Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    @cuteiosdev I feel like I missed the boat on it so I’m now pretending it’s a deliberate boycott on my part. 😂

    @jmacmullin @cuteiosdev Yeah, read that several days ago. That’s why I gave up. By the time it hits mainstream media, it’s over. 😜

    @themaninblue You just reminded me that the year-end Best of @bootiemashup is out! Between that and yours, NYE soundtrack is sorted… 😃

    Always one of the best parts of the holiday season… 🎵

    @alex_casalboni Lucky you. I am married to a literal server hugger. 😂

    @cobusbernard Good lord. I think there’s a train from LA to Seattle? It sucks, but it’d be faster than this nonsense.

    RT @nameshiv: My alma mater has this oddball end of calendar year tradition where one kid dressed as the current year hands a sash over to…

    WOW! As I’d hoped, the CloudFront free tier expansion is saving me about 50% on my website hosting costs. (In fact, my sites are now fully within the free tier. No CF costs at all!)

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    RT @mavi888uy: @web_goddess DynamoDB is always a hot topic in my channel and the interview I did with @alexbdebrie is obviously on the top!…

    RT @MetalClassicist: The CDC now recommends you wait till you’re halfway out of the underworld before checking if your spouse is still behi…

    @alex_casalboni 💥 How many guest rooms?? 😜

    @knitcodemonkey Welcome, Sister.

    RT @DVDBits: Here are my picks for the best films of 2021. #BestOf2021 #FilmTwitter

    RT @mtliendo: First it was Taco Bell, now its @hbomax showing off a bit of their Architecture and how they use @AWSAmplify in their org!…

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    Surprise delivery for me?! A lovely Christmas swag box from the AWS dev:Ember team has me feeling quite festive. 🎁🤶 Check out the #DevEmber tag to see all the creative projects my @AWSCloudANZ colleagues came up with…

    @mavi888uy WAIT, the favorite one?!?! 😲

    RT @mavi888uy: It seems that you all want to work at #AWS, as your favorite video was about the interview process that I did with @web_godd…

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    @heitor_lessa I don’t remember it really being a thing when I was growing up in the US. I suspect it’s to do with Facebook, and having a photo to share there on the day. The big trend I’m noticing now is matching pajamas for everyone. That’s exploded in the last ten years.

    @heitor_lessa Pre-Facebook, some families did take a yearly photo to be sent out as Christmas cards. (My sister has done this for like 15+ years.) I suspect that may contribute to the trend, as people started sharing those to FB instead of physically printing and posting.

    @killerswan @heitor_lessa Ha, yeah. It feels like a similar thing to those stick figure stickers people would stick to the back of their SUVs bragging about their 2.5 kids and a dog.

    RT @dragontologist:

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    Christmas is time for sweets! An enormous chocolate babka made by the Snook, and Kaiserschmarrn (Tirolean pancake) made by me!

    In news that will surprise no one, we made way too much food for two people. (Turkey, mashed potatoes, roasted onions, glazed carrots, peas, and gravy for dinner!) @ Munich, Germany

    @GarethinNRW YUMMMM. Well, the onions were roasted with the turkey!

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    Protip: when you are cold-emailing a woman on LinkedIn to ask her for advice on interviewing at her employer, make sure you know what her actual title is and don’t just assume she is a recruiter. 🙄

    @anshumalis Not just that! He seems to think I’m a recruiter for TAMs. Like, what?

    Merry Christmas! The turkey is thawed, the babka dough is chilling, and the homemade pumpkin pie is baked. Here’s to quiet time, good food, and Netflix with my best friend… ❤️🎄

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    Almost can’t believe it, but it appears we survived five flights and three weeks in the US without getting infected! We wore masks, limited contact, and avoided crowds wherever possible. I’m sorry to those we didn’t get to see, but I’m really relieved we managed it. 😅

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    RT @40PercentGerman: This is so vital to remember. They’re loud, but they’re the minority.

    @pgarbe Congrats and best of luck with whatever’s next!

    @PragTob Ha! I won’t get my booster for a month, but hoping for Pfizer so I can follow in your footsteps.

    @PragTob Happy to, just hard to find appointments in Munich. 🙁

    @PragTob You just prompted me to check appointments again, and I got I’ve got one for Jan 2! 🙌

    RT @marksbirch: Hiring for two Startup Advocates at AWS (the thing I do). If you love startups, worked in startups & geek out on tech, this…

    Once spent a memorable weekend in Loch Lomond 20 years ago. We were directed to take “the ferry” across the loch, which turned out to be a fishing boat driven by a Kiwi. Good times…

    @randomknits Good grief. Supply chain issues, or just, you know, lots more demand?

    “Should I be investing in crypto?” Already happened multiple times in the past month. 🤦‍♀️

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    @gilmae Oh no. He hasn’t started that one yet.

    @Amys_Kapers @twilio When does it get cold enough in Perth for gloves!! 😂

    Dragged my jet-lagged self out of bed for an early morning salon appointment. Still tired, but at least I’m red again! It looks like a white Christmas is unlikely, so I’ll have to make do with the frost… 🥶😴

    @tfswebb 😂😂😂

    RT @MrsBNG: @MILFWEEED Had to. Also, I love your handle.

    RT @oldshopsoz: Grace Bros NSW 1986: Wake up to the future this Christmas with the Commodore 64 Family Pack under your tree.
    With the ultra…

    I’m happy to report that we managed to keep my little Christmas tree alive for a whole year! (…if you ignore the giant brown spot on the back where he got a bit burnt this summer)🎄

    RT @GingerGorman: Why were all drinking more ‘goon’ in Covid

    Cardboardeaux, bag-in-box, and goon: why Australia’s love affair with boxed…

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    @kcarruthers Interesting. By comparison, I’ve got a 5-pack coming from today that cost me €25. That’s actually not much cheaper, with the exchange rate.

    @darthted 🙁

    Happy Gravy Day Aussies! And thanks @knitterjp
    for sharing this deep-dive into the famous 5min Xmas song (without a chorus – but with a gravy recipe – set in a prison!) that honestly made me tear up on the way home from the supermarket today. 🇦🇺🦘❤️

    Temperature blankets – I do love a good knitted/crocheted data visualisation! 🧶

    Stupid jet lag. Just looked up and suddenly it’s midnight

    Me: What is happening. Why are you doing Dr. Strange hands?

    Him: I’m doing yesterday’s #adventofcode and It involves rotating things in space.


    @gilmae To my delight, I was just doing my Watson thing and my first guess was what he tried first, and my second guess is what he’s now implementing to get the solution! Feeling quite proud. (Except I have no idea how to actually execute it. I leave that to the Consulting Detectives.)

    @gilmae To be clear: he was already working on that approach. I didn’t give him the idea. 😂

    @gilmae Keep going! He nearly gave up on it. He is convinced he is The Worst at it every single day. And I say, “GROWTH MINDSET!”