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@gilmae There is, a bit.

Exciting client meeting with @VenessaHunt! Tried hard to follow Snook’s advice: “Be awesome.”

Snookums and Petey are enjoying tonight’s new episode of Mythbusters.×5 (cc @voicework)

Today’s xkcd is actually relevant to what I’ve been doing at work! (@VenessaHunt @venks79)

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All 3 grocery stores were missing a crucial ingredient, so tonight’s Jamie recipe is being postponed til tomorrow! Be patient…

And I just gave @SallyPompom a new boat too! 🙂 @redambition @AusVintageGrrl

@Bells_G ?? I’m not waiting for inspiration. I’m waiting for bean shoots! 🙂

@Opheli8 How did your dresses go? We need pics!!

Sudden realisation: I have less than 4 weeks to finish my (top secret) Easter Show projects. FRACK.

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I want a t-shirt with Mayvis on it, dammit. #kgnswagm

@mrs_sockvictim @SallyPompom @witty_knitter @knitterjp @Kat13v Cautiously optimistic. Nearing end of Constitutional discussion….

Crisis averted! Constitution has passed unanimously. Brilliant work @SallyPompom!! #kgnswagm

Me and @witty_knitter towards the end of today’s #kgnswagm.

@lttlrdhn @witty_knitter @knitabulous The 1st rule of Knitters Guild is YOU DO NOT TWEET ABOUT KNITTERS GUILD.

Anybody need a food processor? Grater is crap but it mushes and chops fine. $20 and it’s yours!

Dear @toastman. This is for you: (Though I suspect @kunaal84 will like it too.)

Internet nerds heading to the Sunday 10:30am old people’s showing of King’s Speech. (We dislike crowds.)

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RT @venks79: Major release completed successfully! If you like to take a punt, have a look: and don’t forget to fo …

@steven_noble I don’t mind gamification too much, but transmedia I’m not familiar with. What the heck does it mean? Sounds LGBT-related. 🙂

Got my orthotics. They feel very weird. Also, unexpectedly expensive. (Damn HCF waiting periods!!)

@sharre I thought you were going to nominate from the floor?!

@mpesce Actually if you’ve got a new passport, you’ll get to go through the high-tech photo scanner thing! Very futuristic.

Heading to #kgnswagm now. Museum is still closed, IIRC. Anybody know how I get in early to set up? @redambition @Kat13v

My t-shirt has a car crash on it. I thought it was thematically appropriate. #kgnswagm

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Anybody looking for a Technical Architect role? We’re on the lookout for someone with mad technical skillz… DM me if you like!

Trying out new hair salon. This place is a little more punk than my usual!

@richapplefool Be sure to look for my knitting while you’re there. 🙂

New hair: blonder plus layers.

@imdominating DAMN YOU. I meant to leave for work like half an hour ago, and yet I KEEP PUSHING THE MAGIC PACEY BUTTON.

@imdominating I also have a sudden urge to buy Rodd a peacoat for winter.

@venks79 Heh. Please tell @rajsingh2505 to log an issue for changing logo on holding page. 🙂 Be there soon…

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Dude. Bieber’s “First Dance” is a surprisingly dirty song, right? Or is that just me?

Most expensive lipstick I’ve ever bought in my life, but I love it. @ David Jones

@redambition I couldn’t wait. Went to DJ’s after work. Red was intimidating at first, but it actually looks GOOD on me!

MAC Wonder Woman lippie in Matte Russian Red. It’s all @redambition’s fault.

@redambition Haha… Sure thing. 🙂

@kunaal84 That actually made me hesitate! 🙂

@Glompbot @redambition Yep! Google “MAC wonder woman.” Also gloss, mascara, liner, compacts, etc all in awesome WW packaging!!

Haters gonna hate, but Snook and I are definitely getting the new iPad.

RT @gilmae: Today, we are all Irish. // Heh. I’ll jump on that bandwagon.

@gilmae Yep. Snook’s laptop died & we decided 1 laptop (mine) and 1 iPad2 were cheaper given our usage. Plus: SHINY and TOMORROW.

@richbuggy Why would you ever pity someone who can afford to buy something that makes them happy? Odd attitude.

