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Silly Kris. Here I am RATIONING my precious soy sauce for my sushi rolls, when there were two more little plastic fishes hiding in the bag!

Heaven help us. I have just bought the Glee iPhone app: Knitting camp next weekend is gonna be AUTOTUNED AWESOMENESS.

RT @venks79: ANZ Bank trials mobile ePOS

@gilmae Just wait til @randomknits and I start doing iPhone karaoke duets over the Internets. (OMIGOD, IS THIS THE FUTURE OR WHAT?!)

@gilmae Crap. Must pay off remained of student loan NOW or I’m gonna get screwed.

@randomknits Holy crap. If St Brigid has one, I’ll lose it too. That’s ridiculously bad!

@randomknits I was tempted to click Love for you, if only because there’s no EFFING APPALLING button. 🙁

Dinner: Cincinnati Chili 3-ways. Yum.

Hairdresser. I feel the need for a drastic change.

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Runningblog: Week 15. An update on this week’s training, including my longest run in two years!

@FryingPan Unfortunately not! Not my area of town. Delivery will be difficult though; it’s not as prominent here as in L.A…

No knitting for me tonight; it’s Strata AGM time. Joy.

Holy hell. I’ve just been elected chairperson of the strata committee. That was unplanned.

@knitterjp @drkknits @mrs_sockvictim @tinkabel Thanks guys! It wasn’t quite the plan, but I’ll do my best.

@mrs_sockvictim FATTY-BOOMBA-LATTIES! I don’t think Petey can be more than 4kg!

@tytana_ The strata is the committee in charge of the building that our unit is in. We had our AGM tonight, and now I’m the boss!

I weighed Petey this morning: 5.3kg. So heavier than I thought! (Dr Amy came in at 7.1kg.)

I just unlocked the “Babysitter” badge on @foursquare!

I just unlocked the “Photogenic” badge on @foursquare!

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Eagerly awaiting the launch of @sitelyhq. I had a peek at the beta and it looked very slick!

Flowers for @SallyPompom. Heading off to visit her in the hospital tonight…

Flowers are here, actually.

I’ve seen @SallyPompom! She’s doing pretty well. Could definitely use visitors in the coming weeks tho. (She broke her hip! Email for info.)

@travellersyarn St Vincent’s Public Hospital in Darlinghurst. She should hopefully be able to get online tomorrow!

Petey’s 5am Loud Adventures are becoming a Big Problem.

@mrs_sockvictim You have to catch him first, and he’s VERY quick.

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@drkknits @randomknits Actually they’re not BAD. Marshmallow + sugar = sweet w/ no taste! Some ppl prefer them stale:

@drkknits @randomknits For me they’re like Krispy Kremes, just a revolting pile of sugar. There are tastier treats!

@venks79 Same here. Brrrrr!

You reach a point with “soup” where, if you’re really honest with yourself, it’s actually just gravy. But it’s damn good gravy.

@bellsknits The kind that is left in the pot after you make 40 clove chicken. White wine and roast garlic and chicken and FAT.

@bellsknits Prediction: I just ate 5000 Weight Watchers Points. I think that goes without saying.

@bellsknits Yes. When you have to argue over whether something is gravy or soup, perhaps that is a sign you shouldn’t guzzle it. 🙂

@gilmae Peeps are an abomination, and putting them in perfectly good hot chocolate is ABOMINATION + 10.

@drkknits I told you so! I told you so! (Put one in the microwave. That’s fun. They blow up like balloons.)

@bellsknits Because you are a cultured individual who has no need to eat 99c sugar coated bits of holiday-themed styrofoam.

In college, @eileenDCoE once licked a Peep & stuck it to our dorm room door. It stayed there for 6 months. We finally had to chisel it off.

@gilmae @bellsknits My favorite definition of Peeps ever: My family used to send them every year. *shudder*

@bellsknits If you really must have Peeps… I can arrange it. @imdominating? The day I never thought would come has arrived. PEEP ME.

