Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    @094459 Is that an airplane pillow???

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    @lynnlangit Are you specifically looking for a house that looks like it was created in Minecraft?

    @charis @HarbourFrontHK @NicMakesStuff I’m so glad to see this group happening! Wish I could visit again. 🙂

    This looks supremely useful! Thanks @codepo8 for sharing…

    One day @KimDealMusic and @kelleydeal from @thebreeders came into the craft store I worked at in Sydney and we sold them a lot of knitting wool and embroidery supplies and they were both just lovely.

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    @hannahcancode Somehow the Snook and I have ended up with like six lists across both Shopping and Keep. 🤷‍♀️

    RT @t1agoB: Next week I will be at #websummit2021 🎉
    It’s been a while since I last joined and my first time representing AWS.

    Drop by the…

    RT @Vel12171: Starting a new journey is scary yet very exciting. I absolutely love speaking to those who are starting new journeys on AWS -…

    @dtraub But are you going to wear the 🦄 again???

    RT @dtraub: It’s GameDay again! I’ll be there, will you? 😀

    RT @briancgrubb: i guess my biggest issue with Dune is that every time i see Jason Momoa i think “hey that guy is married to Lisa Bonet” an…

    RT @charlesv: A while ago I went looking for a sardine advent calendar and couldn’t find one. So, I made it:

    I present to you the 2021 Sar…

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    @afilina Servus! How long are you here? I could get a beer today or tomorrow!

    RT @fMRI_guy: Living in the US: “Let’s just drop by, I’m sure they’re open”

    Living in Germany:

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    Knitting with Kris – I’m up to the neckline on the cabled vest. Not much farther to go! 🧶

    Riding through the Englischer Garten to check out the leaves… 🍻🥨🍁🍂 (2021 Biergarten count: 19!) @ Chinesischer Turm

    @HeartOfPluto_ Awesome!! @Paul_Bone mentioned on chat during my knitting Twitch stream this morning so it turned into a meeting of your fan club. 😂❤️

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    Good gravy. Anybody know which bridge this is? I’m guessing Munich area. That’s over the Isar, right? (I GASPED.)

    @steve_evil Ahhhhhh. That makes sense, so not the guy who tweeted it and perhaps not in Munich at all!

    @dirk_f5r Yeah, somebody else pointed me to Vittorio Brumotti, who appears to do this type of thing all over the place. So unlikely to be in Munich as I thought!

    @emd3737 LOOOOL – sent to @the_snook just now.

    RT @emd3737: I finally read the analysys of travel-associated health risks in James Bond films that has been making the rounds. It is very…

    Blog post: A Trip to Freiburg im Breisgau. I’m slowly working through my backlog of travel posts from this summer, and this one was from a weekend excursion in July with our friend @Carrot361!

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    @MichelePlayfair A LITTLE WARNING NEXT TIME MICHELE. Good lord… my eyes!

    Mr. Snook has the day off, so he made homemade English-style gingerbread! It’s SO GOOD. ❤️

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    The AWS Community Day Germany, Austria, and Switzerland has just started on YouTube! Track 1 is auf Deutsch; Track 2 is in English. Thanks to all of these amazing folks for making it happen! 🇩🇪🇦🇹🇨🇭@AWSCommunityDE

    @AWSCommunityDE AWS Community Days like this couldn’t happen without the support of sponsors. Many thanks to the wonderful companies who have helped with both the virtual and in-person parts of this event.

    Really happy to see @OlenaKutsenko presenting about OpenSearch as part of #AWSCommunityDayDACH! (But damn, her code is making me hungry…) 😂 @AWSCommunityDE

    I have been absolutely loving @harvilla’s “60 Songs That Explain the 90s” podcast with only one exception: the R.E.M. episode! Every other ep gets a superfan special guest, but we got a hater. My inner overly dramatic 16yo self was CRUSHED.

