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Yesterday I got permission to double my desk and floor space at work. Makes me feel a little giddy to have so much room to move! #happykris

Window washers, 10 floors up. Scared the crap out of me. @ Westfield Towers

I wore my Super Spy dress today. Feeling very Mad Men. @ William St

@lemon_lime Have a great trip!

@squozen @Gizo Shunt the hell up!

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@toastman Where was it? Rodd got me some macarons from La Renaissance, and they were fantastic.

Beers with one of my favorite Irishmen… (@ The Gaslight Inn)

@venks79 Heh. Yep. I only know a few. 🙂

@carbolicious I am so happy to read that. Have you watched Arrested Development? Because if not, I will send you DVDs. LOVE THAT KID.

@venks79 Too late! I’m home now. But he’s good; will fill you in tomorrow. 🙂

@carbolicious Well, you said he was your new John Cusack, as if it had just happened! He’s been mine for like 5 years. 🙂

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Managed to FaceTime with my Mom on her new Verizon iPhone4! It totally weirded out everybody back home. Very futuristic and TOMORROW.

@steven_noble Eating after, I think. Your muscles like to take up protein after a workout to repair, IIRC.

Less than a week left to enter the web-goddess Oscar Contest! Black Swan sock monkeys could be yours…

@chrisgander Blog post about a new health/social gaming site I’ve been using: Your type of thing!

@DDsD The girl who sits about 3 meters from me does… What do you need to know?

@DDsD Based on the bitching I hear about various states, I don’t think so. @Opheli8 knows as much as I do, really.

Pondering the capability of the human brain to deal with an exponentially-increasing number of Skype chats, all with different questions…

I was in a very mild earthquake in LA 2.5 years ago. For this Midwesterner, it was very weird & scary. Can’t imagine being in a big one.

@jasony Read your blog post. I didn’t know a stylus worked so well with them! I’m very tempted now. Probably wait til 2nd gen though…

After 9 hours of sleep and a good run, I feel like I could pull the ears off a gundark.

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Our Jamie’s 30 Minute Meal #5: Oozy Mushroom Risotto, Spinach Salad, and Lemon & Raspberry Cheesecake. Best yet!

How do savvy teams deliver successful projects? Brilliant infographic:

Our new food process has arrived, and it is a beautiful thing. NOW WHAT CAN I PULVERIZE?

@twelveeyes Ooohhhh, now there’s an idea. I can be the Zumbo of Chippendale! 😛

@venks79 And they pulled the bus GPS data feed down immediately after #apps4nsw, so no app to help you out either. 🙁 @Opheli8

I’ve had a big increase in both Twitter and GMail spam in the past few days. Anybody else?

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Me and Bex at Fair Day earlier today. @ Victoria Park

Cardigan body is done. Welcome to Sleeve-town.

Tonight’s Jamie recipe: Oozy Mushroom Risotto, Spinach Salad, and Lemon Raspberry Cheesecake. SO GOOD. Blog will be up tomorrow!

@lemon_lime @kunaal84 Awww… I didn’t! 😀

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@jadzor @steveathon Heh. That’s my husband. Say hi from his missus! 🙂

RT @steveathon: Awesome photo of one of the @Yahoo devs working hard on #apps4nsw hacks // It’s the Snook!!

@steveathon Well, and he’s using MY MacBook! 😛

@knitabulous Must admit, haven’t worn mine much. The wool annoys me too, which doesn’t help.

High on cat grass, Petey stretches in the sun.

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Casual gaming found to reduce depression: @chrisgander will be all over that….

@knitness Dude, going off Depo for a while certainly had some, uh, impact on me too. Shame I couldn’t stay that way, really! 🙂

Elf shoes (ie plaster casts of my feet) @ Podiatrist

@eileenDCoE HOLY CRAP. You just made me realize – is Gaius Baltar in that movie as her friend?!?!

Best wishes to @kunaal84 on his trip home!!

Mr Snook is off to #apps4nsw Hack Day in his Team Yahoo shirt. #geekwifeswoon

Went to Eveleigh to get mushrooms for tomorrow’s Jamie recipe. Yowza. Might be most expensive meal yet.

