Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    RT @AWSCloudANZ: With so many food & drink options during the holidays, how do you know what to pick? Kris Howard (@web_goddess) built a wo…

    A very fun little video I made in my backyard in Munich! Missing all of you back in Oz this Christmas… 🇦🇺🦘❤️🍻

    @net_hues @scottpape Thank you for sharing that! I hadn’t seen, but I agree with him 100%. It’s a gold rush and a scam at this point.

    @snaxolotl Love. It. 👍

    @pgarbe If you look closely at the demo, it uses Las Vegas craft beers! I hand-scraped that data myself. 😂 That’s why I was drinking Firestone at the Hero party – I recognised it from the app!

    RT @dtraub: Im re:Invent Community Special des AWS Podcast habe ich das Vergnügen mit @linda_mhmd, @Osterjour, @hoegertn und meiner Lieblin…

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    @wiredferret Oh yes! I made her Montrose top too.

    I’ve been in the US for like 10 days and so far I’ve had two family members and a friend ask me whether they should be investing in crypto. My rant keeps getting longer and longer. Non-tech folks are going to lose a lot of money, and I hold some of you responsible.

    @BugHunterSam My version is shorter: would you bet it all in Vegas? Then go for it. Because it’s gambling, not investing.

    RT @dtraub: Last night @linda_mhmd. @web_goddess, @Osterjour, @hoegertn, and I recorded a special episode of the German-language AWS Podca…

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    On long-haul flights, my nose doesn’t dry out so much!

    Speaking coherent German on @dtraub’s podcast is always a challenge, but after re:Invent and ten days in the US, I feel particularly challenged. 😩

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    Suddenly quite homesick. 😭🇦🇺🍕

    @gilmae It’s a Festivus miracle!

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    Vacation begins.

    RT @carbocommander: Xmas is a wonderful time for family conversations. While hanging lights, I introduced the concept of “male” and “female…

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    RT @dirk_f5r: Although it’s true that there were other interesting dresses today, @web_goddess still wins with that unique AWS dress. #aws…

    RT @cube_drone: any time someone smugly goes “RSS didn’t die”

    @heatherbado Bumbles BOUNCE! (TIL my husband has no idea what that means. This needs to be remedied.)

    RT @LegoCSWomen: New on @LEGOIdeas: 10K Club interview with @20tauri, creator of the LEGO Women of Computing (currently being considered fo…

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    Good grief, @BeleguRinon is wearing a mask with LEDs advertising the AWS Zürich user group! 😂👏 #awsreinvent

    RT @Kim_BKLYN: This made me feel nauseous.

    I lived with student loan debt for 10 years before I could feasibly pay it off and then threw e…

    Thanks to all the amazing @AWSUserGroups leaders who joined us today and who worked so hard to keep their communities strong over the last two years! ❤️ #awsreinvent @sebsto @Karissa_Wood_ @mariaencinar

    RT @susie_dent: Word of the day is ‘apanthropy’ (18th century): the desire to be away from other people and to be left alone.

    @jeffblankenburg @Cosmopolitan_LV One of my favorite things about the Cosmopolitan is Momofuku. 😂

    Realisation: I’m happy that novelty Advent calendars are bringing so many of my friends Joy, but damn, my social media feeds are FULL of them.

    Also, I can’t believe that someone hasn’t made a stupid Advent Calendar of NFTs yet. Although if they did, I’d have to throw myself out the nearest window. #haaaaaate

    @editingemily Heard this in an LT meeting yesterday and GASPED. Very excited! And already putting up my hand to help with a certain project once you’re started… 😉

    @philnash @DeveloperSteve NOOOOOOOOOO

    “Not really going incognito today, are you?” 😂 The AWS dress is making its re:Invent debut! Come say hello this morning at the Developer Lounge in the Expo. #awsreinvent

    Join AWS community leaders for Werner Vogels keynote reactions here at the Developer Lounge at 11am! @ihuerga @jasondunn #awsreinvent

    Keynote reaction meetup is in full swing with several @AWSUserGroups leaders! #awsreinvent

