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Jumper collected. Heading home! No dramas.

@gemma747 You get the ribbon! They pin it to your jumper. FYI: I lost my collection sheet, but I showed the certificate and that was okay.

@Justacogitating Not very often, and pretty much always with the Snook navigating. It’s not the traffic so much as the confusing streets.

@Steffi_83 I’m home in plenty of time! Will see you there. Hope you’re ready for a workout!

@randomknits You click the button next to the account, then look for the link to Today’s transactions. They show on Today but not general.

Met @Steffi_83 for her first Spudds workout. She did great! Much better than my first one. We are ass-kickin’ ladies!

Sitting on my front steps waiting for the Knitting Retreat convoy to arrive. Why, yes, that is a box of Banrock! I’m classy like that. #fb

Paging @randomknits! What time is dinner? We’re all hungry but we’re about an hour away..

We made it! There’s a Hawaiian theme happening. Fiona, of course, had to go the demure route.

@witty_knitter She says give her a few more hours. Something about “norks for knitting”. 🙂

*yawn* I think I’m too sensitive to noise to share a cabin with 6 others. I need a total sensory deprivation tank to sleep.

@AusVintageGrrl No, I brought em! But they’re just cheapo foam ones.

Knitting in nature. Trees, hills, sunshine, ocean, clouds…

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@witty_knitter Weird thing is I’m not sure she tripped. She was coming from the gym and she seemed dazed. Perhaps a little dehydrated?

@randomknits I’ll take one! Can never have too many leis. 🙂

Ooh, have I finally been economically stimulated? ANZ is showing extra cash in the joint account! But oddly for only one of us so far…

@AusVintageGrrl Planning on it! Got a PM that knightlyknitter (aka Kate from TAS) is in town and will be coming too. I’ll be there 6ish.

I… was… not aware that patterns exist for knitted tampons. You learn something new every day!

@witty_knitter @randomknits This is what happens when I browse the Big 6 Rav Boards on my lunch break. BLEECCCCCCHH.

@randomknits Grass skirts… Are they suitable for those of us who may be a bit, uh, “ample” around the mid-section? If so, count me in.

@randomknits It’s cool. Snook says I can take his Hawaiian print sarong. 🙂

@twelveeyes Someone was suggesting HEMP as a possible material. I really hope she was joking.

Figured out how to see pending transactions on ANZ… and yep! I am officially stimulated! Thanks, KRudd! (Now where is Snook’s?)

Heading off to knitting… and then a 3-day weekend!

@knitness WHOA! Okay, first step is, YOU DON’T TWEET IT. Second step is, you need to give us all the juicy details.

Little nervous. Heading out on my biggest solo drive ever in Sydney to St. Leonards and Homebush!

@codepo8 Crap. No time! It was great to catch up though. Say hi to London for us! (If you ever get back… 🙂

Leg 1 complete. Chippo to St. Leonards is a doddle. iPhone was great for checking position. Next hurdle: Lane Cove Tunnel in rush hour!

Somehow I missed the fact that Show collection doesn’t start til 10. Crap. So now I’m killing an hour at IKEA.

@Timmay83 I am a very conscientious driver! No tweeting once the car is in motion. 🙂

@AusVintageGrrl They weren’t open at all yesterday. Just today and tomorrow for collection. It’s cool. I’m hangin’.

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Anybody else on Hunch? Got my invite today. So far I asked which Wii game to get, it said Super Paper Mario. Sounds about right…

Wow. Google Calendar says it’s Earth Day. I had no idea. I haven’t seen it promoted in Sydney at all.

Cricket on Mount Everest. Neat!

Heading to Yahoo to drink with the nerds.

It’s a free developer talk w/ a guy we knew from London. Drinking beer before it starts…

Yahoo get a point for better beer and not making us sign NDA. But Google had free wifi.

Christiann says official hash tag is #y7os. Stay tuned. First beer has been drunk!

Talk is going to be about Yahoo UI and things to make, find and share. #y7os

“If you use a [code] library, you might be able to have a holiday. Maybe someday even a girlfriend!” #y7os

User testing is not as important for businesses that are openly antagonistic towards their users by design. Like premium mobile. #y7os

Did he just burn Zeldman? Sweeeeet. #y7os

Shit. He’s making me think I should use YUI when I redesign #y7os

@henrytapia Heresy in this building!

Finished with my cynical question: How does any of this make Yahoo money? Answer: it doesn’t. Not directly. Now, food. #y7os

Grabbed a free Yahoo t-shirt. EVERY ONE IS SIZE XXL. Curse of geek events! #y7os

@wookie_man He did. He basically said to pick one library and stick with it. He also gave much love to google products, surprisingly.

Said bye to Christian. Fun to catch up with someone we haven’t seen in 7.5 years! He’s such a good UI evangelist.

@CerealBoy Hey, I recognize that facial hair! Agree with your assessment of the talk. Very good!