@eileenDCoE I do them in the microwave. Much easier.

Slight regret that I didn’t go to #apps4nsw with Snook, if only to increase the number of geek girls! But there’s knitting to be done…

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Trying to achieve a balance between brevity and over-specifying. And obviously losing.

@codepo8 Nah, not today. Kicking ass requires jeans. 🙂

Meeting @Opheli8 to deliver her dresses! (@ Marlborough Hotel)

@chrisgander A friend is a U.S. lawyer mainly helping poor people. She said that game is very true to life for a lot of her clients. 🙁

The Snook decided to test Eddie McGuire’s “Land of the Felafel” hypothesis:

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My constant badgering of the vending machine man has finally paid off. HEAPS OF PRETZELS. HEAPS!

@witty_knitter Dissertation Haiku: Thought of you. 🙂

@redambition Do you like the show? It’s like that. Not really traditional recipe format; more like order of operations for a full meal.

@redambition Hmmm… And actually, probably only 10 vegetarian meals in it, to be honest.

@redambition Come over some night. You can have a flip through and watch an ep (we have them on the DVR).

@redambition Check your gmail. Sent you a scan I had so you can see the non-traditional format. Lifting out single dishes isn’t easy…

@gilmae @redambition It’s hard because he doesn’t always give timings. Some things you cook for duration of doing other things.

@gilmae Having two people cooking also messes things up, because one of us is always jumping head to a different task.

@chrisgander The hammer and the shield ARE pretty cool…

RT @PhoenixCub: Lady Gaga shows up at the VMA’s in meat & arrives at the Grammy’s in an egg. She’s only 2 red carpets away from being a …

@redambition Ooh, don’t know it. Do a blog review! I’m going to write one on Health Month, which I think you’d LOVE.

New veggie in the box tonight: amaranth. Treated it like spinach in scrambled eggs. Tasty and healthy!

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Yay, the package from Heartbreaker has arrived! Pretty dresses for me and @Opheli8 and Nina!

In my best @mindykaling voice: Fashion Show! Fashion Show! Fashion Show at lunch!

RT @codepo8: @web_goddess oh oh oh! photos!!! // I hope poorly-lit bathroom photos are okay! Coming right up…

Heartbreaker Astro Dress in Atomic Red: Went down a size from last order and the fit is *much* better!

Super Spy Dress: Wasn’t sure if a wiggle dress was for me, but wow. VA-VA-VOOM! Snook is gonna love it. 🙂

@that_alison Ooh, thanks for that. Will do. I don’t want it to shrink; it’s just right! 🙂

AGM documention just received, which means it’s OFFICIAL CONGRATS to @Kat13v, @SallyPompom, @miss_reecie, and @redambition!!

@SallyPompom Just to warn you: if you ask me to snail-mail you electronic receipts, I HAVE A RANT ALREADY PREPARED.

@drkknits We have two VPs. Don’t ask me why; I have no clue. 🙂

Ooh, also just noted: no special speaker this year?!

@drkknits Man, wish you could do it, Dr. K. I’d PAY to see you bring your dogs to an Exec meeting. Things would GET DONE! 🙂

@drkknits I have someone who’s agreed to do it! Just waiting for new Exec so I can put her forward for selection. 🙂

I did not realize that “unassuming manners” were part of the job description for being a Guild volunteer. Huh.

@drkknits Hahaha… Sorry you’re stressed, but that’s my new favorite hash tag.

Suddenly feeling quite feverish and pukey. Hope I’m not catching @lemon_lime’s virus… 🙁

@kunaal84 Murtaugh?

Gah. Hipster Cardy setback. Stupid pattern is poorly written; assumes you do a break-and-rejoin but doesn’t actually tell you to. #frogging

@kunaal84 Ah. Kinda weird but a little better. Snook thinks it was just low blood sugar. I’m not sure. Head still woozy.

@kunaal84 @AusVintageGrrl A Knitter For Evil. *crosses self*