@richbuggy Ah, well then you’re just being willfully ignorant. I didn’t buy the 1st iPad as didn’t need it. Also didn’t buy new MacBook Pro.

@richbuggy But – you successfully trolled, so I guess you get +10 anti-apple points? I hear you can buy a “Xoom” with them.

@miftik I wanted the first one, but couldn’t justify it. Now that Snook’s laptop is dead, we finally have a need for one!

Just freaked out @seanchadwick when he realised I was wearing lipstick. “YOU CAN’T JUST DO THAT!” #bizarroworld

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RT @GGDSydney: Sign up to attend GGDsydney event 10th March: cyber security, National broadband network, javascrip …

@randomknits I don’t know about hexagons, but I made a quilt by hand without much experience. You can do it!

I just ordered a ukelele off Amazon. I blame @amandapalmer. Now I have to figure out how to play it!

@thisismywww That one! It was free since I had some gift certs. 🙂

The Snook is mocking me as a ukelele-playing, retro-dress-wearing hipster. Sadly, it’s true. Next on the list: FIXIE! (Just kidding.)

@gilmae Ha! Found you on there. Followed.

@Roceal Ooh, thanks for that! Will bookmark for when it gets here. 🙂

The Snook has just pointed out that I’ve been spelling ukulele wrong “on the twitters.” DAMN HIPSTER PEDANT.

@redambition So how much is the perfect red lippie going to cost me, and where do I get it?

@redambition Ah, but I can’t judge these things on my own. I have terrible colour sense! When are you in the city next? 🙂

@redambition Crap. Getting my hair cut Thurs at 6. Before/after AGM, maybe?

@venks79 Good luck!!!

Do other people get calls from head hunters to their work number? That seems super inappropriate to me.

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@imdominating So hang on. Do the actual awards not start for another 30 minute? I can’t figure it out.

With 4 awards to go… Oscar Contest is currently a 25-way tie for first. #fml

@betsybookworm I have a tiebreaker, thankfully… Hopefully won’t need it! COME ON, UPSET.

CRAP, it’s the dead people montage! I hope you’re all counting for me.

@knitterjp Excellent. @imdominating concurs. @miftik?

@miftik Thanks! 41 is definitely the consensus.

Uh oh. General crappy feeling has given way to sinus congestion. Am I getting my usual training-induced bout of sickness?

@witty_knitter @monnsqueak I took some Zyrtec and I think I’m feeling better. Hoping it was just an allergy attack…

Dear @kunaal84. I saved you the BIEBER-TASTIC episode of Glee from last night. You’re welcome. 🙂

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@laimelde Wrong turn! Nearly there.

@venks79 it’s 1:20 and I’m about halfway around. See if you can catch me before I finish!! 🙂

Getting ready for tonight’s Jamie meal: Duck Salad with Giant Croutons and Cheat’s Rice Pudding with Stewed Fruit.

That is… a lot of food for two people.

@redambition No way! And Boomer from BSG, AND Jin from Lost? They got every hot Asian in Hollywood! 🙂

Jamie’s 30 Min. Meals #6: Duck Salad w/ Giant Croutons, Cheat’s Rice Pudding w/ Stewed Fruit. Impressive presentation!

HELLO MONDAY. I wasn’t even out of bed for 5 minutes before I stepped in cat sick.

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Excited to see TOAST’s play! (@ NIDA w/ @toastman)

Toastman, the Snook, and a giant fake ham glued to a landmine. #sydneytheater #shortandsweet

@kdelarue Yep. @toastman wrote a one-act play called “Raining Bacon.”

@laimelde Whoops, forgot to reply! Yep, all systems go. I’m planning to be at Lang Road entrance by noon. Hope to see you there!

@mrs_sockvictim Sydney Park at 10:30ish, if you’re up for it! 🙂

@eileenDCoE Walkin down the street I’m the lady – uh! Showin off my map of Tasmania! 🙂

@miftik Yay! Thanks for remembering. 🙂

Fueling up and psyching myself up for today’s 22.5km (14mile) long run. Looking forward to running a bit of it with @laimelde and @venks79!

Just over 24 hours to go in the w-g Oscar Contest. Be sure to put your entry in for a chance to win the sock monkeys!