp @drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes @the_snook I have too many sneakers! Should only get 1 pair. 🙂

It was the artificial scarcity that swayed me. I went with the Vans. My first ever! And pretty, pretty Liberty…

@RoseRed_Shoes I’ve already got a couple pairs of Chucks. Went with Liberty. ENABLER!

@randomknits Platypus still had some sizes, I think. And I can see some inside Vans store at TGV too…

@mikeefreedom My first ever Vans. I feel like a skater chick now.

@drkknits Too late! I got Liberty. Mostly because he said Marimekko are easier to get; they have lots. Might try US next month.

@RoseRed_Shoes Pretty much! I think the Liberty were a little more. These were like $95 at Platypus.

@knitterjp They didn’t have the orange/pink in my size in all NSW. If they had, I wouldn’t have even hesitated. 🙁

@witty_knitter No, no. Just the Liberty Vans. Marimekko can wait a bit. 🙂

@RoseRed_Shoes @witty_knitter @knitterjp @drkknits @randomknits Maybe the Marimekko will be the reward for surviving Camp! 😀

Good grief. Like 40 tweets about buying sneakers. In my defence, I do at least recognise how ridiculous I am.

@RoseRed_Shoes @witty_knitter @knitterjp @drkknits @randomknits HAHAHAHA… (Can of worms. Backing away slowly…)

Well, OF COURSE I’m gonna pair the Liberty Vans with my Sentient Xylophones Onesie. #headsasploding

@redambition Too late! I went the Vans. For now

@eileenDCoE I agree. I’d probably even go further. Being on the cultured meat, I say! I’d have tried that stem cell burger.

@christine_jt Sure. I’m 36 and taking Yaz.

@christine_jt Sure. kris.howard at gmail. I know @JennaPrice; happy to help. 🙂

@Hartsyard Actually @daphnechong and I had an argument yesterday at work over whether the po boys were better than the poutine!

RT @SerriLaw: Oh gosh ! #feelingFamous // Woohoo! Totes famous.

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The indignities continue. Our intern @SerriLaw had never posted a letter before. And had to ask me – as village elder – where to put stamp.

Definitely one of those “screaming in my head like Elaine” days.

@imdominating Did you like the reference to Chicago? 🙂

Somebody got a new toy today. Even as an avowed iHipster, this is pretty schmick.

@handmethepanda Yup. With Retina touchscreen.

Damn. @hartsyard got a #goodfoodguide hat? Now I’ll never get another table!

@drkknits It has a shiny, shiny touchscreen. I may or may not be stroking it while I drink my red wine.

@manaboutnewtown I thought Oscillate Wildly had one several years back.

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Final Guild Camp site visit! with @Aunty_Toots and @ClareLouise1308 (@ The Tops Conference Centre) [pic]:

Lunch. I love this place. (@ Scarborough Hotel) [pic]:

This is quite possibly one of the best Reddit posts ever.

9 questions about Syria you were too embarrassed to ask // Thanks MetaFilter…