    @kcm74 @harvilla All the eps are good. It’s not @harvilla I object to – I love his writing. It was just the guest who hated them!

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    Guess who is about to give her first in-person presentation since Covid?!

    RT @tprstly: J.R.R. Token

    @thebeebs Phew! I’ll be coasting on that adrenaline for the next day or two. 😅

    Phew, thanks for the well-wishes! That went really well. Only 20 people due to facilities limits, but wow, I’m still high on the adrenaline. 😅

    @JessPWhite Thank you! One of the advantages of living in a place with proper autumn and winter is actually getting to wear the things I knit. 😂

    The Föhn is on! It’s a warm, dry wind from the mountains and it’s resulted in a warm, sunny Autumn day. We’re taking advantage by having lunch on the garden while we can… ❤️🍂🍁 @ Theresienhöhe

    The German AWS Community Game Day is happening, and I have to say, the commentary team are all looking ADORABLE! ❤️🦄 @AWSCommunityDE @dtraub @linda_mhmd @andreas_ruetten

    @Joanwestenberg Thank you. I am trying to capture the good moments, because I’m sure we will be having a spell of grey, rainy, cold weather soon and I will be missing Australia something fierce. ❤️

    @vuyo_mhlotshane I DMed you! 🙂

    Herzlichen Glüchwünsch to the winning team from @MOIAmobility for the first ever AWS DACH Community Game Day! They scored more than 200K points, a massive victory! 😳🦄 @AWSCommunityDE

    And also a massive thank you to the wonderful support team who helped out behind the scenes making sure the whole Game Day ran smoothly. Well done to all of you! It wouldn’t have happened without your amazing efforts. 👏 @AWSCommunityDE

    @brittanieshey I’ll admit to a fondness for vinyl diner booths, but I’m with you 100% on all the rest.

    Trying to convince the Snook that we should go to the Bavarian Film Studios’ Halloween exhibit, which is delightfully called “Spooky Tour.” SPOOKY TOUR. How cute is that?! 🎃🦇🧛‍♂️🧟‍♂️

    @DivineOps Winning on all counts!

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    @stephenlead Ha! I saw that last night and had a laugh. Nope. 😂

    RT @MFWitches: Retweet if you

    @MichelePlayfair @mmastertheone I use it too! Our kitchen iPad is really old though so I’m on an ancient version. It’s still super useful, but maybe I should look at upgrading… 🤔

    “Oh, I follow you on Twitter!” is definitely the funnest way to meet a new colleague. 😂 *waves at @MP_Dominguez*

    @MP_Dominguez Meh, same same. Selfie time!!

    Me, listening attentively to an educational lecture about the best SEO techniques to apply to your content so it shows up for the people who need it: “Yes, hmm, very interesting.” 🤔

    @dtraub: “Your best tweet was about three meters of salami.” 😂

    @larsklint @damovisa @Raspberry_Pi @LEGO_Education I’m disappointed. I was expecting something to actually go on your head.

    My friend @unlikelylibrary: “Do you know the term ‘shipping’? I’m shipping this team on a baking show…”


    It is. #bakingimpossible

    @unlikelylibrary Dear @netflix – I would 100% watch a show where Cindy and Taylor just make ridiculous things.

    @Malarkey I use it for two of my sites, after I outgrew the homegrown CMS I started with. I had been hesitant, but @johnallsopp gave me some good advice about it. I actually quite like it, and it lets me focus on the stuff I care about.

    @toolmantim Nice one!! 👏

    @TheRealBnut Yes. I googled them tonight and now I do as well. 🙁

    @TheRealBnut But I still think they make a fun team and I dig their creativity and their kind vibe. Would still watch them in a show. 🙂

    @TheRealBnut Renee lost me when she forgot to steer the boat. Nope, sorry.

    RT @buildkite: 📣⏩ Announcing UnblockConf 21! A new three day virtual developer conference for teams implementing CI/CD at scale. Hear talks…