Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    TIL a new German idiom: “einen Strich durch die Rechnung machen”. Literally to make a line through the bill (like at a restaurant), but figuratively to put a stop to something (similar to “throw a spanner in the works”).

    RT @MelissaKaulfuss: 🙋‍♀️Come and work with me @buildkite! We’re hiring a Developer Advocate in the Pacific Timezone 🌎 We have so much to w…

    Road tripping in Wales on a wet and foggy day. First stop is a whisky distillery! 🥃 @ Penderyn Distillery Visitor Centre

    It happened in Indiana. Of course. 🙁

    @darkosubotica I remain in deep denial.

    RT @RoaldDahlFans: I made a very special pilgrimage today to Roald Dahl Plass in Cardiff, Wales! I also walked out to the Barrage where I f…

    RT @DataScienceDojo: 💥 A list of MySQL joins types!
    Source: Steve Stedman

    #SQL #DataScience #AI #ML

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    A bracing walk in Wales to start the day before I host a session for #AWSCultureathon 2021 – #AWSCultureChamp and #AWSStartUps jointly present the first-ever global marathon event. Learn more: and see you in 20min on Clubhouse!

    RT @lenadroid: Our team at AWS is looking for a leader to manage a team of specialist advocates focused on AI/ML, Data Engineering, and Dat…

    RT @giulio_mattioli: This is brilliant from German daily Zeit

    “Things you get tax rebates for in Germany:

    🟪 driving a company car
    🟦 dr…

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    Paid a visit to our friend Paddington at the Station before boarding the GWR train to Swansea. (I think I’ve ridden more trains in the past year than I have in all the previous years of my life combined!)

    Current mood: knitting, tea, and bickies in front of the fake fire on a grey and drizzly day in Swansea! 🔥🫖🧶🌧

    @msharp So far Wales looks exactly like I expect Wales to look!

    @msharp Wales feels safer than England. Very few people wearing masks there, despite signs and announcements saying to.

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    Thanks for the smile, Lewis! ❤️ @TfL

    A walk through Kensington Gardens. Near as we can tell, that spot by the Serpentine was our first date, 21.5 years ago. (A picnic, no less!) ❤️

    Good grief. We are meant to do a Covid test on Day 2 after arriving in the UK. Booked an @ExpressTestUK test and picked up in Heathrow, but the app is unusable. Called support and were directed to upload photos of test and passport to a random web form. Ridiculous.

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    Piccadilly Circus at midnight on Saturday night. 😍 @ Piccadilly Circus

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    Heading off on a very special trip! 🛫🇬🇧 @ Munich Airport

    The Leinster Arms. The dart board and-jukebox are gone; there’s craft beer on tap and small plates on the menu. But we’re back in London where it all began… ❤️🇬🇧🍻 @ The Leinster Arms

    @zmarkan Thanks! I lived here a LONG time ago, but last visit was pre-Brexit vote. It’s been a while..,

    Saturday night in the West End with an old friend. ❤️ @ The Nell Gywnn, The Strand

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    RT @RedDMartalArts: Where’s your god now!?!?

    I spent a semester in university abroad in London, and one of my classes was British History. For one of our lectures, our professor just had us watch this episode. Many of us had never seen Blackadder. I remember being pretty stunned at the ending… #RemembranceDay

    RT @hiltzikm: Brilliant take on the fraud that is cryptocurrency: “A world in which Elon Musk can tweet two emojis and your home depreciate…

    I forgot how good The Ship Song is. Now listening to as many different versions as I can find…

    @jennapederson That’s an interesting idea! I just have the IKEA one – I wonder how I could hotwire and do it…

    @memodoring @jennapederson THAT’S THE ONE!

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    @busbub @multi_shine I’m honestly surprised the Snook and I haven’t done that already just for our own amusement!

    @alnothur @_DiningCar Hörnli are very close, I mean, come on! And of course mince isn’t cheese. As the menu states, “Rindfleisch mit Röstzwiebeln, Apfelmus und Sbrinz”. Sbrinz = cheese.

    I’m really excited to finally get to attend AWS #reInvent in Las Vegas this year! I’ll be assisting with a lot of different @AWSonAir sessions, and I also helped out with a very special session in the track…

    BOA302 Build an app to find your next favorite brew! @jennapederson and James Jory will walk you through a fun group project to build an app that provides personalised craft beer recommendations. Yes, really! 🍻

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    @Fiestywenchyone Well done! Very pretty. 🙂

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    @darkosubotica I’m not clicking Like on that, but I’m glad it wasn’t worse for you. ❤️

    We all know the Internet is a series of curly-wurly tubes, right? (As soon as I saw that slide at #herHACK, I knew I was going to have to go down it!) 😂

    @busbub @multi_shine I think of Ben Wyatt every time Spotify plays Letters to Cleo. 😂 A 90’s party at a roller rink would be my DREAM BIRTHDAY.

    Lunch aboard the SBB @_DiningCar for EC193 from Zürich to Munich. Rindsgehacktes und Hörnli – a sort of Swiss Mac & cheese with minced beef, roast onions, and applesauce. I was delighted I could pay with my Swiss francs; everywhere else is contactless!

    @lynnlangit @_DiningCar Yes. Feeling distinctly sleepy after that meal! 😴

    @alnothur @_DiningCar Uh, it has both macaroni and cheese?

    As a Sydneysider, the Swiss train announcer apologising profusely for a 4 minute delay is truly 🤯

    RT @UBSschweiz: Wir freuen uns, dass unser Team «Full Snack Developers» den 2. Platz am gestrigen Female Hackathon belegt hat!🏆 Die Idee, d…

    RT @simplificator: Over the weekend 3 of our colleagues took part in #herHACK Switzerland’s largest female hackathon with over 200 partici…

    @dylanbeattie @GOTOcph Noooooo! That sucks. Get better soon. 🙁

    RT @ultradavid: Pretty weird to have lived long enough to see the internet go from filesharing to NFTs, in other words, from open participa…