Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    @MichelePlayfair My hair just began to frizz in sympathy. 😳

    @themaninblue Thank you! Just installed to give it a try.

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    @bemaia My friend sent us a mixed case, so we’re just working our way through that!

    @developerjack Awww, wish I could’ve joined you all!

    @3TomatoesShort That’s going to look great!

    @bemaia That @hannes_lowette guy, he’s all right. 🙂

    @lynnlangit And where are the Antipodes on that list, Ms. Langit?? /me glares

    Belgian Beer Tasting #7 – Moonfield by BeerSelect. It’s a blonde Belgian ale named after an EDM festival. (The beer is quite nice. My face is for the EDM.) 😂🍻

    @crankymate It bothers me that the person is knitting left-handed. (Or is the video reversed?)

    It also bothers me that I actually noticed this.

    @unixbigot TIL. That is amazing!!!

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    German friends – where would you go if you wanted to get tickets to a sold out concert? (Relatedly, if anybody has @mitskileaks tickets for Germany or Austria and can’t use them, please let me know!) (Assuming, you know, that such things will still happen this year…)

    @liviainberlin Thank you! I will check those out.

    Blog post! Four months ago we headed to Italy to eat in one of the world’s best restaurants. Warning – this one contains a LOT of food photos…

    @bodil I haven’t been to it in the UK; only the temporary relocation to Melbourne. But that was like 25 courses and by the end we were not enjoying ourselves anymore. Was the normal version like that too??

    RT @Grady_Booch: Q: What’s wrong with Web 2.0?
    A: Earlier iterations of the internet have nearly zero exploitative value left. https://t.c…

    Belgian Beer Tasting #6 – Wisent from Beer 4 Nature. Bourbon-infused and 9%? Yesssss. 🍻

    We just finished watching Clarkson’s Farm on @PrimeVideo and, look, I have historically not been a Clarkson fan but I LOVED IT. I laughed and I learned a lot about farming. I would literally recommend it to everybody. (Also, Kaleb and Gerald are THE BEST.)

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    We’ve been meaning to go to Cafe Westend for breakfast for a year now, and today we finally managed it! #frühstück ☕️🥐🍳🍊

    RT @JortsTheCat: Check out my NFT
    (neat furry tail)

    Crochet blankie for the Best Baby Ever is nearly finished! Just working on the border and then weaving in ends. Still debating whether to back with flannel… 🧶 @ Munich, Germany

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    @annie_parker @Colgo Honestly find it all ridiculous and not at all my experience. 🤷‍♀️

    RT @pgarbe: I’m back from winter break (not sleep) and this year starts with a new CDK Happy Hour (in German). It’s about integration testi…

    @jennapederson DevRel hygge 🤗

    After a quick mid-week hop across the Alps to Madrid and back, relaxing with Great Belgian Beer Tasting #3 (and a Covid test, of course)! Voske from Beer4Nature. Funky but my favourite so far… 🏔🍻

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    RT @happystash: A good alternative to the problematic @/womensart1 account for art lovers is @WomensArtForAll

    @happystash @WomensArtForAll Thank you! I knew the account was problematic but I hadn’t been able to find a good alternative. ❤️

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    I’m on the train to Munich Airport. Just had ticket inspector come by to check my fare… and my Covid pass! 3G (vax, test, or recovery) is the rule now, along with wearing mask. (And I’m glad.) 😷

    @JennaPrice I had the same thought!!

    @samuelriley To keep our hospitals from getting overwhelmed with Covid patients.

    RT @caitlinmoran: This re-edit that turns Succession into a delightful rom-com about Greg and Tom is a total masterpiece. “Rom com of the y…

    RT @sebsto: Some of you noticed it already, the AWS Console Home has new look and proposes a new experience.

    Some additional details here…

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    @thebeebs @ASpittel I got one yesterday that was very effusive about my PHP and Laravel skills. 😐

    @SecondeJ @thebeebs @ASpittel Only the fact that it’s literally been 10+ years since I was paid to write PHP.

    RT @isahuerga: Are you passionate about AWS, sharing your knowledge and contributing to the community? The next cycle for AWS Community Bui…

    Whaaaat. A lovely special delivery of Belgian beers from @hannes_lowette!? THANK YOU!! 😍🍻

    @martinabbott @hannes_lowette Tagging in @the_snook as I suspect he will be the one planning our approach to this challenge… 🙂

    @martinabbott @hannes_lowette @the_snook My username on Untapped is the same as here if you want to follow me and see the results… 😂

    The Great Belgian Beer tasting begins! (Thank you again @hannes_lowette!) First up is Toekan from Beer 4 Nature. Very dry “aperitif” beer. Interesting! 🍻

    RT @GoodNewsCorres1: While soprano Lisette Oropressa was singing her 4th encore, “Sempre libera” an opera number that has a tenor part, ope…

    Great Belgian Beer Tasting #2! Ne Kemping from Beer 4 Nature. Sweeter than the last one. Less of that Band-Aidy (“…phenolic” suggests the expert in the room) taste that I dislike. More like a proper beer! 🍻

    @timClicks ✋ Film and Theater

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    RT @AmazonNewsDE: .@awscloud und @DC_Institute1 gehen einen gemeinsamen Weg: Sie fördern Menschen in #digitalen Fähigkeiten um sie fit für…

    @i386 My dear friend @emd3737 once dressed as Jareth for our Halloween party. SO GOOD! (I can’t remember if she had a codpiece…) 😂

    @LeenaVanD Pretty similar in German – die Rechnung

    RT @RubenQuesada: “Almond Blossom” by Fiona Benson from Vertigo & Ghost (2021)

    Trying to convince @the_snook to enter with some unholy Queen-Golem cake mash-up from the Women’s Weekly birthday cake book… 😂🍰

    I bloody love the annual lamb commercials. This made me laugh and miss Australia. 🇦🇺❤️

    @editingemily That was me today looking through six different Slack accounts trying to find the one I made lunch plans with @Osterjour. 😐

    Between the Sam Kekovich ad this morning and the 10min call I just had with a very ocker lady at AmEx back in Australia, I’m feeling quite homesick today! ❤️😢

    @Mommyamygill She actually said at one point, “I’m being nosy… but is it better there than in Australia right now?”

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    Crocheted infographic as temperature snek! 👏😍🐍

    @JennaPrice Could always make or commission a custom one! I have a video showing the process. 😉

    5 topics I can talk about for 30 min without preparation:
    1. Roald Dahl
    2. Knitting (impact of tech, getting started, why “grafitti knitting” sucks, knitting as code, etc)
    3. Good Omens and/or Johnlock fanfic
    4. Early web development circa the dotcom boom
    5. Working at AWS

    @anshumalis GoT – books or show? 🤔