@imdominating Nah, just a bunch of my crazy friends @bellsknits @randomknits want to try them. I think they have a source. It’s all good. 🙂

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@twelveeyes Boots were Virgo, but alas not in my size. Shoes on order are Aries. (No pics on site yet; look at last page of winter brochure)

@beaney I still have it open from 10 minutes ago. Want me to snap a screenshot for you?

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@AusVintageGrrl I’m nearly there…

I am striking out at Kumfs. Apparently size 42 feet makes me a super freak. 🙁

Size 41 boots returned. Size 42 shoes successfully ordered from Super Freak Bigfoot Store.

@Opheli8 GAH. WHAT? HOW?

Trying for an early bedtime in preparation for tomorrow’s big run…

Up early for a Sunday. Hydrating and mentally preparing for 12 mile run. Weather looks good.

More than halfway through the long run. Slow and steady…

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@bellsknits I saw it. Trying hard not to take the bait. 🙂

Did one of you get a pro Toodledo account and use me as the referrer? I have 3 months free and I can’t figure out why!

RT @DDsD: RT @c0uP: “I ordered a pizza from Papa John’s and asked for extra peppers” // God I miss Papa John’s.

Catching up on Biggest Loser. Phil finished marathon in 5:06? THAT’S INSANE. I got a little teary, I’ll admit.

Nothing like your husband arriving home to find you drinking red wine and sobbing over the marathon on The Biggest Loser…

@knitterjp It has become readily apparent that my chances of finishing the BSJ in time are very slim! I’m sorry!

@tytana_ Hahahaha… Perhaps!

@sharre No Sharre today? 🙁

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Discovery: If you’re lazy and wait long enough, eventually Daylight Savings means that your desk clock is accurate again.

@bellsknits WTF. Am I now a target for guerilla knitter terrorist cells? 😛

Bought great new shoes tonight… but now I think I need the next size up. Darn. Exchange time.

Lack of Flash on iPhone is starting to feel like a feature not a bug. I installed Flashblock on Firefox recently and it IMPROVED MY LIFE.

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@that_alison Me, I elicited some stakeholder requirements, refined the roadmap, and descoped some non-essential functionality. WE SUCK.

@AusVintageGrrl It’s good, isn’t it?! Are you a pro user?

@bellsknits Suddenly the gift we left you feels a little unoriginal! 🙂

Seen in bargain bin at Broadway: Thought they were Oreos then did a double-take. RECREOS?! *shudder*

@bellsknits We had it recommended by a sommelier at a fancy place years ago, and Rodd always remembered it. We’re saving ours too!

Rude person on bus won’t scoot over. So I am deliberately NOT moving into empty seat. Passive-aggressive war!

@stufromoz On the plus side, righteous indignation makes for good gaming. I just set a Bejeweled Blitz high score. 🙂

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@cuddlycutie4uC Did you post this to the wrong person? I have no idea what you’re talking about. Recipe? Food?

@VenessaHunt Ooh, pretty!

Ugh. 6:15pm and pitch black outside. I think my Seasonal Affective Disorder just kicked in.

Watching the earwax-candle episode of Mythbusters and both of us are, like, totally gagging. EWWWWWWW. AGH, AND A CUPCAKE?!

@imdominating Yeah, Grant too, but I see enough of my friends kissin’ their asses with @ replies I didn’t bother. 🙂

It’s getting to the point where I want to buy an iPad just to piss off the haters who take its very existence as a personal affront.

@imdominating He already commented on it when it originally got posted on Metafilter. Said he always wanted to see himself as a woman!

If you play WordsWithFriends, please add “The Snook”. He keeps beating ne so I need to divide his attention.

@sharre I’m pretty much the same. I’m just annoyed at people who sneer at the idea that someone might genuinely like something they don’t.

@squozen @brodrigu Be careful. He favours obscure Greek words and triple-letter plays. He got a 75+ pointer on me this morning.