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Discovery: If you’re lazy and wait long enough, eventually Daylight Savings means that your desk clock is accurate again.

@bellsknits WTF. Am I now a target for guerilla knitter terrorist cells? 😛

Bought great new shoes tonight… but now I think I need the next size up. Darn. Exchange time.

Lack of Flash on iPhone is starting to feel like a feature not a bug. I installed Flashblock on Firefox recently and it IMPROVED MY LIFE.

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@that_alison Me, I elicited some stakeholder requirements, refined the roadmap, and descoped some non-essential functionality. WE SUCK.

@AusVintageGrrl It’s good, isn’t it?! Are you a pro user?

@bellsknits Suddenly the gift we left you feels a little unoriginal! 🙂

Seen in bargain bin at Broadway: Thought they were Oreos then did a double-take. RECREOS?! *shudder*

@bellsknits We had it recommended by a sommelier at a fancy place years ago, and Rodd always remembered it. We’re saving ours too!

Rude person on bus won’t scoot over. So I am deliberately NOT moving into empty seat. Passive-aggressive war!

@stufromoz On the plus side, righteous indignation makes for good gaming. I just set a Bejeweled Blitz high score. 🙂

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@cuddlycutie4uC Did you post this to the wrong person? I have no idea what you’re talking about. Recipe? Food?

@VenessaHunt Ooh, pretty!

Ugh. 6:15pm and pitch black outside. I think my Seasonal Affective Disorder just kicked in.

Watching the earwax-candle episode of Mythbusters and both of us are, like, totally gagging. EWWWWWWW. AGH, AND A CUPCAKE?!

@imdominating Yeah, Grant too, but I see enough of my friends kissin’ their asses with @ replies I didn’t bother. 🙂

It’s getting to the point where I want to buy an iPad just to piss off the haters who take its very existence as a personal affront.

@imdominating He already commented on it when it originally got posted on Metafilter. Said he always wanted to see himself as a woman!

If you play WordsWithFriends, please add “The Snook”. He keeps beating ne so I need to divide his attention.

@sharre I’m pretty much the same. I’m just annoyed at people who sneer at the idea that someone might genuinely like something they don’t.

@squozen @brodrigu Be careful. He favours obscure Greek words and triple-letter plays. He got a 75+ pointer on me this morning.

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@venks79 Way to go! Congrats. How did you feel?

@bellsknits You will find your stash slightly enhanced, my dear! 😉

Canberra has 335K people, yet somehow I still randomly bumped into two people I know. It’s kind of a weird place.

Travelog with photos from this weekend’s trip to Canberra with Snook and @eileenDCoE :

@knitterjp Looks great! The matching BSJ is coming along nicely too. 🙂

Why is the bus taking longer than normal? Shouldn’t there be less traffic now that the ankle-biters are on holiday?

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Happy Easter! Great run this morning with @eileenDCoE. Now heading off to Bus Depot Markets, Space Tracking Station, & Tidbinbilla Nat Park.

A much deserved beer. (@ The Wig and Pen)

Me and the largest deep space communications dish in the Southern Hemisphere: (NERD ALERT!)

@dancingman Nah. We just went to the visitor center and looked at the moon rock.

My dream at last has come true. Finally: The Pancake Palace! (@ The Pancake Parlour)

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@randomknits The Q is looking pretty wicked! We are doing other stuff instead. Maybe see you later!

Lunch at Questacon. Screaming kids everywhere!

Inside the kaleidoscope at Questacon:

Finally at @NatGalleryAus, and it looks like we’re going to walk right in!

@redambition Petulant, whiny, and a little bit OCD? Yep, that’s him all right. 🙂

Today we visited Nat’l Library, Portrait Gallery, Questacon, Parliament House, and French Masters Exhibition at Nat’l Gallery. I AM SO BEAT.

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@zedsains Ah, it’s restricted by IP address to the office. Maybe @venks79 can help?

Having lunch at a lookout over Mittagong. Left @redambition at our place; halfway to @bellsknits’s place!

@randomknits Hey, we’re going tomorrow too! What time you guys getting in the queue?

@randomknits Look for us there. We’re aiming for closer to 8 and we’re bringing chairs. 🙂


@bellsknits We just pulled in! Fee is on her way.

@NatGalleryAus So for tomorrow, we’re better off going later in the day? That would be nice!

Hm. @NatGalleryAus says current Q is 40min, & open til 9pm all weekend. Perhaps best NOT to Q up 1st thing tomorrow!!

@randomknits @Kat13v Theyre open til 9 this weekend! Q looks shorter later in day, so we may pass on morning lineup.

Looking towards Parliament House on the shores of Lake Burley-Griffin at sunset.

Cozy & slight pissed in Canberra. Earlier tonight sunset on Lake Burley Griffin looking towards Parliament House:

Going to bed, and I miss the stupid cats. Give ’em a cuddle, @redambition. 🙂

4am. Awake. Very comfy bed but I cannot sleep.

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Omid smiles as he destroys my spec.

@gusseting Hurry up your moseying! The adoring public awaits your arrival. 🙂

Happy 10th anniversary to the Snook. Getting to spend a decade with your best friend is a wonderful thing.

Snookums is playing with his new espresso machine. Very strange and scary sounds are coming from the kitchen…

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@grabyourfork Thanks for that. Now I am obsessed with the idea of having four ovens. FOUR OVENS!

@gusseting Hm. I really like Teva’s designs. It may be enough to finally get me aboard the lace train!

Like @witty_knitter, I’m looking forward to the Easter Show Arts Preview tonight. Trying hard not to get my hopes up. 🙂 #RASartspreview

@danivv Thanks for that! Hadn’t heard of her. I’ve actually had this pattern queued for years: Even bought the chair!

Wow, it’s not often I get smirked at as a female geek and a knitter in the space of the same 5 minutes. Bah.

Not to be crude, but I can’t be the only one that sees, uh, other things in some of these polymer beads, right?

Knitters: please feel free to spoil me for #RASartspreview. I need to be prepared. (Probably won’t get there til after 7.)

@mrs_sockvictim Woohoo! Congrats and well done. 🙂

Still on the train. No word from #RASartspreview. Appears I am destined to remain unappreciated in my own time.

The pudding’s expression mimics my own. No prizes for me this year.

@Ascasewwen A goddamn clown. And second place was Mrs Claus. *puke*

If you can’t win a ribbon, you can still toast the naked marquetry.

I think @miss_reecie and @mrs_sockvictim tied for “Worst Item Display”, sadly enough.

Have just done a massive Rav post with photos of stuff from @randomknits @mrs_sockvictim @Roceal @frillseekerjen @Kat13v etc…

And here is the excellent group photo of 23 Ravelers, courtesy of Mr. Snook:

@Ezzles Plenty of fishing line. Also – by @SallyPompom’s count – 17% less entries than last year. Total suckage.

@gusseting They never give feedback. They suck. (I’m trying to work out a subtle way of putting a middle finger on next year’s entry.)

@bellsknits Yay! Thank you so much – again! Looking forward to exploring Canberra. 🙂

@randomknits @KTunravels I was gonna say her too, actually. Good call.