@lachlanhardy So I’m not the only one that took photos in the bathroom. Good to know!

@DDsD I wouldn’t capitalise it, but the New York Times probably would. Less about spelling and more about style guide. 🙂

@amandaemillar Great, great event! Well done. Looking forward to coming to more Yahoo Open Sessions!

@lotsofco So. Cute. 🙂

Just completed a 4.15 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper

Halfway through run, looked up to see woman falling to pavement. Cut her knee pretty bad. Stayed w/ her while guy got first aid.

Which I offer as explanation for why I’m running late today. Still haven’t had breakfast…

@BigCatRescue I was surprised so many others offered to help. Newtown folks are nicer than I thought. 🙂

@Timmay83 Nah, it was too slow motion to be funny. Plus she was like in shock. She’s all: I saw bone! I’m like: ITS JUST SKIN, SERIOUSLY.

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Snook just pointed out that ATO says bonuses are being distributed by random postcode.

@imdominating Why not both? You’ll probably find enough loose change in the process of cleaning house anyway. 🙂

RT @DDsD: RT @paullyoung: Now I’ve seen it all. Brian Lara showing Obama how to swing a cricket bat: via @sbones <- My feeling is no. It’s snake oil. SEO is all about content and common sense.

Sydney knitters! Miss Fee is at Kmart RIGHT NOW and they have loads of blocking foam blocks. Who wants? Reply in the next 5 minutes…

@AusVintageGrrl Awww, sorry you missed out! I called her too, going “TIA WANTS SOME, WAIT!” 🙂

@glittertrash Most disturbing tea cosy I have made: Also, vaguely nationalistic.

@glittertrash I believe you are talking about leggings. And leggings are a crime against nature.

@glittertrash Hm. Cycling? I’ll allow it. As long as your goal is not to look like Mischa effing Barton, I’ll refrain from judging. 🙂

@_Leva_ I blame Lindsay Lohan. There. Now you have to go rinse out your eyes.

Discovery: The reason the M&S server keeps crashing is the boss’s brother’s Ruby on Rails site. I KNEW IT! Grrrrr.

Just completed a 2.45 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper

@wookie_man Sorry I sent you on a wild goose chase – again! Stupid Kmart didn’t actually get any stock beyond 1 pack for me. 🙁

A slow jog home through the cold rain. Hot shower. Warming green curry with rice. Glass of red. New episode of 30 Rock. Blisssssss….

Watching “Around the World in 80 Gardens.” Me: “Aww, Auckland looks pretty!” Snook: “It’s a wretched hive of scum and villainy.”

@Justacogitating There is no situation for which he cannot find an appropriate Star Wars quote. It’s pretty much why I married him.

I have become one of those people that goes crazy when I see the phrase “begs the question” misused. WHICH IS EVERY TIME, EVER. #fb

It’s complicated, but if you mean “raises the question,” you’re using it wrong: Ergo, 99.9% of use is wrong.

Yes, I’m a prescriptivist. Spelling Bee Champions like language rules to be OBSERVED!

What’s really shocking is dumb ol’ Miss California didn’t realize that 90% of pageant fans are gay. Don’t insult your core audience, bigot!

@Justacogitating Unfortunately you are now doomed to the same growing irritation every time you see it used wrong. Welcome to hell. I made Kris the Romulan! Now I know what I’d look like as a bald alien dude.

@witty_knitter Apparently. I had no idea he had strong feelings about Auckland til it came out. You’ll have to ask him about it sometime. 🙂

RT @rhagern: Shirless Obama to be cover boy: CNN – <- This constituent is very, very much in favour!

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RT @redambition: trying (and failing) to see what is so special about robert pattinson. <- Ohhh, @imdominating will be all over that!

This is such BS – . Were I a zillionaire, I’d spend even more time on the Internet. In a beautiful house w/ nice wine.

Used “if worst comes to worst” in email; realized the expression looks really weird in text. So I googled. Fascinating!

Should be going to the gym, but my stomach is KILLING me. 🙁

ZOMG. – best invention ever? It’s the Australian Snuggie! Except better because it’s a SUIT made out of a DUVET.

@steverunner Wishing you the best of luck from a fan and longtime listener in Sydney, Australia. You inspire me!

We bought two potted frangipanis last spring, and they finally bloomed!

@DDsD I used to work with Christian in London! Snook and I booked in last week. Will be fun to catch up.

@brittanieshey It’s definitely autumn, but not too cold yet. Some sites say blooming happens in late autumn, even winter & early spring!

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Autumn = beer and stew and yumminess. Oh, and knitting!

Any knitters feel like testing the new Morris & Sons site for me? (No special prices or anything; just new design.)

Just made it all the way out the house and to the bus stop before Snook pointed out my hoodie was on inside-out. I don’t like Mondays.

