Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    Brunch in Vienna (as @emd3737 put it, “the Melbourne of Europe”). 🥂☕️🥐 @ phil

    Art in Vienna.

    RT @MariInTokyo: @nataliexdean @istewart1919 My partner gave me this and brought me a hole puncher. I only need 9 more No’s to get an ice c…

    We discovered this morning that the hotel has a sauna and steam bath you can reserve. Perfect way to end the day… 😅 @ Boutiquehotel Das Tyrol

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    RT @AWSCloudANZ: Experienced leaders can can help you challenge convention, learn, and grow your career. However, landing time with your dr…

    @andre_verheij Always.

    Dinner onboard the RJX262 from Munich to Budapest-Deli. We ordered on the railnet site and they delivered to our seats! 🍺🚞 @_DiningCar

    @_DiningCar Argh, typo! It’s the RJX 261.

    @Herri_HSV96 @_DiningCar It’s meant to be Tiroler Gröstl mit warmem Krautsalat 😂

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    @davefarley77 There’s been a lot of good stuff, but right now I’m happiest about fighting my way through a thicket of bureaucracy seven months ago to hire a guy from Belarus and help him and his partner migrate to Germany. Didn’t realise how important that was going to be.

    @BrisJS Awww, miss you lot! ❤️ Thanks for the shout out. If you find any great folks to add it to it, please let me know.

    RT @BrisJS: Hey all! Happy #InternationalWomensDay from BrisJS too! – maybe consider some cool lists, like this one I’ve been following by…

    RT @codepo8: 🧠📺 The old Wonder Women show is full of wisdom.

    RT @primarymark: “We took in some Jewish children who often sat in front of the fire every evening, quietly crying because they had no idea…

    RT @obiwankenobi: Between darkness and defeat, hope survives.

    Watch the new teaser trailer for #ObiWanKenobi, and start streaming the limi…

    The Obi-Wan trailer reminded me that I did bring this treasured souvenir along to Germany with me. 😍

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    RT @schnoerpsel: ich lache und weine seit einer stunde gleichzeitig.

    es gibt ein neues lied von NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK mit RICK ASTLEY. und…

    RT @RealSexyCyborg: I’ve speculated before that the Maker Movement was primarily about the gentrification of shop class and this focus on f…

    RT @jeffbarr: Breaking the Bias – Women at #AWS Developer Relations – – Guest post by @RashmiNbr featuring @Vel1217…

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    RT @GunnarGrosch: We’re live now! Join us for some AWS Step Functions action!

    @lynnlangit Oh good lord. @the_snook and I nearly broke up early in our relationship over a particularly contentious game of Monopoly, in which I sold a Glaswegian the red property he needed over the Snook’s impassioned cries of “BUT STATISTICALLY THAT’S THE MOST VALUABLE–“

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    Breakfast with a view. Only a little seedy from last night… 😅☕️ @ Madrid, Spain

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    TFW you manage to each solve the day’s Semantle puzzle right before your flight takes off… 😅✈️ @ Munich Airport

    Time to eat our way through Madrid! First up is oxtail gnocchi with truffle for me, homemade pastrami sandwich for the Snook, and an amazing cheesecake with smoked and bleu cheese. 😍

    If you’re wondering if we followed that meal up with a siesta… we did.

    RT @SamRamani2: Germany shuts down Russia in an argument about Nazism

    Booked a food tour tonight in Madrid and we were the only ones on it! So Margit was our own private guide to tapas in Malasaña. 🧀🍷🍺❤️

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    RT @rjourdan_net: Today, I opened 7 Developer Advocate roles… net-new positions to cover topics like cloud infrastructure, web developmen…

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    @MelissaKaulfuss All three of those things are tough. Hang in there. ❤️

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    @mathowie Nooooooooooo