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@SupFarn I tend to go overboard with coriander/cilantro and garlic. But you do need a little. Come on! That’s authentic Mexican, that is.

@titus_atticus Well, that was unexpected.

is clearing out the knitting backlog. Stay tuned for a Finished Object report. #fb

has emerged victorious over Evil Lord Tubular Cast-Off. BOOYAH.

@redambition Finally! I thought Italian chef was imaginary. Recorded to watch later. πŸ™‚

Chocolate beetroot cake, soon to have cardamom icing. (I know, weird.) Courtesy of mad baker Snook.

@rainnwilson Hubby has baked chocolate BEET cake, soon w/ cardamom icing. Very Dwight Shrute. Insisted I tell you.

has finished Rusted Root! Redid all cast-offs as tubular, which killed me. Looks very nice though. Will blog with photos tomorrow. #fb

nearly forgot about Daylight Savings. Turn your clocks back, NSW people! #fb

is working on the Knitters Guild website. Folks are finally starting to come on board with this whole Internet thing!

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@knitness Yay! We were going to get it anyway; it was just a question of how and when. Now to decide how to spend it…

Dealing w/ complainers in Ravelry. I’m like Pres Roslin on BSG Season 1, trying to hold group together in the face of Zarek & his minions.

@knitabulous @randomknits And oddly enough, none of them are volunteering to mod! WHO’DA GUESSED.

@runkeeper RK just auto-tweeted the wrong run! Sent the one prior the one I’d finished. (I’ve since deleted.) Recent bug?

@runkeeper Actually, today’s run doesn’t HAVE option to tweet! And map shows distance flags but not actual route. Should I try reupload?

@sharre Was more that people couldn’t be bothered to hit ignore on NSW threads. It’s not like we have so much traffic it’s hard to keep up.

RT @acatinatree RSVP for the first Sydney Social Media Club event here (via @SMCSYD) – I might go to this!

@randomknits You. Are. Unstoppable! Congrats!

@mrs_sockvictim Yikes! So far Peter hasn’t shown much desire to climb up high, thank goodness…

@runkeeper Resending seems to have fixed it, both map shown on phone and Tweet sent from site. Thanks!

2 avocadoes + 1 tomato + 1 clove garlic + 1 lime + ridiculous amount of coriander + salt/pep = heaven. I will never pay for guacamole again.

Possible solution to Twitter/Facebook integration issue: FB app “Selective Twitter Status”! Testing it now. #fb

It worked! Also strips the #fb from the end when it updates. Very nicely done. Now high school FB friends don’t have to hear about #zombies.

@rhagern IS THAT REAL? Holy crap. Details please!

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Overheard discussing job applicant: “honestly, I see a lot of myself in him… & it’s the parts of me that I hate.” Not a good impression.

is wondering if the Swing fad is far enough behind us that I could go see Big Bad Voodoo Daddy without feeling like a total poser.

@AusVintageGrrl I’m thinking more post-Swingers fad of mid-90’s. Just flashing back to bad theater dept parties with that stuff on repeat.

Awww, crap. Just remembered we agreed to babysit on BBVD night.

@alyshajane Hey, I’ll raise my hand! Granted, I’m just a blog friend… πŸ™‚

is celebrating being made permanent employee at work (not just contractor)! Can’t believe how far I’ve come in the past year.

My Lightning Look O’ Shame actually compelled people to move down the bus aisle today! Victory. One step closer to Bitchin’ Old Ladydom…

Anybody have Mac w/ Microsoft Office? Just got bit by this bug: Need someone to open doc & save as PDF for me.

@kellymcmahon I keep reading that as “Ciao Obama,” like it’s some sort of swanky Italian scupture or something.

@witty_knitter Thanks M-H! Emailed.

RT @henrytapia Loving this vid, makes me miss Sydney: (Me too, and I live here!)

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@sharre Idiots at Optus took like a week to port mine. πŸ™

@witty_knitter There are others too. A friend recommended Tweetie. But TwitterFon is free and works well enough. πŸ™‚

@kellymcmahon They made explicit rule after OzTBL 1st season. Chick drank like 4 gallons of water before weigh-in.

just found Greasemoney script that identifies twitter spammers and marketroids. Very useful.

My friend Kate knitted The Stig & entered him in the Easter Show. Seriously.

@alyshajane She actually based it on this free pattern:

On the way to Glebe Point Diner for anniversary dinner. Supposed to be pretty good!

Crispy duck with fig, Brussels sprouts, and barley. SO GOOD.

Best brussels sprouts EVER. Not pictured: crab & chestnut soup. Made my double boxing workout all worthwhile. Great meal on a rainy night!

Will be attending AIMIA Essential Digital PM Skills workshop at end of month. Anybody else going?

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@sharre I LOVE mine, as you might guess. Even the Snook is seriously swayed. And @AusVintageGrrl has given in?! You will be assimilated.

Huzzah! Booked in for Girl Geek Dinner in two weeks w/ @redambition and @AusVintageGrrl.

@acatinatree When in doubt, it’s probably the effing SMH site. HATE IT.

As I said on Ravelry, I can’t even watch the Ped-Egg advert without gagging. IT’S A FOOT GRATER. For some reason that makes my skin crawl.

@randomknits @sharre I’m on $39 + $13 optus too, but it’s gone now. πŸ™ My data usage is way < 200MB. (I have wifi @ home & work tho.)

@acatinatree Still need one? I’ve got a list purportedly from “Verizon/Sybase + assorted sources”. Can email to you if you like.

@randomknits Pretty sure. Rodd was interested but they pulled it 2 weeks after I got it. I think $59 is lowest Optus now. Will check.