Still no K.Rudd money. We’re so at the very end of the list. Somebody’s gotta be dead last!

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30 people at today’s Guild meeting, and 3 new signups! We keep growing…

Wow. Transit cops checking tickets on 440 bus. Only 2nd time I’ve been checked in Sydney in 7.5 years.

I’m a good & organised host, but not a carefree one. I spend too much time making things go smoothly. Doesn’t leave much time for fun!

@wookie_man I’m working more at that, and everyone is great at pitching in. I still find it difficult to relax at events I’ve organised.

@witty_knitter They were checking near Town Hall, fairly close to start of line. Very silly. Better to check farther along, I think.

Stupid Quadrahosting seems to fail repeatedly every single weekend. On the plus side, it’s a good reminder to take frequent coding breaks.

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Runners: should we take a baby aspirin every day? Reading and thinking…

Still no K.Rudd money. Now I feel like Calvin, waiting for the propeller beanie to arrive.

@redambition I’ve been reading too many of Kevin Smith’s tweets. My first assumption was you were going home to get high. 🙂

New Harry Potter trailer. Holy crap – CHILLS. Love the reworking of Hedwig’s theme at the end. Movie must be 4 hrs long!

@redambition OH, for tomorrow?! HUZZAH! Looking forward to it.

RT @DDsD: RT @larzshinobi: Number of pirates killed by each president (hat tip @matttomalley)

@sharre Bring your knitting, membership fee if you want to join there, and gold coin for tea. That’s it! No scary initiation ritual… YET.

@witty_knitter Suddenly TwitterFon seems to pale in comparison. This is like Twitter as Mission Control.

@sharre Oh! And @knitness is bringing her leftover yarn stock, so extra cash if you feel like stash enhancement. 🙂

Just lost the “My layoff was worse than yours” game with coworker who got the call in the middle of his bachelor party. OUCH.

Hypothesis: there is nowhere sadder to be on Friday night than the Kmart lay-by counter. Guess how I know.

@Justacogitating Woohoo! Now I just need to move back to Indiana and commit a crime or somethin’. Uh. Forget I ever said that. 🙂

Guild preparation is all done! Just going to have a quick shower and head out. See you all shortly!

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Coworker is packaging up “Heroes” shwag for contest winners. So. Jealous.

@damana Reclaiming the word, I think. Also realizing that geeks are interesting. Being passionate about something is a GOOD thing.

Thinking of giving knitting a miss tonight. Will see everybody on Saturday morning at the Guild meeting!

@sharre Oh yeah! You have to specify one as your main group when you sign up, but you can go to any meetings you like.

@sharre Not in my group! You can give me cash/transfer and I’ll take responsibility for sending it in. Worked great last month! 🙂

@shanea @DDsD But… but… Grant is a scientist! He has a proper scientific calculator and everything! HE BUILDS ROBOTS, FOR GOD’S SAKE.

Sucking down coffee and listening to the cats wrestle. Trying to work up the energy to go out for a run.

Just completed a 4.24 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper

LinkedIn ettiquette: Got request to add from chick at my uni who I don’t remember AT ALL. Add anyway? I’m new to LI.

@brodrigu I suppose if I ever move back to the U.S., yeah. Okay, added. (Hey, do I have you on there??)

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Indian summer. (Do they say that here?) Hot and beautiful. Gym circuit relocated to park to kick/catch football. Feeling sore but energized.

Woohoo! Nearly time to head to Geek Girl Dinner. Had to sign NDA since it’s at Google. I may even give a talk! NERD. GRRRL. POWER.

Google swag. Just waiting for my girls now!

Sitting next to @misswired. Two beers down and knitting through tech talks. #ggd

Ooh, fun. Just managed to connect to free Google guest wi-fi. #ggd

Not to be sexist or anything, but what’s with all the dudes? I would have brought Snook if I’d known penises were allowed. #ggd #GGDS

Reminded of how when I started last dev job, was told other guy devs just wanted to know if I was hot. Sisterhood! #GGDS

Slightly unsure of true geek cred of some attendees. Have urge to go around testing with Star Wars trivia. “WRONG! TK421!” #GGDS

Dude, Macs have command lines too. #GGDS

Hm. Surrounded by Twitter marketroids. They look just like normal people! #GGDS

Figured that 1 drink per interview Google put me thru before rejection would give me closure. Six drinks later = it’s all good, Goog. #GGDS

Spent post #GGDS drinking time stalking cute Goog coder chick w/ @AusVintageGrrl. Such a fun night. Thanks @redambition for ride home! #GGDS

@redambition Oddly, I feel pretty darn good! Had a crap night’s sleep, but judging by the tweets, so did everybody else who was there.

@knitness Ha! Yeah, we thought she was the coolest. Her speech was the most technical but also very entertaining.

Waiting for my K.Rudd money is like waiting for bags at the airport. Somehow I just know I’m going to be last.