Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    RT @awsugmdu: We all have that Homer inside us but what if there is a way to get rid of the blues with the help of the community.
    Join us…

    I was supposed to be on a train to Belgium today to speak at @Refactor_Conf, but Covid finally caught up with me! 😭 Best of luck to @Doctor_Astro, @KevlinHenney, @hannes_lowette and everyone else speaking. I’m gutted I couldn’t be there with you all…

    @hannes_lowette @Refactor_Conf @Doctor_Astro @KevlinHenney Still trying to figure out how we can get to Belgium before the end of the year…

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    @Paul_Bone @HeartOfPluto_ It definitely is! I have a feeling I’ve seen that before, but damn it’s beautiful.

    RT @jonrog1: I for one am shocked that Elon Musk has the worldview that when somebody with a lot of power engages in a poorly thought out s…

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    @guimathed Actually @_cloudranger is here! And @mariaencinar, definitely. ❤️

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    RT @BikeIsBestHQ: Many people would prefer a world with less traffic and for the sake of the climate and public health we need less driving…

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    RT @tegiminis: the google stadia news reminded me of my favorite Goomic

    @randomknits Is @chixors’s knitted universe still on display?

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    RT @guimathed: Are you coming to AWS Swiss Cloud Day? Come say hello at the AWS Community Lounge and teach me some german! Or just try our…

    RT @bitterkarella: Man: I’m depressed; there’s so much evil allowed to flourish in this world
    Doctor: Solution is simple. Go see the great…

    @MelissaKaulfuss Yes, but from what I’ve seen, you’re crushing it. I think it all comes down to credibility. If you’ve got the general tech experience and the “war stories” to speak authentically, that’s more important than specific years of DA experience.

    RT @mxmclain: i gasp in horror as i realize that this IS my circus and these ARE my monkeys

    @guimathed They let you do it?? 😂

    It was an absolute honour to host the Advancing Women in Tech panel at #AWSSwitzerland Swiss Cloud Day with Tanuja Randery (AWS), Yvonne Bettkober (AWS), and Maja Rudinac (FemTec Health)! 🙌

    Have you ever seen an Amazon Fire Phone in person? (@_cloudranger hadn’t!) Come find me at the #AWSSwitzerland Swiss Cloud Day Community Lounge, or pop into my session at 16:30 to hear about Amazon’s Culture of Innovation (along with some high-profile failures!). 🔥📱

    RT @GunnarGrosch: People are celebrating D55 for winning the AWS GameDay World Championship!

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    RT @zachjonesnoel: Captured the glimpses from the APAC Community Summit!! Tried to get most of the 2 days in 4 mins. ⚡️🚀…

    @zachjonesnoel I finally got a chance to watch this – amazing! Well done, and thanks for capturing it all. ❤️

    One of our Amazon Leadership Principles is Bias for Action – like when @GunnarGrosch says “Can you help me figure out how to get a unicorn onesie in Munich for @soganmageshwar in the next 24 hours?!” 🌈 🦄❤️ #awsgameday

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    Oktoberfest… again. 😂🍻 @ Oktoberfest

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    My 12th grade calculus teacher sharing Michael Crichton novels with me and encouraging me to write BASIC programs on my beloved TI-83 graphing calculator.

    @ASpittel Wow, congratulations to you all! ❤️

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    Highlights from our second day at Oktoberfest: multiple tents, Italian football fans, live music, rides, bowling, and a lot of beer… ❤️🍺🎶