@randomknits Yep, gone. No more plain Yes plans. Just Timeless and Cap for loads more. πŸ™

@randomknits Rodd’s plan is to buy one outright, unlock it, and get a cheap plan with decent data. He’s with Exetel; he thinks it’ll work.

Sometimes supporting your wife is making her go to boxing when she’d give anything not to. Because she’ll be glad she went afterwards.

RT @acatinatree @markpollard: Free Twitter session in The Rocks, Syd Thurs 23 April

hates this weather. There’s nothing worse than being steamy bus in the pouring rain, getting dripped on by brollies and roof and wet people.

@witty_knitter You’ve got iPhone, right? I use TwitterFon (free from App Store). But no, we have no SMS support in Oz (yet).

Shared today on Twitter

is relishing a sunny Fall day in Woolloomooloo.

is enjoying the chaos. Power just went out all over Sydney CBD. What the heck’s happening? Just walked down 10 flights to get out.

wonders why traffic lights are out on George & William but not around the park? Something to do with train stations? #blackout #sydney

@wookie_man And I hope you didn’t drive. Streets are insane. Fire trucks everywhere and lights are out.

is amused by #sydney #blackout tweets. No #zombies spotted yet. Saw lots of fire trucks in city but no smoke yet. 3G is spotty.

has made it past Central. Power seems to be okay here. Still no #zombies sighted, but smelly Newts make it hard to tell. #blackout #sydney

RT @JennifARGH: New show on Ten; Bondi Zombie. #sydney #blackout #zombies

just visited new giant Harris Farm. (Power is on.) More everything + breads + meat! No #zombies. #sydney #blackout

@venks79 Fun, isn’t it? Best excuse for Twitter, I think.

is finally at home with provisions and POWER! Now to fortify doors and improvise #zombie decapitating device. #sydney #blackout

can confirm that Chippo has power and Internets. Suck it, Glebe! #sydney #blackout

has just realized that all of these silly #zombie tweets are going straight to Facebook. Maybe I should turn that off.

@randomknits Me too. Yet my inner 3-year-old also thinks she wears pretty, pretty dresses.

RT @jannism: Skype for iphone ready tomorrow Holy crap! I may have to finally pay for Skype credits. 2c/min to US!

Gearing up for a run outside. In the dark. (Come on, Daylight Savings…)

Listening to the rain. Run postponed. I’m hardcore, but not that hardcore.

@virtual4now A steady rain I could do, but this is turning full on and off like a faucet. I’ll do boxing today instead.

Just installed Skype for iPhone and successfully tried it out. Hey family, you can call me for free at work/home now!

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is trying to get Joomla extension to recognize PEAR SOAP package & failing miserably. FRUSTRATION.

is going out for a much-needed run.

Just completed a 6.12 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper

@mrs_sockvictim Way to go! Go the Creaky Knees! πŸ™‚

@mrs_sockvictim Did the battery die? You can have mine; it’s still got plenty of juice.

@redambition Happy late birthday! πŸ™‚

RT @chrisgander: just heard our smash-hit Mobile X-Ray Scanner application was mentioned on ROVE last night…. Did anyone catch it?

is wishing the Snook good luck on his first day at #geekdom!

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is starting second half of marathon meeting, fortified with tea. I’ve run out of yarn tho, so it’ll be more tweeting & less knitting.

is losing the will to live. Let’s wind it up, ladies! Brain dribbling out my ears…

is finally relaxing on the couch with some yummy stew and fresh bread. Loooong day. Jumper turned out great tho:

is twittering in the dark. I wish the only candles we have didn’t have competing scents. #earthhour #sydney

@crumpet Same here! I looooove changing the sheets. I swear I sleep better.

@ljc Hold up. There exists a clothes dryer that finished a load in 15 minutes?? Does it require rocket fuel or something?!

@randomknits You’re the knitting juggernaut of 2009. I’m just glad you didn’t enter an Aran too! Congrats… πŸ™‚

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@randomknits Woot! Na Craga is blocking at home as we speak. Did you spot any worthy competitors on the tables?

@wookie_man Some random chicks: You only just missed out though!

@kellymcmahon You forgot to add: “Also, I’m in love with her.”

is lamenting that my blog seems to be momentarily borked. Will give the host a few more minutes before blasting off a support ticket.

is a fan of Quadrahosting, really, but I’m getting sick of support msgs that assume I’m a complete dumbass. THE SITE IS DOWN FOR A REASON.

@knitness I told you it was an addiction! Socks are like the crystal meth of the knitting world.

@acatinatree Well, you’ll have one more newbie on Monday, finally! Although if you can get him to sign up to Twitter, I’ll eat my hat. πŸ™‚

is happy that my site is back up. Enquiring minds need to know the potential perils of not shampooing and the merits of pet goats.

is drinking beer and contemplating which Guitar Hero song to perform. Friday arvos rock.

@randomknits @knitabulous Seriously? An all chick rock band is a personal dream of mine. I claim bass or vocals.

is relieved that both of my fears were unrealized. Na Craga is nearly dry and ready to be delivered. And my hangover is manageable. WIN.

is at first meeting of new Guild Exec meeting. Trying to keep my head down and avoid drama!

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RT @balsamiq Good article about prototyping tools from #AdaptivePath: (I didn’t realize there were so many!)

likes to mock Dave Matthew Band nowadays, but when it pops up on iTunes randomly, I don’t turn it off. It’s totally 1997 in my head!

@knitabulous Remember to keep your eyes peeled when you walk your stuff to the table & let me know if you spot any serious Aran competish!

@realtimshady I once read the whole thing IN ONE NIGHT trying to make deadline for a paper in college. I couldn’t see straight the next day.

@mrs_sockvictim Me too. Trying out a new recipe. If it works, you may want it yourself! (Lamb, carrot, and barley stew.)

wonders why I never notice all the white cat hair on my black T-shirt until I step out the front door.