RT @QueenBeeInc: The Fall/Winter line is up, and if we do say so ourselves : it’s purdy…. http://bit.ly/EbC9M <- WANT. Rita shall be mine!
@QueenBeeInc Love the new line! Question though: my beloved Truckette looks a bit dirty. Best way to clean vinyl without taking off colour?
@ScottRhodie In my experience: send out press releases to businesses and bloggers that are only tangentially related to the topic at hand.
@ScottRhodie PR folks called shop often to get knitters for media events. Always last minute, demanding, no respect for our time, etc.
@ScottRhodie I know… Just got burned one too many times!
@eileenDCoE You reminded me I need to give my plumber some love. BLOG LOVE!
@rhagern I just started a few months ago. Just finished Season 3. I love it! (The podcast commentaries by Ron Moore are great too.)
@QueenBeeInc How did I miss that? Thanks so much for the link… Just what I needed.
@ScottRhodie It’s just like Mad Men, isn’t it? 🙂
Looking for a plumber in Sydney? Go with Thomson Plumbing. I blogged our experience with them: http://bit.ly/9ohPT
Despite the arguments of @chrisgander & @jpalmer81, I remain unconvinced as to the cinematic merit of Rutger “Blind Fury” Hauer’s career.
@rhagern Plus she has pretty, pretty hair. I spent most of the first season being obsessed with Grace Park’s pretty Cylon hair.