    Excited to get to meet @hiro_baila today! She is a leader in the AWS Japan community and she’s passionate about using tech to help the world. Thanks @Vel12171 for introducing us! ❤️ #awsreinvent

    “Is that a Rue dress??” AMAZING! Ten points to my new friend @wiredferret who is the only person to actually identify the pattern I used in the AWS dress! ❤️👗 #awsreinvent

    RT @ziniman: Best #reInvent outfit award goes to… @web_goddess

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    Korean food (and Frosé!) with my BFF courtesy of @ChefRoyChoi! 감사합니다 ❤️

    All miked up and ready for the first session of @AWSonAir today! Join me and some of the guys from @aerospikedb talking about their “wicked fast database” very shortly…

    I’m back at the Developer Lounge and enjoying meeting up with folks! Had a lovely chat with Twitter buddy @PilotSchenck. Come by and say hi! #awsreinvent

    Guten Tag and G’DAY! I finally got to meet @aaronwalker, fellow Aussie-in-Deutschland and organiser of the @BerlinAWSUG. #awsreinvent 🇦🇺🇩🇪

    At the AWS User Group leaders workshop learning from folks that run meetups around the world. First up is @aaronwalker from @BerlinAWSUG talking about the challenge of moving back to in-person events. #awsreinvent

    Next up is @Ana_La_Rana from @awswomencol talking about how her group is training and supporting women in LATAM to get up-to-speed on the cloud and AWS. They were able to partner with local companies to provide bootcamps for members! #awsreinvent

    Another amazing woman from LATAM – Isa from AWS Girls Chile challenging everyone in the room on what they are doing to support and empower women in their communities. ❤️ #awsreinvent

    Next up is @paradesi from AWS ML Community NYC talking about strategies for growing a niche meetup globally. Protip: use multiple channels for finding potential speakers! #awsreinvent

    LOL. “Hi, I’m Brian Tarbox. Would you like to speak at my meetup?” Many chuckles as Brian from @BostonAws introduces himself. (I’ve seen him at German meetups!) Brian proudly shared that 58% of the AWS Boston speakers “don’t look like me.” 👏 #awsreinvent

    @BostonAws Wonderful offer from Brian to help out smaller groups, especially those from underrepresented groups, to help find speakers! Reach out to him on LinkedIn. ❤️

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    I have a very small number of AWS Australia stickers at the Developers Lounge! Come by the AWS User Groups desk to say G’Day! ❤️🇦🇺🦘

    Here’s me and @jennapederson making sad faces because @lynnlangit isn’t at #awsreinvent. 😩

    I finally got to meet @IanMmmm in person! He’s like, “Where’s @the_snook?!” 😂 We’re basically the Jay & Silent Bob of tech. #awsreinvent

    Just met up with @vikomex at the Developers Lounge. “KRIS! I saw your interview with @mavi888uy and it was so helpful!” 😍 I can’t wait to see how many folks get the job of their dreams in 2022…

    Just met up with @vikomex at the Developers Lounge. “KRIS! I saw your interview with @mavi888uy and it was so helpful!” 😍 I can’t wait to see how many folks get the job of their dreams in 2022…

    GUTEN TAG DEUTSCHLAND! Big love to the @AWSCommunityDE 🇩🇪. Met up with @hoegertn and @pgarbe at the Developers Lounge… #awsreinvent

    @lemon_lime Belinda sent me several packs from Oz! ❤️🏳️‍🌈 (I sent her photos tonight and told her they were a hit!)

    @pgarbe Except for that stupid giant beer garden advertisement. 😐

    @HeshamAboElMagd @mavi888uy You can DM me. Can’t promise a swift reply these days but will try!

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    @jennapederson @lynnlangit NOOOOOOOOOOO

    We need it to Las Vegas! Introduced the Snook to @glory_madaya and Rinon. We’re fighting the jet lag… 😴 @ The LINQ

    If you want to find me at #awsreinvent, most of my time will be bouncing between the AWS Community DevLounge in the ExpoHall and the AWS On Air stage/live stream! You can even watch online on Twitter:

    RT @jennapederson: Submit your #SecretIngredient idea to win an iPad Pro during #AWS #reInvent ➡️